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Linda Vera Roethlisberger
Like everything that exists, “I” and “self” are ultimately energy and vibration, not only from a spiritual but a quantum physical point of view as well. Vibration, for its part, becomes sound when ordered. This may sound abstract.
Joachim-Ernst Berendt, who had started studying physics during the Second World War and later worked as a producer for the German radio and television channel Südwestfunk, created a vivid image that can serve us in pursuing the question of who we are with his book Nada Brahma – Die Welt ist Klang (The World Is Sound, Nada Brahma). Let us imagine, for a moment, the universe as sound, and the individual as a manifestation of the universe. Each one of us is then a voice that vibrates and resonates within this acoustic universe. To make it even more vivid, let us imagine that we are an orchestra musician. The more precisely we tune our instrument, the better we play and understand the music, the more we engage with the piece, and the more we contribute to the harmony of creation. Every note we play is significant, is part of the whole, which in turn feeds on us.