ABC do Português Book 1 comes with 10 episodes in which you can find real-life dialogues and substitution drills with English translation and MP3 files. They will help you read, listen, understand and interact with people who speak this lovely language. The MP3 files are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.
Marina Gomes. ABC do Português. Livro 1. With English Translation
Episódio 1
Episode 1
Episódio 2
Episode 2
Episódio 3
Episode 3
Episódio 4
Episode 4
Episódio 5
Episode 5
Episódio 6
Episode 6
Episódio 7
Episode 7
Episódio 8
Episode 8
Episódio 9
Episode 9
Episódio 10
Episode 10
Chegamos ao fim do primeiro livro da série ABC do Português
We have come to the end of the first book of the series ABC do Português
Отрывок из книги
Bem-vindo ao ABC do Português, um livro digital destinado a alunos principiantes e produzido por Marina Gomes e Daria Olshevskaia.
Welcome to ABC do Português, a digital book aimed at beginner students and produced by Marina Gomes and Daria Olshevskaia. The MP3 files are not included as part of the e-book file, but you can get them by just sending us an e-mail that you can find on the last page of this book, and we will send you the MP3 files back with 10 episodes.