In God’s Hands: The Spiritual Diaries of Pope St John Paul II

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Introduction to the Polish Edition
Translator’s Note
Preface by theMetropolitan Archbishop of Kraków,Stanisław Cardinal Dziwisz
The Secret of Father Karol Wojtyła – Pope John Paul II’s Spiritual Notes
1. Two notebooks
2. The schedule of a retreat day
3. The content of the notes
4. Faithfulness until the end
The Retreats
1962. Recollectio (inter.) [Inner retreat] Praenotanda [Introduction]
1962Dies recollectionis (sequ.) [Reflection days (continuation)] after the arrival in Rome for the first session of the Second Vatican Council
[31 October – 4 November] 1962. Rome, at the Felician Sisters’ Convent. Topic: The mystery of redemption
6–7 July 196? [probably 1963] Kalwaria – The Shrine of Our Lady1
19–23 [August] 1963 Retreat in Tyniec1 Topic: Justification – grace
[5–8] March 1964 Before the installation ceremony1
31 August – 3 September 1964 Retreat led by Bishop K[azimierz] J[ózef] Kowalski1
17–20 [August] 1965 Retreat in Tyniec Topic: Justification, theological virtues
[19]64 (65?)
31 October – 1 November 1966 [Kalwaria] (Twentieth anniversary of priestly ordination)
19–21 December 1966 Retreat at the Albertine Sisters’ Convent Topic: iustificatio – restitutio – (vocatio) [justification – restitution – (vocation)]
29 February 1968 (in via [on the way])
11–14 September 1968 Retreat in Tyniec Topic: Union and rejection
9–13 August 1969 Retreat at Bachledówka1 Topic: ‘Good in its divine source and its human verification’
4–7 November 1970 Retreat in Tyniec Topic: ‘The threefold meaning of episcopacy’
1–5 September 1971 The Bishops’ Conference Retreat at Jasna Góra Led by Bishop L[ech] Kaczmarek1
5–6 July 1973 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska
9–12 August 1973 Retreat at Bachledówka1 Topic: SS-ma Trinitas[The Holy Trinity]
1974Ante exerc. spir [Before the Spiritual Exercises]
[3–7 September] 1974, The Holy Year Retreat in Gniezno Topic: God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. (St Paul)1 Led by Bishop J[erzy] Ablewicz2
4–8 July 1975 Retreat at Bachledówka1
21–26 September 1976 Retreat in Zakopane–Jaszczurówka at the Grey Ursulines’ Topic: Sacerdos – Propheta – Rex [Priest – Prophet – King]
5–9 July 1977 Retreat at Kalwaria Zebrzydowska1
26–29 June 1978 Retreat at Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Topic: martyria – diakonia – koinonia [witness – service – community]1
[October 1978]
4–10 March 1979. Retreat in Rome, Chapel of St Matilda1 [Led by Fr Faustino Ossanna OFM]2
24 February – 1 March [1980] Retreat in Rome, St Matilda’s Chapel Led by Archbishop L[ucas] Moreira Neves [OP]1
8–14 March 1981 Retreat at St Matilda’s Chapel Led by Bishop J[erzy] Ablewicz1
28 February – 6 March 1982 Retreat in St Matilda’s Chapel Led by Prof. S[tanislas] Lyonnet SJ1
20–26 February 1983 Retreat in St Matilda’s Chapel Led by Cardinal J[oseph] Ratzinger
11–17 March 1984 Vatican Retreat Led by Cardinal A[lexandre] do Nascimento1
24 February – 2 March 1985Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Archbishop [Achille] Glorieux1
16–22 February 1986Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Father [Egidio] Viganò1 (Rettore Magnifico SDB [Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco])
8–14 March 1987Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Father [Peter-Hans] Kolvenbach [SJ]1
21–27 February 1988. Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Archbishop [James Aloysius] Hickey, USA Wash[ington]1
12–18 February 1989Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Cardinal G[iacomo] Biffi1
4–10 March 1990Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Topic: Consacrati nella Verità [Consecrated in the Truth] Led by Father [Georges Marie Martin] Cottier OP1
17–23 February 1991Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Archbishop [Ersilio] Tonini1
8–14 March 1992Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Cardinal [Ugo] Poletti Vic. Romae Emerit. [Vicar Emeritus of Rome]1
28 February – 6 March 1993Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Capella Redemptoris Mater [Mother of the Redeemer Chapel] Led by [Bishop] Jorge [Arturo Agustín] Medina Estévez (Chile – Rancagua)1
20–[26] February 1994Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Capella Redemptoris Mater [Mother of the Redeemer Chapel] Led by Cardinal [Giovanni] Saldarini, Turin1
5–11 March 1995Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Capella Redemptoris Mater [Mother of the Redeemer Chapel] Led by Father [Tomáš] Špidlík SJ1
25 February – [2] March 1996Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Capella Redemptoris Mater [Mother of the Redeemer Chapel] Led by Monsignor [Christoph] Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna1
16–22 February 1997Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Cardinal R[oger] Etchegaray1
1–7 March 1998Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Cardinal J[án] Ch[ryzostom] Korec SJ (Nitra)1
21–27 February 1999Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Bishop A[ndré-Joseph] M[utien] Léonard of Namur1
12–18 March 2000Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Topic: ‘Testimoni della Speranza’ [‘Witnesses to Hope’] Led by Monsignore [François Xavier Nguyễn] Văn Thuận1
4–10 March 2001Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] Led by Cardinal [Francis Eugene] George [OMI]1
17–23 February 2002Exercitia [Exercises] Led by Cardinal [Cláudio] Hummes OFM1
9–15 March 2003Exercitia Spiritualia [Spiritual Exercises] [Led by Bishop Angelo Comastri]1
Footnotes. Preface by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Kraków, Stanisław Cardinal Dziwisz
The Secret of Father Karol Wojtyła – Pope John Paul II’s Spiritual Notes
[31 October – 4 November] 1962
6–7 July 196? [probably 1963]
19–23 [August] 1963
[5–8] March 1964
31 August – 3 September 1964
17–20 [August] 1965
[19]64 (65?)
31 October – 1 November 1966
19–21 December 1966
29 February 1968
11–14 September 1968
9–13 August 1969
4–7 November 1970
1–5 September 1971
5–6 July 1973
9–12 August 1973
[3–7 September] 1974, The Holy Year
4–8 July 1975
21–26 September 1976
5–9 July 1977
26–29 June 1978
[October 1978]
4–10 March 1979
24 February – 1 March [1980]
8–14 March 1981
28 February – 6 March 1982
20–26 February 1983
11–17 March 1984
24 February – 2 March 1985
16–22 February 1986
8–14 March 1987
21–27 February 1988
12–18 February 1989
4–10 March 1990
17–23 February 1991
8–14 March 1992
28 February – 6 March 1993
20–[26] February 1994
5–11 March 1995
25 February – [2] March 1996
16–22 February 1997
1–7 March 1998
21–27 February 1999
12–18 March 2000
4–10 March 2001
17–23 February 2002
9–15 March 2003
About the Author
Отрывок из книги
Title Page
4–10 March 2001
17–23 February 2002