Linda Taylor. The Truth In Your Heart
The Truth In Your Heart. What Is Your Heart Saying To You? Linda Taylor
Your Revelation Awaits
Our Meeting Is Not By Chance
My Heart Speaks and So Does Yours
Pulse Check: What Is Your Heart Saying To You?
The Pull of Passion
Pulse Check: What Are You Passionate About?
The Power in Your Past
Pulse Check: Lessons Learned
The Heartbeat of A Dream
Pulse Check: What Do Your Dream Of?
It Is Time To Make A Move
Purposeful Directed Action
Pulse Check: What Are Your Goals?
Pulse Check: What is Your Plan of Action?
Build Your Dream Team
Pulse Check: Who Is On Your Team?
Physical,Mental and Spiritual Balance
Pulse Check: Life Balance Wheel
Pulse Check: Life Balance Wheel
Self Evaluation
Challenges in Disguise
Pulse Check: The Blockage
The Power Of The Mind
Pulse Check: What Is Your State Of Mind?
Your Heart Has Spoken
Pulse Check: What Did You Hear?
Heart To Heart
The Dreamer’s Message to the World
About the Author
Let’s Stay Connected
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This book is dedicated to my dear mother and my inspiration, my Ray of Hope, Jneather ‘Jenny’ Ray. Mother, although you are now an Angel in heaven with our heavenly Father, I know you are sending down your blessings for this dream I have embraced. I think of you daily, and even still, you inspire me to challenge my potential, to believe in the impossible, and to work as if I cannot fail. It is because of your life and the example you set that I can be certain that my circumstances do not have to define me - they will not define me. And, through Christ, I know that I am more than a conqueror! Because of your love that is instilled in me, I am assured that my tomorrow will be brighter than my yesterday. You are my hope today. You are my joy forever.
- Love your baby girl
I had a choice to either listen to what was being revealed to me, or, I could continue to live my life unconsciously. For a very long time, too long, I chose to ignore the symptoms that I was living a life that was incomplete and not for me. I was in denial.
As I look back, there were moments when my heart beat with a special kind of peace. I would eventually learn that the people, the situations and the experiences in my life were there to teach me who I was and who I was not. When I was able to help other people advance their learning and find that one thing that makes them shine, I found true contentment. When I had the opportunity to take part in new projects that stretched my abilities, I was motivated. I loved the challenge! The level of joy that rose up in me when I was working to develop other people was almost palpable.