Better Aged Care Professionals Ask Better Questions

Better Aged Care Professionals Ask Better Questions
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

The Person-Centred Approach Made Easy!<br><br>Learn how to enable your clients by using this simple-to-apply questioning technique that gets amazing results!<br><br>Aged Care Professionals typically do too much TELLING and not enough ASKING! . . . . . . and this is widely recognised as being one of the biggest inhibitors of &#39;enabling&#39; our aged population to make their own choices on how they want to live within their community.<br><br>At Better Questions we are passionate about educating Aged Care Professionals to have more &#39;person-centred conversations&#39; with their clients by recognising when and how to ask (the right) questions as opposed to advice-giving or telling.<br><br>This &#39;easy read&#39; book will help you recognise unconscious patterns of advice-giving and telling that may not be the best response for your clients and will inspire you to build the skill of asking Better Questions and bring out their potential.<br><br>Featuring real case studies, this informative and inspirational book is the &#39;must have&#39; handbook for all Assessment Officers, Case Managers, Nurses, Care Workers and all providers of professional services in aged care.<br><br>Some comments from Aged Care Professionals who have used Better Questions:<br><br>&quot;I put the brakes on telling and started asking better questions.&quot;<br>Assessment Officer<br><br>&quot;I reminded myself not to get sucked into keep giving advice and fixing things.&quot; <br>Community Nurse<br><br>&quot;It was truly wonderful to hear the clients express their aspirations . . . it was divine.&quot; <br>Health Professional<br><br>&quot;It truly is inspiring to watch people come to their own decisions, thoughts and choices.&quot; <br>Care Worker<br><br>Start reading today and learn our tried and tested, easy-to-follow Better Questions framework that has the power to change your clients&#39; lives (and your life!) in ways you may never have thought possible!<br><br>POTENTIALISER &ndash; po&Acirc;&#183;ten&Acirc;&#183;ti&Acirc;&#183;a&Acirc;&#183;li&Acirc;&#183;ser<br>Meaning: Releaser of amazingness in others<br><br>Join the Aged Care Revolution, become a Potentialiser and bring out the Amazingness in your clients!


Lindsay Jr. Tighe. Better Aged Care Professionals Ask Better Questions




About the Author

Note from the Author

What people say about our workshops



Chapter 1. Different hats

The teacher/trainer/educator

The expert

The mentor

The ‘asker’ space

Chapter 2. Your role as an aged care professional


Chapter 3. What else drives ‘telling’?

Changing your style

The ego

Chapter 4. Consequences of ‘telling’

Chapter 5. Beware creating the victim

How we become victims

Chapter 6. The hot potato

Handling victim responses

‘We’ versus ‘you’ language

Chapter 7. Questions. Big deal!

Everyone is amazing





The power of questions

Chapter 8. There are questions . . . and there are questions!

Open questions

Take care when using ‘Why’

What makes a question a Better Question?

Getting creative

Chapter 9. Qualities of the ‘asker’

Desire to change and your mindset



Emotional self-check

Letting go

Leading questions


Should I ask or tell?


Chapter 10. Listening skills to effectively question

Decision and focus

Paraphrasing and empathy

Listening traps

Make friends with silence

Chapter 11. Asking yourself Better Questions

The need for self-reflection

Guidelines for self-questioning

Good questions to use

Chapter 12. Practical applications for asking Better Questions

Scenario 1 — your client comes to you for help

Scenario 2 – feedback is required

Scenario 3 — getting motivated

Scenario 4 — setting goals

Scenario 5 — understanding and empowering your client

Scenario 6 — reviewing actions or progress

Scenario 7 — managing emotions

Chapter 13. Case studies

The farmer

The non-conforming client

The overpowering son

A trip to Greece

The sandwich

The sheets

A new approach

The life-long dream


Chapter 14. Reviewing and sustaining the practice

Chapter 15. A final thought


Emodules Available

Other Resources Available. Books




Отрывок из книги

Thank you to the humble question mark for inspiring me to inspire others about the topic of asking Better Questions. I am eternally grateful.

To Aged Care Professionals everywhere – you do an amazing job!


This was one of my first conscious experiences of being an ‘asker’ rather than a ‘teller’, and whilst I confess to feeling a little apprehensive because I wasn’t able to help in the traditional way by giving advice, I stuck to the principles I knew about asking Better Questions. I have to say that I was amazed by how resourceful my client was and how she was able to find her own answer to her problem. It wasn’t that she was incapable of finding answers to achieve her goal, it was that she had not given herself enough focused time and the right questions to enable her to find the strategy that was going to work for her. Using the skills that I am going to share with you throughout this book, she was not only able to identify her success strategy, but within a matter of a few months she was able to put it into place to successfully run her first half marathon.

I share this story so that you can see that when you can’t provide answers to problems, you can still help your clients to find answers themselves by asking Better Questions. Indeed, I will make the point that we will revisit later: when we don’t have the answer to something, it is often easier to be an ‘asker’ because then we cannot be tempted to jump in and give them advice that inhibits their resourcefulness.


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