Numerous scholars in Social Theory and Theology discuss the concept of gift in our days. The present book seeks to benefit from this for the sake of ecumenical hermeneutics: A gift is presented by one to another person, so the person receiving it at the same time is enabled to a better self. Successful ecumenical dialogues consist in giving and receiving gifts of this kind. The book gives an exposition of this concept and then takes a tour d'horizon through ecumenical dialogues the Lutheran Church and theology are intertwined with, Lutheran-Anglican deliberations on the office of ecclesial oversight and Lutheran-Baptist dialogues on the concept of baptism among them. In the light of these findings the last chapter reflects on ecumenical hermeneutics in order to further improve its methods. [Gabentausch. Zur ökumenischen Hermeneutik] Der Band rezipiert Theorien der Gabe für die Fragen der ökumenischen Hermeneutik und schlägt ein identitätsbezogenes Konzept der Gabe vor: Eine gute Gabe ist nicht durch ihren finanziellen Wert bestimmt, sondern dadurch, dass sie erkennbar vom Geber kommt, zugleich aber den Empfänger besser ihn selbst sein lässt. Gelingende ökumenische Verständigung erzeugt semantische Gaben dieser Art. Nach der Vorstellung des Konzepts folgen beispielhafte Diskussionen aus dem Dialog evangelisch-lutherischer Theologie mit dem Anglikanismus, der römisch-katholischen, der baptistischen und der orthodoxen Theologie. Das Schlusskapitel nutzt die Ergebnisse für Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung einer gabenbezogenen ökumenischen Hermeneutik.
Martin Hailer. Gift Exchange
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Endnotes. Preface
Chapter 1: Ministry and the Office of Oversight: Anglican-Lutheran Dialogues
Chapter 2: The Claim of Reason: Benedict XVI.’s Theology and Catholic-Lutheran Deliberations
Chapter 3: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: Baptists and Mennonites Challenge Lutheran Theology
Chapter 4: Righteousness and Deification: Approaching Eastern Orthodoxy
Chapter 5: The Gift of Theological Interconnectedness: Pursuing Ecumenical Hermeneutics
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Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau Nr. 124
Gift Exchange
It is only then that reflections concerning ecumenical hermeneutics make sense. The final chapter will discuss the hermeneutical strategies used in Chapters 1–4 and suggests what methods and goals might best suit the idea of an ecumenical exchange of gifts.
In brief, this quotation depicts a theological hermeneutic. All that is involved in being a Christian today can only properly be thought of when it is clear that this takes place within the tradition of the Apostolic Church. The Church is, so to speak, the hermeneutical site or realm within which “faith, worship and spirituality” take place. The conclusion here is that an agreement concerning the basics of the Christian faith also takes place within that hermeneutical realm. Therefore it is not an exaggeration to say that any given MD signatory would agree to that. But a different tone is set by underlining the existence of that hermeneutical realm.