Your Literacy Standards Companion, Grades 3-5

Your Literacy Standards Companion, Grades 3-5
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Standards-based learning just got a lot easier This new version of the Common Core Companion provides a Smart Chart Index for all states implementing state-specific ELA standards. This index allows you to see in an instant which of your standards are the same as CCSS, which differ and how—and which page number to turn to for standards-based teaching ideas.  Beyond that? It’s the same great go-to guide for implementing the standards, translating each and every standard for reading, writing, speaking and listening, language, and foundational skills into the day-to-day “what you do.”


Leslie Blauman. Your Literacy Standards Companion, Grades 3-5

Your Literacy Standards Companion, Grades 3–5



Introduction: Turning Standards Into Daily Teaching

A Brief Orientation to Your Literacy Standards Companion, Grades 3–5

How to Use This Book


Key Principles and Additional Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners 3–5

Focus on Acquisition

Consider the Five Stages

Understand the Needs of Long-Term ELLs

Offer Collaborative Activities

Check the Clarity of Your Lessons

Speak Clearly and at an Appropriate Pace

Attune Your Teaching and Learning Expectations to the Stages of Language Acquisition

The Five Stages of Language Acquisition: What to Expect of Students


Quick Reference: Common Core State Standards, K–12 English Language Arts. Reading. Key Ideas and Details

Craft and Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Writing. Text Types and Purposes*

Production and Distribution of Writing

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Range of Writing

Speaking and Listening. Comprehension and Collaboration

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Language. Conventions of Standard English

Knowledge of Language

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Indexes Cross-Referencing Your State Standards

Alaska, Grade 3

Alaska, Grade 4

Alaska, Grade 5

Arizona, Grade 3

Arizona, Grade 4

Arizona, Grade 5

Arkansas, Grade 3

Arkansas, Grade 4

Arkansas, Grade 5

Colorado, Grade 3

Colorado, Grade 4

Colorado, Grade 5

Florida, Grade 3

Florida, Grade 4

Florida, Grade 5

Georgia, Grade 3

Georgia, Grade 4

Georgia, Grade 5

Indiana, Grade 3

Indiana, Grade 4

Indiana, Grade 5

Iowa, Grade 3

Iowa, Grade 4

Iowa, Grade 5

Kansas, Grade 3

Kansas, Grade 4

Kansas, Grade 5

Louisiana, Grade 3

Louisiana, Grade 4

Louisiana, Grade 5

Maryland, Grade 3

Maryland, Grade 4

Maryland, Grade 5

Minnesota, Grade 3

Minnesota, Grade 4

Minnesota, Grade 5

Mississippi, Grade 3

Mississippi, Grade 4

Mississippi, Grade 5

Missouri, Grade 3

Missouri, Grade 4

Missouri, Grade 5

Nebraska, Grade 3

Nebraska, Grade 4

Nebraska, Grade 5

New Jersey, Grade 3

New Jersey, Grade 4

New Jersey, Grade 5

Oklahoma, Grade 3

Oklahoma, Grade 4

Oklahoma, Grade 5

Pennsylvania, Grade 3

Pennsylvania, Grade 4

Pennsylvania, Grade 5

South Carolina, Grade 3

South Carolina, Grade 4

South Carolina, Grade 5

Tennessee, Grade 3

Tennessee, Grade 4

Tennessee, Grade 5

Utah, Grade 3

Utah, Grade 4

Utah, Grade 5

Virginia, Grade 3

Virginia, Grade 4

Virginia, Grade 5

West Virginia, Grade 3

West Virginia, Grade 4

West Virginia, Grade 5

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading K–12

Key Ideas and Details

Craft and Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Note on Range and Content of Student Reading

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading K–12

Key Ideas and Details

Craft and Structure

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Key Ideas and Details. Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Key Ideas and Details


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 1: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 1: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 1: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Key Ideas and Details


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 2: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 2: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 2: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases

Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Key Ideas and Details


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 3: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 3: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 3: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Craft and Structure. Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Craft and Structure


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 4: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 4: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 4: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Craft and Structure


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 5: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 5: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 5: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases

Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Craft and Structure


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 6: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 6: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 6: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas. Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 7: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 7: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 7: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 8: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 8: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 8: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 9: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 9: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 9: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity. Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standards: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity


Informational Text

Grades 3–5 Common Core Reading Standard 10: What the Student Does. Literature

Informational Text

Common Core Reading Standard 10: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Reading Standard 10: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing K–12

Text Types and Purposes*

Production and Distribution of Writing

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Range of Writing

Note on Range and Content of Student Writing

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing K–12

Text Types and Purposes*

Production and Distribution of Writing

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Range of Writing

Text Types and Purposes. Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Text Types and Purposes*

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 1: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 1: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 1: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Text Types and Purposes*

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 2: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 2: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 2: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Text Types and Purposes*

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 3: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 3: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 3: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Production and Distribution of Writing. Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Production and Distribution of Writing

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 4: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 4: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 4: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Production and Distribution of Writing

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 5: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 5: What the Teacher Does


Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 5: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases

Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Production and Distribution of Writing

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 6: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 6: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 6: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Research to Build and Present Knowledge. Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 7: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 7: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 7: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 8: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 8: What the Teacher Does


Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 8: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 9: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 9: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 9: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Range of Writing. Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standards: Range of Writing

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Writing Standard 10: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Writing Standard 10: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Writing Standard 10: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening K–12

Comprehension and Collaboration

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Note on Range and Content of Student Speaking and Listening

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening K–12

Comprehension and Collaboration

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

Comprehension and Collaboration. Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 1: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 1: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 1: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 2: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 2: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 2: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 3: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 3: What the Teacher Does


Preparing to Teach

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 3: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas. Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 4: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 4: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 4: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 5: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 5: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 5: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 6: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 6: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standard 6: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language K–12

Conventions of Standard English

Knowledge of Language

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Note on Range and Content of Student Language Use

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language K–12

Conventions of Standard English

Knowledge of Language

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Conventions of Standard English. Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standards: Conventions of Standard English

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standard 1: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Language Standard 1: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Language Standard 1: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases

Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standards: Conventions of Standard English

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standard 2: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Language Standard 2: What the Teacher Does


Preparing to Teach

Common Core Language Standard 2: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Knowledge of Language. Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standards: Knowledge of Language

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standard 3: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Language Standard 3: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Language Standard 3: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use. Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standard 4: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Language Standard 4: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Common Core Language Standard 4: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standard 5: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Language Standard 5: What the Teacher Does


Preparing to Teach

Common Core Language Standard 5: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standards: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Common Core Language Standard 6: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Common Core Language Standard 6: What the Teacher Does


Preparing to Teach

Common Core Language Standard 6: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K–5

Print Concepts

Phonological Awareness

Phonics and Word Recognition


College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K–5

Print Concepts

Phonological Awareness

Phonics and Word Recognition


Phonics and Word Recognition. Grades 3–5 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills: Phonics and Word Recognition

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills Standard 3: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Reading: Foundational Skills Standard 3: What the Teacher Does


Preparing to Teach

Reading: Foundational Skills Standard: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Fluency. Grades 3–5 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills: Fluency

English Language Arts

Grades 3–5 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills Standard 4: What the Student Does. English Language Arts

Reading: Foundational Skills Standard 4: What the Teacher Does

Preparing to Teach

Reading: Foundational Skills Standard 4: Academic Vocabulary: Key Words and Phrases


Planning to Teach

Resources. Resource A: Common Core Recommended Reading Lists

Official Common Core State Standards 3–5 Text Exemplars. Grades 2–3 Text Exemplars. Stories


Read-Aloud Stories

Read-Aloud Poetry

Informational Texts

Read-Aloud Informational Texts

Grades 4–5 Text Exemplars. Stories


Informational Texts

Resource B: Text Complexity Tool

Resource C: Planning Calendar Templates

Teacher Notes

Отрывок из книги

What They Mean and How to Teach Them

With an all too keen sense of my own limited time, I began to create a version of the Common Core State Standards that better met my needs, one I could keep by my side and reference quickly when planning, writing, or participating in meetings related to the Common Core standards. When teachers saw it, they wanted their own copies, and the result was The Common Core Companion—one for grades 6–8 and another for 9–12, which were both published in 2013.


The image was sent by a friend of mine as I was working on the final section of this book, with a brief note, “The silhouetted hands made me think of students leaning in with raised hands. With the standards, aren’t all students supposed to be thinking and participating?”

Bingo. I had my metaphor. The standards and in turn the suggestions in this book are a mere outline of how you might begin. The book allows you to color, contour, and add texture to the teaching and learning that I charcoal-outlined in these pages.


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