21st Century Secrets to Effective PR

21st Century Secrets to Effective PR
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Описание книги

The internet has made the possibility of sharing information about others and their products and services more readily available at significantly less cost than any other form of media exposure. <br><br>Today&#39;s PR, though, is different from the PR of years gone by. Today, it&#39;s not only about getting reporters, and other gatekeepers, to cover your story. Today, there are new channels for gaining public exposure &ndash; through social media, through blogging, through content creation and curation &ndash; all of which serves to boost thought leadership status for yourself or your organization.<br><br>Traditional advertising, while diminishing in value, is still important and still has the power to influence if done effectively. Public relations is gaining in impact because of the ability to leverage online communities and social media outlets to spread the word in ways that capitalize on personal and word-of-mouth recommendations that can be positively affected through online PR efforts.<br><br>This book offers advice and expertise based on experience on both sides of the PR equation &ndash; from the standpoint of business journalists who often receive pitches or responses to queries from those seeking media exposure, and from the standpoint of a consulting firm that works to gain positive media exposure for our clients.


Linda Pophal. 21st Century Secrets to Effective PR


Decline of Traditional News Media Holds Opportunity

The Power of PR Messaging

The Power of Word-of-Mouth

How Social Media is Changing Advertising and PR

The Blurred Lines Among PR, Marketing, Advertising and the Like

Big Benefits for Even Very Small Businesses


Creating a Media Outreach Plan

They Call It Public RELATIONS for a Reason

It’s Not About YOU. It’s About Them!

How to Connect With the Media

Through Twitter and Other Social Channels

Through Email Pitches

Editorial Calendars


Using HARO (Help a Reporter Out) and ProfNet

The Importance of Visuals

5 Reasons the Media Isn’t Picking Up Your Stories

Acing the Interview

News Releases: Who Needs Them?

Tips and Best Practices

Big Blunders and How to Avoid Them


Building Your Expert Status Through Strategic Communications

Establishing Yourself as a Thought Leader

Best Practices for Becoming a Thought Leader

Building Thought Leadership Through Blogging

Measuring Results

Opportunities for Contributed Content

The Basics

How To Do It

Leveraging Your Contributed Content for Maximum Awareness


Publishing on LinkedIn

Influencer Marketing


A Cautionary Tale

Anticipating, and Preparing For, Bad Publicity

A Formula for Dealing With Negative Publicity

Respond Quickly

Be Up Front

Remedy and Move On

Preparing for a Social Media Crisis



BONUS FEATURE: PR Experts Weigh in on 21st Century PR Practices

Peter Baron – Carabiner Communications

Tami Belt – Blue Cube Marketing Solutions

Bob Geller – Fusion PR

Bev Jedynak – Bevlyn Consulting

Sarah Johnson – Fit Small Business

Jackie Jones - TruthPR

Katie Kern – Media Frenzy Global

Sabrina Kidwai – ASAE

Kimberly Lancaster – Caster Communications

Tim O’Brien – O’Brien Communications

Sean O’Leary – Merritt Group

Rob Pasquinucci – Intrinzic

Отрывок из книги

There’s a lot of buzz these days about “fake news” and the diminishing value of the traditional news media. And, as President Trump and others have so clearly demonstrated, we all have the potential now to be our own newsmakers — we can reach audiences directly through social media and other online channels. Gatekeepers who buy ink by the barrel and control the airwaves no longer hamper our ability to get our messages out to the masses.

Or do they?


•If yes, what can/should I be doing to encourage and increase WOM?

•If not, should I be spending any more time/money promoting my product/service when the outcome might actually mean I'm spending money to generate more negative word-of-mouth?


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