It happens to the best of us. On a day like any other, you look in the mirror and find a cranky, worn-out, middle-aged woman staring back at you. A woman who is firmly strapped into a giant pair of GRANNY PANTIES.<br><br>Yes, aging is inevitable, but looking, and acting, like your grandma is not. So join Mary Fran Bontempo and learn a new set of Commandments that will enable you to avoid the Granny Panties and love life in the middle years. You'll laugh, learn a few things and with any luck, bid a permanent goodbye to GRANNY PANTIES and the old hag in the mirror!
Mary Fran Bontempo. Not Ready for Granny Panties--The 11 Commandments for Avoiding Granny Panties
The Players
The First Commandment: Thou Shalt “Fuhgeddaboudit”
The Second Commandment: Thou Shalt Ignore More
The Third Commandment: Thou Shalt Lose Control
The Fourth Commandment: Thou Shalt Do the Wrong Thing
The Fifth Commandment: Thou Shalt Scare Thyself
The Sixth Commandment: Thou Shalt Regress
The Seventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Avoid Mirrors
The Eighth Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Wear Elastic-Waist Pants
The Ninth Commandment: Thou Shalt Stop “Shoulding” Thyself
The Tenth Commandment: Thou Shalt Be Conspicuous
The Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Engage in Idol Worship
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It happens to the best of us.
One particular day, a day that starts like any other, you look in the mirror and see someone else staring back at you.
But it’s not all about appearance. Ultimately, being “Not Ready For Granny Panties” has little to do with face lifts, tummy tucks or dressing like your teenage daughter. It’s a whole lot easier than that. A few simple adjustments and some commitment to yourself, for a change, will lead you to a whole new world. A world in which every once in a while, you take center stage. Because you deserve it. Because you’ve earned it. And because you in Granny Panties is something no one, especially not you, wants to see.
Being Not Ready For Granny Panties is not about trying to deny your age. It’s about living, to borrow Oprah’s phrase, “your best life” at exactly the age you happen to be. It’s also about not letting that age define you in a negative way. Just because you’re over 50 doesn’t mean you can’t take up surfing. But please don’t wear a bikini while you do it. A little common sense (just a little) makes all the difference between being the kind of woman people look at and say, “I wish I were like her,” as opposed to “Thank God I’m not like her!”