The Small Business Guide to Online Marketing

The Small Business Guide to Online Marketing
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Описание книги

If you run a small business, then your customers are online. They search for products online, they assess stores and service providers online, and they buy online. So you and your business need an online presence; the time has long past when a business can afford to be without a website. Once your business has a website, you can't stop there. You need to invest time and energy in establishing your online presence so that your website and range of online marketing tactics work effectively. This is where 'The Small Business Guide to Online Marketing' comes in. This guide to setting up and growing your online presence tells you everything you need to know to get your business' online marketing started and then how to develop your approach with time. Lola Bailey begins by laying down the essential basics that you need in place before steadily building up to more advanced techniques. Jargon is carefully avoided and step-by-step worked examples illustrate the processes to follow. You will learn: – What internet marking is and how it drives sales – The importance of superior content – How to utilise online performance metrics – What SEO is and how to use it – The benefits of social media – How to use affiliate marketing – What to consider when optimising for mobile If you have up until now shied away from giving your business an online presence because of uncertainty about how to us internet marketing or its use for you, or if you have started to market online but would like to enhance your approach, 'The Small Business Guide to Online Marketing' is for you.


Lola Bailey. The Small Business Guide to Online Marketing

Publishing details

About the Author


A Call to Action

Chapter 1: Introduction to Internet Marketing

What is internet marketing?

Characteristics of online consumers

Why should you seek to grow your own business online?

Successful online marketing

1. Content analysis

2. Search analysis

3. Performance measurement

Chapter 2: The Importance of Superior Content

A simple framework for writing your website content. Give your content a unique voice

Make sure your content is useful

Write content that will be memorable

How to generate content for any business

Using Google Keywords to generate content

Narrow Your Search

Implement What You’ve Learned

Beyond the Blog. Blogging and its benefits

Creating a blog home page

Creating a blog post

1. Title

2. Publication date

3. Introduction

4. Body

5. Links and Trackbacks

6. Blog comments


Benefits your business can gain from blogging

Writing tips

Blogging expert interview: Thoroughly Modern Milly. Milly Kenny-Ryder

Blogging expert interview: Rock N’ Roll Bride

Quick summary

Chapter 3: Understanding Online Performance Metrics

Why you should be using Google Analytics

1. Your visitors and their browsers

2. Which content is drawing your visitors in?

3. Which keywords are important in drawing people in?

4. How many people are simply not interested?

5. Whether your pages are ‘attractive’ enough to visitors

6. What your visitors are buying

7. Whether visitors are ‘mobile’

8. When you’ve hit a milestone

How to set up Google Analytics

What should you be monitoring?


Traffic sources overview report

1. Organic (search) traffic

2. Referral traffic

How to place social-sharing buttons on your site

3. Direct Traffic

Landing pages


Quick summary

Chapter 4: How to Get Found Online Through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


How to implement your keyword strategy

Title tags

Using the free Google Keyword tool

Number of searches

Match types

How many searches?

Useful resources

Making your site visible – SEO, tags, metadata, and links. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)


HTML tags

Header tags

Image tags and ALT attributes

Metadata and Tags

Title Tags

Keyword ‘Stuffed’ Title Tags

Some Title Tag Writing Examples


1. Links within your site

2. Incoming links

Getting links pointing to your site

3. Outgoing links

Submitting an XML sitemap

Creating a sitemap

Optimising for local search and ranking high in your local market

Why employ local search?

How to localise your web pages

Registering your site for local search

SEO expert interview: Red Evolution. David Robinson

How to get your products listed in product directories

Product indexes

Other search engines to list products:

Ecommerce sites

Why should you do this when you have a store on your own website?

Classified ad sites

Quick summary

Chapter 5: Paid Search – Introducing Pay Per Click (PPC), Step By Step

Paid search vs. Organic search: what is the difference?

How to set up an AdWords campaign

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is set up your AdWords account

Step 2: Select your search options

Step 3: Manage your advert rotation

Step 4: Manage your campaign settings

Creating adverts and Ad Groups. What is an Ad Group?

How does the bidding process work?

Tips for writing adverts

Creating your adverts

The role of landing pages

Running and monitoring your AdWords campaign

What’s a cookie?

Competitor analysis

Quick summary

Chapter 6: Permission Based Internet Marketing

Customer relationship management and how cross-sell and up-sell can be used to boost your sales

Seven best practice activities for a healthy CRM model

The cross-sell and up-sell

How you can use the cross-sell and up-sell

Ideas for accommodating cross-selling and up-selling in your marketing

Permission marketing and its relevance today

Principles of permission marketing

Using auto responders in your permission based marketing

How to succeed with email marketing

Welcome email

Reorder or order reminder emails

Birthday or special-occasion emails

Abandoned cart emails

Transactional emails

Nye’s five keys to transactional emailing success

Emailing best practices. Your database

Your subject line

Your “from” field

Personalise your emails

Message body

Footer section

Optimise your emails for social media

Emailing X-factors

Why brand advocates are good for business

How to recognise brand advocates

What is the best way to reach, engage and cultivate brand advocates?

Measure the success of your email campaign

Case Study: How to write emails that give you no choice but to read on

Credibility factors that encourage people to buy

Online security



Social proof

Quick summary

Chapter 7: Social Media

What is social media?

What is social media marketing?

How to market on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Facebook (

SEO Title: Your Page Name | Facebook

Meta Description: Your Page Name + Your About Description | Facebook

Optimising your fan page updates to promote good search engine rankings

1: Develop a game plan and strategy

2. Use a custom tab application

3. Increase engagement

4. Make sales


The basics

Profile image

How to get the most from Twitter. Find customers for products

Build your brand’s credibility

Customer service

Build a following

Top tips for Twitter

Useful resources


Why use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn can help you find business partners, clients and service providers

LinkedIn is a good blog promotion tool

LinkedIn for recommendations

LinkedIn to improve your search engine results rankings

Profile image: the filename of the image and your name as the ALT tag

Job titles: H3 tags


Best practice for online PR

Contacting and interacting with journalists on Twitter

The Dos and Don’ts of Twitter PR

How to track your social media progress with a WordPress blog

Social media case studies. Activia


Quick summary

Chapter 8: Building For Long-term Success – Affiliate Marketing

What is affiliate marketing?

How to set up an affiliate marketing programme

Do it yourself

Finding affiliates to sell your products


How does the reader gain the initial contact with the affiliates if they are opting for the DIY approach?

Joining a network

The cost of using networks

Questions to ask before joining an affiliate network as a merchant

Treat your affiliates well

How to successfully implement your affiliate marketing programme

Useful affiliate marketing resources

Chapter 9: Planning for the Future – Optimising for Mobile

Why take mobile seriously? Five important statistics for mobile

Benefits of mobile technology:

Using mobile phones as marketing tools. Optimise your website for mobile

Identify and understand your mobile audience

Take advantage of precise targeting to make the best use of your mobile channel

Leverage SMS (text messaging)

Location based services

Influence your mobile customer’s pre-purchase decisions

Applications (apps)

How to be successful in mobile marketing

Quick summary


Useful Resources. Blogging resources

Plug-ins to help you boost your blog traffic

Making money from your blog – plug-ins to help you do this

Shopping cart resources

Self-publishing resources

Resources to interact with others

Resources to produce a film

Resources to produce a podcast

Resources to develop an app

Resources to form groups

Guest blog

Resources to enable social sharing of your content

Resources for images

Internet Marketing Jargon Buster

Great business reads from Enterprise Nation. 50 Fantastic Franchises!: The UK’s Best Franchise and Direct Selling Opportunities for Small Businesses

50 Top Tech Tools and Tips: Making the most of technology in your business

365 Social Media Tips: A year of ideas for marketing your business via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and more!

Become a Freelance Writer: Your complete guide to the business of writing

Contracts for Your Business: A straightforward guide to contracts and legal agreements

Go Global: How to Take Your Business to the World

Micro Multinationals: A guide to international finance for small businesses

Motivating Business Mums: Inspiration, ideas and advice from 45 small business owners

Pitching For Small Business: How to successfully prepare your business, brand and products, and sell to retail buyers

Refreshingly Simple Finance for Small Business: A straight-talking guide to finance and accounting

The Small Business Guide to Apps: How your business can use apps to increase market share and retain more customers

The Small Business Guide to China: How small enterprises can sell their goods or services to markets in China

The Small Business Guide to PR: Plan and execute your first PR campaign in just 10 hours

The Start-Up Kit 2013: Everything you need to know to start a small business

Successful Selling for Small Business : A guide to what it takes and how to do it

Turn Your Talent into a Business: A guide to earning a living from your hobby

Twitter Your Business

Отрывок из книги

Lola Bailey MA (HRM) has over 20 years’ blue-chip experience in coaching, sales and market development and is an Affiliate Member of the Institute of Digital Marketing.

Lola is also a freelance writer who has successfully published and edited a small business magazine, and has been featured in local newspapers, as well as Enterprise Nation’s ‘bible’ for small businesses, Working 5 to 9. She is an enthusiastic champion of start-ups, supporting their endeavours both offline and online. Her online business hub, where small businesses and start-ups can learn internet marketing strategies, can be found at The site and its social media counterparts have been built using most of the techniques found in this book.


A plug-in is a piece of software code that allows a programme to do something it is not able to do by itself. A good example of a plug-in is the commonly used Adobe Flash Player. Without Flash Player you wouldn’t, for example, be able to view BBC News bulletins that are embedded into web pages.

There are many different types of plug-ins, accomplishing many different things. There are plug-ins for optimising your Google rankings, such as the ‘All-in-one-SEO’ plug-in, plug-ins for social media networking, plug-ins to prevent unwanted comments on your websites, and many more.


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