The Good Thing About Coming HomeThe glossy curtain of blond hair, the cashmere coat-nobody would ever connect the fabulous Alegra Reynolds with «Al» Peterson, the grimy little poor girl who'd hated growing up on Shelter Island, in Puget Sound. There'd been nobody to share her unhappiness then and there was nobody to appreciate her success now.Or was there?Is That You're Never AloneThe island Joe Lawrence remembered was the perfect place to raise his three-year-old son, which is why the award-winning newspaperman decided to leave the bright lights and bustle of New York behind. A bit of sleuthing revealed a lot about the new Alegra, but nothing about her troubled past. Would the glamorous jet-setter touch down long enough for them to build a life together, or would she do what she'd done before-simply walk away?
Mary Wilson Anne. Alegra's Homecoming
Alegra felt his lips, his heat, the hardness of his body against hers
Books by Mary Anne Wilson
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
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Almost of their own volition, her arms rose and slipped around Joe’s neck. She moved closer to him and felt his strength as his arms closed around her. In the next heartbeat she experienced the strange feeling of coming back to something.
He’d said she had more reasons to be here than the ones she’d given him. She could have sworn he’d been wrong, but now she wasn’t so sure.
She smiled weakly. “Is your middle name ‘dictionary’?”
“No, my middle name is Preston. Joseph Preston Lawrence.”