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I want to start by thanking all of the people who have helped me get to where I am today. This includes my parents, grandparents, brother, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, and teachers. My parents have helped me throughout every moment of my life so far, in both good times and bad. It has not always been perfect, but the lessons I have learned during the course of my life have shaped me to become the best person I can be. My grandparents have acted as second sets of parents and have taught me lessons about life that I will cherish for the rest of my existence on this great earth. My aunts and uncles, along with my cousins, have given me some of the most joyous moments I can recall, and have always been a great support system for me. My brother, Gary, has taught me lessons about business and growing up that only an individual with siblings could relate to. My friends that I have been lucky enough to have by my side have given me so many memorable moments, along with continued support in all of the endeavors that I have chosen to undertake. Finally, thank you to all of the teachers I have had, both in the public school system as well as at the collegiate level. Without your patience and grace, I would not have been able to get where I am at today. Also, I would not have had the skills necessary to write a book of this magnitude. Again, I thank everyone who has been by my side up to this point, and I hope that this book can serve as a token of my continued appreciation to every single one of you.

Facing Failure and Winning

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