Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов Южного федерального университета направления «Лингвистика», профиль «Перевод и переводо-ведение», в качестве руководства для практических занятий по курсу теоретической грамматики английского языка, входящего в блок «Основы теории 1-го иностранного языка». Разработано на модульной основе с диагностико-квалиметрическим обеспечением. Содержит тезисное изложение теоретического материала, разбитое на модули, систему рейтинговой оценки по темам каждого модуля, практические задания, вопросы и задания к семинарским занятиям, тестовые задания для самопроверки, глоссарий.
М. Науменко. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка (Theoretical Grammar of the English language)
Моделирование учебной дисциплины Б1. В6 «Основы теории 1 ИЯ: «Теоретическая грамматика английского языка»
Theoretical part
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Практические задания
Планы семинарских занятий
Seminar 1. Grammar as a science
Seminar 2. The Morphemic Structure of the Word
Seminar 3. Grammatical Classes of Words
Seminar 4. The Noun
Seminar 5. The Verb
Seminar 6. The Verbals
Seminar 7. The Adjective and the Adverb
Seminar 8. Syntagmatic connections of words. Sentence
Seminar 9. Actual division of the sentence. Communicative types of sentences
Seminar 10. Simple sentence
Seminar 11. Composite sentence
Seminar 12. Linguistics of Text
Тестовые задания для самоконтроля с ключами
Фонд оценочных средств
Отрывок из книги
Grammar as a science. Relationship between normative and theoretical grammar. The connection of grammar with other sciences. Morphology and syntax.
Grammar in general is a branch of linguistics which deals with the grammatical structure of the language. Grammar rules organize a chain of words into a phrase and a sentence. Practical (normative, prescriptive) grammar prescribes, gives rules for practical use, teaches how to speak or write, but it doesn’t explain the rules theoretically and scientifically.
The interpretation of language as a system develops a number of notions, namely: the notions of language levels and language units, paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, the notions of form and meaning (function), of synchrony and diachrony, of analysis and synthesis, and some others.
The discrimination of language and speech is the fundamental principle of linguistics. This principle has sustained throughout the whole history of the study of language. With a special demonstrative force it was confirmed by I.A. Beaudoin de Courtenay (end of the XIX c.) and F. de Saussure (beginning of the XX c.) who analyzed the language-speech dichotomy in connection with the problem of identifying the subject of linguistics. The two great scholars emphatically pointed out the difference between synchrony and diachrony stressing the fact that at any stage of its historical evolution language is a synchronic system of meaningful elements, i.e. a system of special signs (Blokh, 2000).