Читать книгу Mayday! Mayday! - Lowell Psy.D. Green - Страница 1
Curb immigration. Stop multiculturalism. Or it’s the end of the Canada we know!
By Lowell Green
© 2011 Lowell Green
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except for brief quotations used for purposes of review, without the prior written permission of the author. For information, please contact the publisher at 613-831-6307 or at www.lowellgreen.com.
Published in eBook format by Spruce Ridge Publishing Inc
Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0159-1
Mayday! Mayday! Tough Talk.
The belief that immigration is the answer to our low fertility rate and aging workforce is a myth most of us have come to believe. It's a myth so powerful that,as a nation,we are about to abandon the ship that has served us so well and clamber aboard a foreign vessel headed we know not where, manned by a crew of often feuding strangers, most of whom speak a language we cannot understand.
To accommodate the number of immigrants arriving annually in British Columbia,about 15,000 new dwelling units (apartments or houses) have to be built for them every year.That's 1,250 every month or about 280 every week if the immigrants are to enjoy the same housing standards as the rest of Canadians.
"We have to face up to the fact that the roads in the GTA are plugged;'says Ontario Environmental Commissioner Gord Miller,"millions more [immigrants] are coming...:' "Tell me;'says Lowell;' how is this going to improve the lives of the average Torontonian?"
In 2008, during the worst recession since the "Dirty Thirties," when we had more than two million Canadians unemployed,we still opened our borders to more than 250,000 immigrants,257,000 temporary workers,79,000 foreign students and approximately 35,000 refugees.
Does any of this make any sense?
CAUTION: This book must be read with an open mind!
Lowell Green presents a powerful persuasive,well-documented and incredibly well researched argument for a substantial reduction in Canada's yearly intake of immigrants and refugees, and an immediate halt to multiculturalism.
Lowell minces no words in demonstrating how immigration has changed from the early 1990s-when about four European immigrants arrived here for every non-European-until today,when about four non-European immigrants arrive for every one of European descent.
He explains how the policies of the Mulroney and Chretien governments opened the immigration floodgates in the 1990s. And how, since then, immigration isn't working for Canada or for the immigrants, many of whom are still on welfare after many years in this country.
The evidence Lowell presents that multiculturalism has become a form of colonization in our major cities,severely straining our social services and infrastructures,is highly controversial but difficult to refute.So,too, his assertion that even as mass immigration and multiculturalism strengthen Quebec's distinct French language and culture, the rest of Canada is committing cultural suicide.
His claim that many of the cultures we are importing are repositories of ignorance, superstition, repression, cruelty and injustice, especially towards women,will infuriate many a bleeding heart!
This book is dedicated to our
immigrant ancestors whose blood, sweat, tears,
bravery, perseverance and love forged for us
this, the grandest country in the world, Canada!
Immigrant Eyes
Guy Clark, American singer and songwriter
Oh Ellis Island was swarming
Like a scene from a costume ball
Decked out in the colours of Europe
And on fire with the hope of it all
There my father’s own father stood huddled
With the tired and hungry and scared
Turn of the century pilgrims
Bound by the dream that they shared
They were standing in lines just like cattle
Poked and prodded and shoved
Some were one desk away from sweet freedom
Some were torn from someone they love
Through this sprawling tower of Babel
Came a young man confused and alone
Determined and bound for America
And carryin’ everything he owned.
Sometimes when I look in my grandfather’s immigrant eyes
I see that day reflected and I can’t hold my feelings inside
I see—starting with nothing and working hard all of his life
Don’t take this country for granted say
my grandfather’s immigrant eyes
Now he rocks and stares out the window
But his eyes are still just as clear
As the day he sailed through the harbour
And came ashore on the island of tears
My grandfather’s days are numbered
But I won’t let his memory die
’Cause he gave me the gift of this country
And the look in his immigrant eyes.
(Reprinted with permission)