For Her Protection

For Her Protection
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Didn't begin to describe agent Luke Gianetti's day. A drug bust gone dangerously bad and a bullet in his butt had sent him running for his life…and into the arms of Jillian Moseby, the sister of his prime suspect. Then he was forced to flee the scene with Jillian, her nephews and baby niece in tow. Now his only hope to see justice done was to keep his new charges safe long enough for Jillian to testify against her sister's murderer–the same drug dealer Luke had been investigating.But sharing tight quarters with the secretive, beautiful Brit–who suddenly had morphed from a royal pain into a sultry seductress–had shattered Luke's resolve to simply guard her. How was Luke supposed to protect her, when all he could think about were their nights of stolen passion?


Lauren Giordano. For Her Protection

“Haven’t you ever done anything rash?” Jillian asked in mock exasperation

For Her Protection. Lauren Giordano



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Отрывок из книги

“No. I’m not a ‘rash’ kind of guy,” Luke said. “In my line of work, ‘rash’ equates to dead. The reason I’ve lived this long is because I play out every scenario…and when all else fails, I trust my gut.”

“But your gut may not always be right—”


He hobbled into the bathroom and swallowed three more Tylenol. Anything to take the edge off the throbbing pain. The bleeding had stopped, but the bullet was still in there. Had been in there for more than twelve hours now. It had to come out or he’d be in worse trouble. Soon he’d be forced to ask the harried-looking English chick for help. Oh, how he dreaded it.

He limped back out to the main room. Had they been the best of friends or a tight-knit little family, the motel room would’ve been much too small for the five of them. But they were virtual strangers. The room felt like a closet. He glanced over at Jillian. She was trying to soothe the baby, but her awkward, rocking motions seemed to be jarring Sarah rather than calming her.


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