Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying

Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying
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The two greatest fears that human beings possess are the fears of aging and dying &ndash; and that is exactly what holds you in the grip of the process of aging and dying. <br><br>This book helps you to realize that every fear you have is illusory. When you move beyond the five senses, you can see these illusions for yourself. <br><br>If you choose to follow the suggestions offered by the Ascended Master St. Germain and heal your fears, you will move into a greater awareness of the only true reality there is: that all is Light &ndash; and that includes you. <br><br>Our world is changing very rapidly. We show you how to open yourself to a new world in which health and well-being are the natural order of existence. We invite you to join us on a journey to a new paradigm, a life-giving and rejuvenating paradigm that is free from all fear. This is possible now.<br><br>CONTENTS<br><br>Chapter 1: How Homo Sapiens Created Aging and Dying <br>Chapter 2: A New Day <br>Chapter 3: A New Way of Being <br>Chapter 4: You Have Begun <br>Chapter 5: Have You Had Enough? <br>Chapter 6: What Is This New Way of Being? <br>Chapter 7: How Will Life be for Me if There is No Death? <br>Chapter 8: Abundance Comes in Many Forms <br>Chapter 9: Break Free of the Illusions <br>Chapter 10: Release All Expectations <br>Chapter 11: Toward Healing, Growth, and Expansion <br>Appendix<br>The Ascended Masters Newsletters <br>Books by the Authors <br>How to Order Books


Linda LLC Stein-Luthke. Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying

Aging and Dying. A Discourse from the


Foreword by St. Germain

About the Authors

Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying

Appendix. The Ascended Masters Newsletters

Mindfulness or Mindlessness: The Choice is Yours

Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing

Books by the Authors

How to Order

Отрывок из книги

Dispelling the Illusions of

I had gone to California to care for my sister after she had surgery. That afternoon, I took time off to enjoy the ocean and the spectacular scenery. On my way down to the beach, I had an unfortunate encounter with a squirrel. The creature dashed across the road in front of me and ran right under the wheels of my car. To my knowledge, I’ve never run over an animal before, and I was horrified at what had just happened.


I wanted to know whether there was more I should do for this beautiful creature, and the answer came to leave it as it was, to become part of the natural system of life near the beach. Other creatures would consume its flesh, but it would feel no pain from this experience; it was happy to give its form so that other forms could live.

This information amazed me, for we are accustomed to think so differently about such matters. This small animal kept showing me that all life forms flow into one another in perfect order and that we need not feel guilty for the order of life as we know it now. Certainly, we have been instructed by the beings of Light to honor and nurture all that has been created and to rejoice in its beauty. But when life changes form, we can let it go and know that the Light flowing through all of us survives eternally.


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