Molecular Imaging

Molecular Imaging
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

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The area of molecular imaging has matured over the past decade and is still growing rapidly. Many concepts developed for molecular biology and cellular imaging have been successfully translated to in vivo imaging of intact organisms. Molecular imaging enables the study of processes at a molecular level in their full biological context. Due to the high specificity of the molecular readouts the approach bears a high potential for diagnostics. It is fair to say that molecular imaging has become an indispensable tool for biomedical research and drug discovery and development today. This volume familiarizes the reader with the concepts of imaging and molecular imaging in particular. Basic principles of imaging technologies, reporter moieties for the various imaging modalities, and the design of targeted probes are described in the first part. The second part illustrates how these tools can be used to visualize relevant molecular events in the living organism. Topics covered include the studies of the biodistribution of reporter probes and drugs, visualization of the expression of biomolecules such as receptors and enzymes, and how imaging can be used for analyzing consequences of the interaction of a ligand or a drug with its molecular target by visualizing signal transduction, or assessing the metabolic, physiological, or structural response of the organism studied. The third edition has been extended considerably. This holds for the chapter on imaging modalities, which now includes sections on intravital microscopy and mass spectrometric imaging. All chapters have been updated and a new chapter on the challenges of translating molecular imaging solutions for clinical use has been added. Contents: Foreword to the First EditionForeword of the Second EditionForeword to the Third EditionAbout the AuthorAcknowledgmentIntroduction Methodologies: Imaging TechniquesMolecular Reporter SystemsDesign of Molecular Imaging Probes Applications: Drug ImagingImaging Gene ExpressionImaging the Function of Gene ProductsMonitoring Cell MigrationMolecular Imaging — Translational Aspects Appendices: Physical ConstantsMathematical FormulaeNatural Amino AcidsNucleotidesIndex Readership: Postgraduates and professional researchers in biomedicine, bioengineering; cell biologists; analytical scientists; technicians using the techniques described in the book; people new to the field or seeking to understand the 'toolbox' available.Molecular Imaging;Magnetic Resonance Imaging;Positron-Emission Tomogrpahy;Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging;Bioluminescence Imaging;Ultrasound Imaging;Drug Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics00


Markus Rudin. Molecular Imaging

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A Liliana e Valentina

The author of this volume, Professor Francesco Di Giacomo, a member of the engineering faculty of the University of Rome, was also, some 40+ years ago, a visitor in my group, at that time at the University of Illinois. More recently he set himself the daunting task of learning about the theory of electron transfer reactions, with a background that included some research on the quantum mechanics of potential energy surfaces but none on key aspects of electron transfer theory—the dynamical features of quantum and classical theory, the statistical mechanics of chemical reactions, and features such as nonequilibrium dielectric polarization. They form the core of the theory and its applications. To this end he supplemented his study of my electron transfer articles by many hour-long question and answer sessions that we held, largely via Skype. Francesco comes with a delightful background rich in cultural and scientific history, especially of the ancient Greek and Roman periods. It added another side to our many discussions, an aspect that does not come out in this book but is seen in articles he has published elsewhere. Our discussions on the electron transfer articles involved many fine points of the theory and of its history, points that are described in this book. With his background Professor Di Giacomo’s scientific questions have a fresh and novel point of view that was both interesting and challenging. It adds to the novelty of the book. Hopefully the readers will find it equally so, in their study of the theory, of its history and in exploring the many distinct concepts that electron transfer processes present.


1.In the oxidation—reduction reaction of a given reagent with a series of related compounds such that the reactions’ ΔF0 is essentially the only parameter varied, a plot of ΔF* versus ΔF0 and hence of log k versus log K should be linear with a slope of 0.5 for ΔF0’s satisfying Eq. (3.26).

2.In the electrochemical case, the corresponding plot of ΔF* versus −nFηa (or of −RT/nF ln k versus electrode potential), the electrochemical transfer coefficient, should also be linear with a slope of 0.5.


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