The Holy Quran, English Translation, âText Onlyâ

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Maulana Muhammad Ali. The Holy Quran, English Translation, âText Onlyâ
The Holy Qur’an
Maulana Muhammad Ali
Proper Names
Transliteration of Arabic Words
Chapter 1. Al-Fatihah: The Opening
Chapter 2. Al-Baqarah: The Cow. Part 1
SECTION 1: Fundamental Principles of Islam
SECTION 2: Lip-profession
SECTION 3: Divine Unity
SECTION 4: Greatness of Man and Need for Revelation
SECTION 5: Israelite Prophecies fulfilled in Qur’an
SECTION 6: Divine Favours on Israel
SECTION 7: Divine Favours on Israel
SECTION 8: Israelites’ Degeneration
SECTION 9: They grow in Hard-heartedness
SECTION 10: Their Covenant and its Violation
SECTION 11: They reject the Prophet
SECTION 12: Their Enmity to the Prophet
SECTION 13: Previous Scriptures are abrogated
SECTION 14: Perfect Guidance is only in Islam
SECTION 15: Covenant with Abraham
SECTION 16: The Religion of Abraham
Part 2. SECTION 17: The Ka‘bah as the Spiritual Centre
SECTION 18: The Ka‘bah as the Spritual Centre
SECTION 19: Hard Trials necessary to establish Truth
SECTION 20: Unity must prevail
SECTION 21: Prohibited Foods
SECTION 22: Retaliation and Bequests
SECTION 23: Fasting
SECTION 24: Fighting in Defence
SECTION 25: The Pilgrimage
SECTION 26: Trials and Tribulations
SECTION 27: Miscellaneous Questions
SECTION 28: Divorce
SECTION 29: Divorce
SECTION 30: Remarriage of Divorced Women and Widows
SECTION 31: Provision for Divorced Women and Widows
SECTION 32: Fighting in the Cause of Truth
SECTION 33: Fighting in the Cause of Truth
Part 3
SECTION 34: Compulsion in Religion Forbidden
SECTION 35: How Dead Nations are Raised to Life
SECTION 36: Spending Money in the Cause of Truth
SECTION 37: Spending in the Cause of Truth
SECTION 38: Usury Prohibited
SECTION 39: Contracts and Evidence
SECTION 40: Muslims Shall be Made Victorious
Chapter 3. Al ‘Imran: The Family of Amran
SECTION 1: Rule of Interpretation
SECTION 2: Unity the Basis of all Religions
SECTION 3: The Kingdom is Granted to Another People
SECTION 4: Last Members of a Chosen Race
SECTION 5: Birth of Jesus and His Ministry
SECTION 6: Jesus Cleared of False Charges
SECTION 7: Controversy with Jews and Christians
SECTION 8: Machinations to Discredit Islam
SECTION 9: Covenant of the Prophets
Part 4. SECTION 10: Ever-living Testimony to the Truth of Islam
SECTION 11: Muslims Exhorted to Remain United
SECTION 12: Relations of Jews with Muslims
SECTION 13: The Battle of Uhud
SECTION 14: What Success meant for the Muslims
SECTION 15: Sufferings to be met with Perseverance
SECTION 16: Causes of Misfortune in Uhud Battle
SECTION 17: Battle of Uhud Afforded a Distinction
SECTION 18: Uhud No Gain to the Enemy
SECTION 19: Carpings of People of the Book
SECTION 20: Ultimate Triumph of the Faithful
Chapter 4. Al-Nisa’: The Women
SECTION 1: Duties of Guardians to Orphan Wards
SECTION 2: Law of Inheritance
SECTION 3: Treatment of Women
SECTION 4: What Women may be taken in Marriage
Part 5
SECTION 5: Women’s Rights over their Earnings
SECTION 6: Disagreement between Husband and Wife
SECTION 7: Purification of the Soul
SECTION 8: Kingdom granted to Abraham’s Descendants
SECTION 9: The Prophet must be Obeyed
SECTION 10: Believers must defend Themselves
SECTION 11: Attitude of the Hypocrites
SECTION 12: How to deal with the Hypocrites
SECTION 13: Murderer of a Muslim
SECTION 14: Muslims who remained with the Enemy
SECTION 15: Prayer when Fighting
SECTION 16: Hypocrites are Dishonest
SECTION 17: Secret Counsels of the Hypocrites
SECTION 18: Idolatry condemned
SECTION 19: Equitable Dealings with Orphans and Women
SECTION 20: Hypocrisy Condemned
SECTION 21: End of the Hypocrites
Part 6
SECTION 22: Transgressions of the Jews
SECTION 23: Previous Revelation bears out Quranic Statements
SECTION 24: Prophethood of Jesus
Chapter 5. Al-Ma’idah: The Food
SECTION 1: Perfection of Religion in Islam
SECTION 2: Duty of Uprightness
SECTION 3: Christian Violation of the Covenant
SECTION 4: Israelites’ Violation of the Covenant
SECTION 5: Cain and Abel – murderous plots against the Prophet
SECTION 6: Punishment of Offenders
SECTION 7: The Qur’an and Previous Scriptures
SECTION 8: Relations of Muslims with Enemies
SECTION 9: The Mockers
SECTION 10: Christian Deviation from the Truth
SECTION 11: Christian Nearness to Islam
Part 7
SECTION 12: A Warning – Besetting Sins of Previous People
SECTION 13: Inviolability of the Ka‘bah
SECTION 14: Some Directions for Muslims
SECTION 15: Christian Love of this Life
SECTION 16: False Doctrines introduced after Jesus’ Death
Chapter 6. Al-An‘am: The Cattle
SECTION 1: Ultimate Triumph of Divine Unity
SECTION 2: Greatness of Divine Mercy
SECTION 3: Polytheists’ Witness against Themselves
SECTION 4: Rejection of the Truth
SECTION 5: Consequences of Rejection
SECTION 6: Reward of Believers
SECTION 7: Divine Judgment
SECTION 8: Divine Judgment
SECTION 9: Abraham’s Argument for Divine Unity
SECTION 10: Prophets among Abraham’s Descendants
SECTION 11: Truth of Divine Revelation
SECTION 12: Ultimate Triumph of the Truth
SECTION 13: Gradual Progress
Part 8. SECTION 14: Polytheists’ Opposition
SECTION 15: The Chief Opponents
SECTION 16: Evils of Idolatry
SECTION 17: Idolaters’ Self-imposed Prohibitions
SECTION 18: Prohibited Foods
SECTION 19: Guiding Rules of Life
SECTION 20: The Goal for the Faithful
Chapter 7. Al-A‘raf: The Elevated Places
SECTION 1: Opponents’ Doom
SECTION 2: The Devil’s Opposition to Man
SECTION 3: Warning against the Devil’s Insinuations
SECTION 4: Messengers sent for Uplift of Humanity
SECTION 5: Those who accept the Message
SECTION 6: Helplessness of Opponents
SECTION 7: The Righteous will prosper
SECTION 10: Salih and Lot
SECTION 11: Shu‘aib
Part 9
SECTION 12: Makkans warned of Punishment
SECTION 13: Moses sent to Pharaoh with signs
SECTION 14: Pharaoh summons Enchanters
SECTION 15: Israelites’ Persecution continues
SECTION 16: Moses shows more Signs
SECTION 17: Moses receives the Law
SECTION 18: Israelites worship a calf
SECTION 19: The Torah and the Prophet’s Advent
SECTION 20: Divine Favours on Israelites
SECTION 21: Israelites’ Transgressions
SECTION 22: Evidence of Divine Impress on Man’s Nature
SECTION 23: The Coming of the Doom
SECTION 24: The Final Word
Chapter 8. Al-Anfal: Voluntary Gifts
SECTION 1: The Battle of Badr
SECTION 2: The Battle of Badr
SECTION 3: The Way to Success
SECTION 4: Muslims to be Guardians of the Sacred Mosque
SECTION 5: Badr as a Sign of the Prophet’s Truth
Part 10
SECTION 6: Success does not depend on Numbers
SECTION 7: Enemy’s Strength weakened
SECTION 8: Peace to be secured by Strength
SECTION 9: Muslims to meet Overwhelming Numbers
SECTION 10: Relations of Muslim State with others
Chapter 9. Al-Bara’at: The Immunity
SECTION 1: Declaration of Immunity
SECTION 2: Reasons for the Immunity
SECTION 3: Idolaters’ Service of the Sacred House
SECTION 4: Islam made Triumphant in Arabia
SECTION 5: Islam will Triumph in the World
SECTION 6: The Tabuk Expedition
SECTION 7: The Hypocrites
SECTION 8: The Hypocrites
SECTION 9: The Hypocrites
SECTION 10: The Hypocrites
SECTION 11: The Hypocrites
SECTION 12: The Hypocrites
Part 11
SECTION 13: The Hypocrites
SECTION 14: The Faithful
SECTION 15: What the Faithful should Do
SECTION 16: The Prophet’s Great Anxiety
Chapter 10. Yunus: Jonah
SECTION 1: Truth of Revelation
SECTION 2: Punishment of Rejection
SECTION 3: Merciful Dealing
SECTION 4: Uniqueness of Divine Gifts
SECTION 5: The Reprobate and their Punishment
SECTION 6: Mercy takes Precedence over Punishment
SECTION 7: Good News for the Faithful
SECTION 8: Noah and Moses
SECTION 9: End of Opposition to Moses
SECTION 10: Those who heed Warning will benefit
SECTION 11: Divine Judgment
Chapter 11. Hud
SECTION 1: A Warning
Part 12
SECTION 2: Truth of Revelation
SECTION 3: History of Noah
SECTION 4: History of Noah
SECTION 5: History of Hud
SECTION 6: History of Salih
SECTION 7: Abraham and Lot
SECTION 8: History of Shu‘aib
SECTION 9: The Iniquitous and the Righteous
SECTION 10: Believers Comforted
Chapter 12. Yusuf: Joseph
SECTION 1: Joseph’s Vision
SECTION 2: Plot against Joseph by his Brothers
SECTION 3: Joseph’s Firmness under Temptation
SECTION 4: Joseph is Imprisoned
SECTION 5: Joseph’s Preaching in the Prison
SECTION 6: The King’s Vision Interpreted by Joseph
SECTION 7: Joseph Cleared of the Charges
Part 13
SECTION 8: Joseph helps his Brothers
SECTION 9: The Youngest Brother
SECTION 10: Joseph Discloses his Identity
SECTION 11: Israel goes to Egypt
SECTION 12: A Lesson for the Prophet’s Opponents
Chapter 13. Al-Ra‘d: The Thunder
SECTION 1: Truth of Revelation
SECTION 2: Fall and Rise of Nations
SECTION 3: Good and Evil bring their own Reward
SECTION 4: Revolution to be brought about by Qur’an
SECTION 5: Opposition will fail
SECTION 6: Steady Progress of Truth
Chapter 14. Ibrahim: Abraham
SECTION 1: Revelation dispels Darkness
SECTION 2: Truth is rejected first
SECTION 3: Opposition is at last destroyed
SECTION 4: Truth is confirmed
SECTION 5: Man’s Injustice in rejecting Truth
SECTION 6: Abraham’s Prayer
SECTION 7: The End of Opposition
Chapter 15. Al-Hijr: The Rock
SECTION 1: The Qur’an is guarded
Part 14
SECTION 2: Forces of Evil will be destroyed
SECTION 3: The Devil’s Opposition to the Righteous
SECTION 4: Mercy for the Righteous — Abraham
SECTION 5: Lot and Shu‘aib
SECTION 6: Dwellers of the Rock and a Warning
Chapter 16. Al-Nahl: The Bee
SECTION 1: Revelation testified to by Nature
SECTION 2: Nature upholds Unity
SECTION 3: Denial due to Ignorance
SECTION 4: The Wicked will come to Disgrace
SECTION 5: Prophets are raised to explain
SECTION 6: Doom of Opponents is coming
SECTION 7: Human Nature revolts against Polytheism
SECTION 8: Iniquity of Deniers
SECTION 9: Parables showing the Truth of Revelation
SECTION 10: The Recipient of Revelation
SECTION 11: Punishment withheld
SECTION 12: Prophets testify
SECTION 13: Revelation enjoins Good
SECTION 14: The Qur’an is not a Forgery
SECTION 15: Fate of the Opponents
SECTION 16: The Way to Greatness
Chapter 17. Bani Isra’il: The Israelites. Part 15
SECTION 1: Israelites punished Twice
SECTION 2: Every Deed has a Consequence
SECTION 3: Moral Precepts
SECTION 4: Moral Precepts
SECTION 5: Disbelievers grow harder
SECTION 6: Punishment must follow
SECTION 7: The Devil’s Opposition to the Righteous
SECTION 8: Opposition to the Prophet
SECTION 9: Truth will prevail
SECTION 10: The Qur’an — a Unique Guidance
SECTION 11: Justice of Retribution
SECTION 12: Comparison with Moses
Chapter 18. Al-Kahf: The Cave
SECTION 1: A Warning to the Christians
SECTION 2: The Dwellers in the Cave
SECTION 3: The Dwellers in the Cave
SECTION 4: The Qur’an as a Guidance
SECTION 5: A Parable
SECTION 6: The Guilty are brought to Judgment
SECTION 7: Their Helplessness
SECTION 8: Warning is disregarded
SECTION 9: Moses travels in Search of Knowledge
SECTION 10: Moses travels in Search of Knowledge
Part 16
SECTION 11: Dhu-l-qarnain and Gog and Magog
SECTION 12: Christian Nations
Chapter 19. Maryam: Mary
SECTION 1: Zacharias and John
SECTION 2: Mary and Jesus
SECTION 3: Abraham
SECTION 4: Other Prophets are raised
SECTION 5: How the Opponents were Dealt with
SECTION 6: False Doctrine of Sonship
Chapter 20. Ta Ha
SECTION 1: Moses is Called
SECTION 2: Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh
SECTION 3: Moses and the Enchanters
SECTION 4: The Israelites worship the Calf
SECTION 5: The End of Calf-worship
SECTION 6: The Prophet’s Opponents
SECTION 7: The Devil’s misleading
SECTION 8: Punishment is certain
Chapter 21. Al-Anbiya’: The Prophets. Part 17
SECTION 1: Judgment approaches
SECTION 2: Truth has always Triumphed
SECTION 3: Truth of Revelation
SECTION 4: Allah deals with Men mercifully
SECTION 5: Abraham is Delivered
SECTION 6: Allah always delivers Prophets
SECTION 7: The Righteous will inherit the Land
Chapter 22. Al-Hajj: The Pilgrimage
SECTION 1: The Judgment
SECTION 2: Certainty of Divine Help
SECTION 3: Believers are Triumphant
SECTION 4: Pilgrimage
SECTION 5: Sacrifices
SECTION 6: Believers permitted to Fight
SECTION 7: Opposition to the Prophet
SECTION 8: The Faithful shall be Established
SECTION 9: Divine Mercy in dealing with Men
SECTION 10: Polytheism will be uprooted
Chapter 23. Al-Mu’minun: The Believers. Part 18
SECTION 1: Success of the Faithful
SECTION 3: Prophets after Noah
SECTION 4: Higher Values of Life
SECTION 5: Polytheism is self-condemned
SECTION 6: Regrets of the Wicked
Chapter 24. Al-Nur: The Light
SECTION 1: Law relating to Adultery
SECTION 2: ‘A’ishah’s Slanderers
SECTION 3: Slanderers of Women
SECTION 4: Preventive Measures
SECTION 5: Manifestation of Divine Light
SECTION 6: Manifestation of Divine Power
SECTION 7: Establishment of the Kingdom of Islam
SECTION 8: Respect for Privacy
SECTION 9: Matters of State to take Precedence
Chapter 25. Al-Furqan: The Discrimination
SECTION 1: A Warner for all Nations
SECTION 2: Truth of the Warning
Part 19. SECTION 3: The Day of Discrimination
SECTION 4: A Lesson in the Fate of Former People
SECTION 5: A Lesson from Nature
SECTION 6: The Transformation wrought
Chapter 26. Al-Shu‘ara’: The Poets
SECTION 1: The Prophet is consoled
SECTION 2: Moses is called and sent to Pharaoh
SECTION 3: Moses and the Enchanters
SECTION 4: Moses is delivered and Pharaoh drowned
SECTION 5: History of Abraham
SECTION 6: History of Noah
SECTION 7: History of Hud
SECTION 8: History of Salih
SECTION 9: History of Lot
SECTION 10: History of Shu‘aib
SECTION 11: Prophet’s opponents warned
Chapter 27. Al-Naml: The Naml
SECTION 1: A Reference to Moses’ History
SECTION 2: History of Solomon
SECTION 3: History of Solomon
SECTION 4: Salih and Lot
SECTION 5: The Faithful will be Exalted
Part 20
SECTION 6: The Spiritual Resurrection
SECTION 7: Passing away of Opposition
Chapter 28. Al-Qasas: The Narrative
SECTION 1: History of Moses
SECTION 2: History of Moses
SECTION 3: History of Moses
SECTION 4: History of Moses
SECTION 5: A Prophet like Moses
SECTION 6: The Truth of Revelation
SECTION 7: Opponents shall be brought low
SECTION 8: Korah’s Wealth leads him to Ruin
SECTION 9: The Prophet will return to Makkah
Chapter 29. Al-‘Ankabut: The Spider
SECTION 1: Trials purify
SECTION 2: Noah and Abraham
SECTION 3: Abraham and Lot
SECTION 4: Opposition to Truth ever a Failure
Part 21. SECTION 5: The Qur’an is a Purifier
SECTION 6: Warning and Consolation
SECTION 7: Triumph of the Faithful
Chapter 30. Al-Rum: The Romans
SECTION 1: A Great Prophecy
SECTION 2: The two Parties
SECTION 3: Manifestations of Divine Power in Nature
SECTION 4: Appeal to Human Nature
SECTION 5: A Transformation
SECTION 6: Overthrow of Opposition
Chapter 31. Luqman
SECTION 1: Believers will be successful
SECTION 2: Luqman’s Advice to his Son
SECTION 3: Greatness of Divine Power
SECTION 4: The Doom comes
Chapter 32. Al-Sajdah: The Adoration
SECTION 1: Islam will be established
SECTION 2: Believers and Disbelievers — a Comparison
SECTION 3: Dead Earth will receive Life
Chapter 33. Al-Ahzab: The Allies
SECTION 1: Spiritual and Physical Relationship
SECTION 2: The Allies’ Attack on Madinah
SECTION 3: Allies’ Flight: Quraizah punished
SECTION 4: Prophet’s Domestic Simplicity
Part 22
SECTION 5: Prophet’s Marriage with Zainab
SECTION 6: The Prophet’s Marriages
SECTION 7: Rules of Conduct in Domestic Relations
SECTION 8: Those who spread Evil Reports
SECTION 9: An Exhortation to the Faithful
Chapter 34. Al-Saba’: The Saba’
SECTION 1: Judgment is certain
SECTION 2: Favours followed by Retribution
SECTION 3: A Victory for the Muslims
SECTION 4: The Leaders of Evil
SECTION 5: Wealth does not stand for Greatness
SECTION 6: Truth will prosper
Chapter 35. Al-Fatir: The Originator
SECTION 1: Divine Favours
SECTION 2: Truth will prevail
SECTION 3: A New Generation will be raised
SECTION 4: The Elect
SECTION 5: Punishment due to Evil Deeds
Chapter 36. Ya Sin
SECTION 1: Truth of the Qur’an
SECTION 2: Confirmation of the Truth
Part 23
SECTION 3: Signs of the Truth
SECTION 4: Reward and Punishment
SECTION 5: The Resurrection
Chapter 37. Al-Saffat: Those Ranging in Ranks
SECTION 1: Unity will prevail
SECTION 2: The Judgment
SECTION 3: Noah and Abraham
SECTION 4: Moses, Aaron, Elias and Lot
SECTION 5: Jonah and the Prophet’s Triumph
Chapter 38. Sad
SECTION 1: The Enemy’s Discomfiture
SECTION 2: David’s Enemies
SECTION 3: Solomon and his Enemies
SECTION 4: Job — Triumph of the Righteous
SECTION 5: Opposition to Prophets
Chapter 39. Al-Zumar: The Companies
SECTION 1: Obedience to Allah
SECTION 2: Believers and Disbelievers
SECTION 3: A Perfect Guidance
Part 24. SECTION 4: Rejectors will be Abased
SECTION 5: Punishment cannot be Averted
SECTION 6: Divine Mercy
SECTION 7: The Final Judgment
SECTION 8: Each Party meets with its Desert
Chapter 40. Al-Mu’min: The Believer
SECTION 1: Protection of the Faithful
SECTION 2: Failure of Opponents
SECTION 3: A Warning in Moses’ History
SECTION 4: A Believer of Pharaoh’s People
SECTION 5: The End of Pharaoh’s People
SECTION 6: Messengers Receive Divine Help
SECTION 7: The Power of Allah
SECTION 8: The End of Opposition
SECTION 9: The End of Opposition
Chapter 41. Ha Mim
SECTION 1: Invitation to the Truth
SECTION 2: The Warning
SECTION 3: Man’s Evidence against Himself
SECTION 4: Believers Strengthened
SECTION 5: Effect of the Revelation
SECTION 6: Gradual Spread of Truth
Part 25
Chapter 42. Al-Shura: The Counsel
SECTION 1: Divine Mercy in giving Warning
SECTION 2: Judgment is Given
SECTION 3: Allah’s Dealing is Just
SECTION 4: Believers should be Patient
SECTION 5: Revelation guides aright
Chapter 43. Zukhruf: Gold
SECTION 1: Revelation is a Divine Favour
SECTION 2: Polytheism condemned
SECTION 3: Allah’s Choice of a Prophet
SECTION 4: Opposition to Truth is punished
SECTION 5: Pharaoh’s Opposition to Moses
SECTION 6: Jesus as Prophet
SECTION 7: The two Parties
Chapter 44. Al-Dukhan: The Drought
SECTION 1: Lighter Punishment followed by Severer
SECTION 2: Good and Evil Rewarded
SECTION 3: Good and Evil Rewarded
Chapter 45. Al-Jathiyah: The Kneeling
SECTION 1: Denial of Revelation
SECTION 2: Truth of the Revelation
SECTION 3: Denial of Judgment
SECTION 4: The Doom
Chapter 46. Al-Ahqaf: The Sandhills. Part 26
SECTION 1: Truth of Revelation
SECTION 2: Witness of Truth
SECTION 3: The Fate of ‘Ad
SECTION 4: A Warning
Chapter 47. Muhammad
SECTION 1: Opponents will perish in War
SECTION 2: Oppressors shall be brought low
SECTION 3: The Weak-hearted Ones
SECTION 4: An Exhortation
Chapter 48. Al-Fath: The Victory
SECTION 1: Hudaibiyah Truce was a Victory
SECTION 2: The Defaulters
SECTION 3: More Victories for Islam
SECTION 4: Ultimate Triumph of Islam
Chapter 49. Al-Hujurat: The Apartments
SECTION 1: Respect for the Prophet
SECTION 2: Respect for Muslim Brotherhood
Chapter 50. Qaf
SECTION 1: The Resurrection
SECTION 2: The Resurrection
SECTION 3: The Resurrection
Chapter 51. Al-Dhariyat: The Scatterers
SECTION 1: Falsehood is doomed
SECTION 2: The Fate of previous Nations
Part 27
SECTION 3: Judgment is sure
Chapter 52. Al-Tur: The Mountain
SECTION 1: Success of the Faithful
SECTION 2: Opponents are doomed
Chapter 53. Al-Najm: The Star
SECTION 1: Eminence to be attained by the Prophet
SECTION 2: Nothing avails against Truth
SECTION 3: Allah’s Power manifested in destruction of Falsehood
Chapter 54. Al-Qamar: The Moon
SECTION 1: Judgment to overtake opponents
SECTION 2: Thamud and Lot’s People
SECTION 3: Pharaoh and the Prophet’s Opponents
Chapter 55. Al-Rahman: The Beneficent
SECTION 1: Divine Beneficence
SECTION 2: Judgment of the Guilty
SECTION 3: Reward of the Righteous
Chapter 56. Al-Waqi‘ah: The Event
SECTION 1: Three Classes of Men
SECTION 2: The Guilty
SECTION 3: Judgment is Inevitable
Chapter 57. Al-Hadid: Iron
SECTION 1: Establishment of the Kingdom of God
SECTION 2: Light and Life given by the Prophet
SECTION 3: Truth shall be Established
SECTION 4: Double Reward for Believers
Chapter 58. Al-Mujadilah: The Pleading Woman. Part 28
SECTION 1: Safeguarding Women’s Rights
SECTION 2: Secret Counsels condemned
SECTION 3: Internal Enemy to be guarded against
Chapter 59. Al-Hashr: The Banishment
SECTION 1: The Exiled Jews
SECTION 2: The Hypocrites fail in their Promise to the Jews
SECTION 3: An Exhortation
Chapter 60. Al-Mumtahanah: The Woman Who is Examined
SECTION 1: Friendly Relations with Enemies
SECTION 2: Friendly Relations with non-Muslims
Chapter 61. Al-Saff: The Ranks
SECTION 1: Triumph of Islam
SECTION 2: Establishment of Truth needed Sacrifices
Chapter 62. Al-Jumu‘ah: The Congregation
SECTION 1: Muslims chosen for Divine Favours
SECTION 2: Friday Prayer
Chapter 63. Al-Munafiqun: The Hypocrites
SECTION 1: The Hypocrites
SECTION 2: An Exhortation
Chapter 64. Al-Taghabun: The Manifestation of Losses
SECTION 1: Disbelievers Warned
SECTION 2: An Exhortation
Chapter 65. Al-Talaq: The Divorce
SECTION 1: Supplementary Divorce Rules
SECTION 2: Makkah warned
Chapter 66. Al-Tahrim: The Prohibition
SECTION 1: Prophet’s Domestic Relations
SECTION 2: Progress of the Faithful
Chapter 67. Al-Mulk: The Kingdom. Part 29
SECTION 1: The Kingdom of God
SECTION 2: The Disbelievers’ Doom
Chapter 68. Al-Qalam: The Pen
SECTION 1: Not a Madman’s Message
SECTION 2: A Reminder for the Nations
Chapter 69. Al-Haqqah: The Sure Truth
SECTION 1: The Doom
SECTION 2: False Allegations refuted
Chapter 70. Al-Ma‘arij: The Ways of Ascent
SECTION 1: Certainty of the Punishment
SECTION 2: A New Nation to be raised up
Chapter 71. Nuh: Noah
SECTION 1: Noah preaches. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
SECTION 2: Destruction of Transgressors
Chapter 72. Al-Jinn: The Jinn
SECTION 1: Foreign Believers
SECTION 2: Protection of Revelation
Chapter 73. Al-Muzzammil: The one covering himself up
SECTION 1: The Prophet enjoined to pray
SECTION 2: Prayer enjoined on Muslims
Chapter 74. Al-Muddaththir: The one wrapping himself up
SECTION 1: The Prophet is enjoined to Warn
SECTION 2: The Warning
Chapter 75. Al-Qiyamah: The Resurrection
SECTION 1: The Truth of the Resurrection
SECTION 2: The Dead Rise
Chapter 76. Al-Insan: The Man
SECTION 1: Attainment of Perfection
SECTION 2: Another Generation will be Raised up
Chapter 77. Al-Mursalat: Those Sent Forth
SECTION 1: Consequences of Rejection
SECTION 2: Consequences of Rejection
Chapter 78. Al-Naba’: The Announcement. Part 30
SECTION 1: The Day of Decision
SECTION 2: The Day of Decision
Chapter 79. Al-Nazi‘at: Those Who Yearn
SECTION 1: The Great Commotion
SECTION 2: The Great Calamity
Chapter 80 ‘Abasa: He Frowned
Chapter 81. Al-Takwir: The Folding Up
Chapter 82. Al-Infitar: The Cleaving
Chapter 83. Al-Tatfif: Default in Duty
Chapter 84. Al-Inshiqaq: The Bursting Asunder
Chapter 85. Al-Buruj: The Stars
Chapter 86. Al-Tariq: The Comer By Night
Chapter 87. Al-A‘la: The Most High
Chapter 88. Al-Ghashiyah: The Overwhelming Event
Chapter 89. Al-Fajr: The Daybreak
Chapter 90. Al-Balad: The City
Chapter 91. Al-Shams: The Sun
Chapter 92. Al-Lail: The Night
Chapter 93. Al-Duha: The Brightness of the Day
Chapter 94. Al-Inshirah: The Expansion
Chapter 95. Al-Tin: The Fig
Chapter 96. Al-‘Alaq: The Clot
Chapter 97. Al-Qadr: The Majesty
Chapter 98. Al-Bayyinah: The Clear Evidence
Chapter 99. Al-Zilzal: The Shaking
Chapter 100. Al-‘Adiyat: The Assaulters
Chapter 101. Al-Qari‘ah: The Calamity
Chapter 102. Al-Takathur: The Abundance of Wealth
Chapter 103. Al-‘Asr: The Time
Chapter 104. Al-Humazah: The Slanderer
Chapter 105. Al-Fil: The Elephant
Chapter 106. Al-Quraish: The Quraish
Chapter 107. Al-Ma‘un: Acts of Kindness
Chapter 108. Al-Kauthar: The Abundance of Good
Chapter 109. Al-Kafirun: The Disbelievers
Chapter 110. Al-Nasr: The Help
Chapter 111. Al-Lahab: The Flame
Chapter 112. Al-Ikhlas: The Unity
Chapter 113. Al-Falaq: The Dawn
Chapter 114. Al-Nas: The Men
Alphabetical List of Surahs
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English Translation
“Text Only”
141 Those are a people that have passed away; and for them is what they earned and for you what you earn; and you will not be asked of what they did.
142 The fools among the people will say: “What has turned them from their qiblah which they had?” Say: The East and the West belong only to Allah; He guides whom He pleases to the right path.