Political Repression

Political Repression
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The world seems to have reached agreement on a set of ideals regarding state human rights behavior and the appropriate institutions to promote and protect those ideals. The global script for state legitimacy calls for a written constitution or the equivalent with an embedded bill of rights, democratic processes and institutions, and increasingly, a judicial check on state power to protect human rights. While the progress toward universal formal adherence to this global model is remarkable, Linda Camp Keith argues that the substantive meaning of this progress is much less clear. In Political Repression , she seeks to answer two key questions: Why do states make formal commitments to democratic processes and human rights? What effect do these commitments have on actual state behavior, especially political repression? The book begins with a thorough exploration of a variety of tools of state repression and presents evidence for substantial formal acceptance of international human rights norms in constitutional documents as well as judicial independence. Keith finds that these institutions reflect the diffusion of global norms and standards, the role of transnational networks of nongovernmental organizations, and an electoral logic in which regimes seek to protect their future interests. Economic liberalism, on the other hand, decreases the likelihood that states adopt or maintain these provisions. She demonstrates that the level of judicial independence is influenced by constitutional structures and that levels of judicial independence subsequently achieved in turn diminish the probability of state repression of a variety of rights. She also finds strong evidence that rights provisions may indeed serve as a constraint on state repression, even when controlling for many other factors.


Linda Camp Keith. Political Repression

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Political Repression

Bert B. Lockwood, Jr., Series Editor


Political scientists have created a significant body of research examining both domestic and international influences on political repression. In the past couple of decades we have seen the creation and dissemination of large cross-national data sets that encompass all countries and increasingly longer periods. Over time, both our measurements and statistical methodologies have improved substantially. The majority of large-N cross-national studies of state repression have typically focused on explanatory factors that are primarily domestic. These factors largely reflect rational actor assumptions, and they capture both agent (regime) and environment dimensions (domestic threat and opposition and socioeconomic conditions). As Davenport and Armstrong (2004) note, over time a “standard” model has emerged in the repression literature (Poe and Tate 1994; Poe, Tate, and Keith 1999 and citations therein). The standard model has typically included measures of domestic threats or opposition, regime type (democracy, autocracy, military, and leftist), and socioeconomic conditions (economic development, population, and colonial legacy). These influences represent the most consistently studied expectations in the cross-national literature. Some of these factors have proven to be more significant than others in empirical analyses. I discuss these findings in the section that follows. Each of the eight conditions in this standard model represents the domestic context or environment of the state, with one exception (international war, which is a part of the broader state concern with threats to the regime). This context either creates or constrains the regime’s opportunities to repress or affects the regime’s decision-making calculation of the advantage or disadvantage to exercising repressive tools as a means to achieve its policy goals. The body of empirical work has gradually expanded beyond domestic influences to examine a variety of international or transnational influences, including bilateral aid, multilateral lending programs, international treaty regimes, trade relations, and foreign investment. In this section I seek to identify the most important factors that have been shown to constrain or facilitate a state’s choice to employ the tool of repression, while at the same time identifying some of the weaknesses that still limit our understanding of such behavior. I discuss domestic influences first, then the international or transnational influences, noting, of course, that increasingly these contexts are difficult to separate from each other.

Domestic Influences


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