Читать книгу Концепция совершенствования механизмов саморегулирования: pro et contra - М. А. Егорова - Страница 1
Белых В.С. – директор института права и предпринимательства Уральского государственного юридического университета, заведующий кафедрой предпринимательского права, заслуженный деятель науки РФ, доктор юридических наук, профессор.
Габов А.В. – заместитель директора Института законодательства и сравнительного правоведения при Правительстве Российской Федерации, доктор юридических наук, Заслуженный юрист РФ.
M.A. Egorova
The Concept of improving self-regulatory mechanisms: pro et contra
Belykh V.S. – Director of the Institute of law and entrepreneurship of Ural State Law University, Head of the Department of Business Law, honoured worker of science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, professor.
Gabov A.V. – Deputy Director of the Institute of legislation and comparative law under the government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation.
The monograph gives a critical evaluation of the Concept of improving self-regulatory mechanisms passed by the Government of the Russian Federation; it substantiates the necessity to change the public law approach to the assessment of the nature of self-regulating organizations for the private law approach and gives arguments that the application of a private law approach will radically change the content of the institution of regulation; the main directions of reforming this institution at the present stage are also indicated. The book is intended for researchers and practitioners of legal and economic professions, legislators, legal professionals, law and economic students, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in issues of self-regulation.
© M.A. Egorova, 2017
© Yustitsinform, 2017