Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors and Other Sales Producers

Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors and Other Sales Producers
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Описание книги

90% of financial advisors fail at being financial advisors. Why? Because advisors, brokers, reps, and agents need to see more people to make more sales appointments. And nobody in their firm, agency, branch, or shop trains them how! Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors is the only book written for sales producers in the financial services industry focused on making more connections through networking In the wake of the COVID 19 pandemic, networking, developing relationships, generating referrals, and making important connections are as important as ever. The ideas and approaches in Knock Out Networking for Financial Advisors can be applied immediately to virtual meetings, online networking groups, social media, podcasts, and of course, phone calls. The problem is, most advisors and sales producers are not born networkers; they develop the skills and confidence through education, training, practice, and having a positive attitude. Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors covers everything you need to know about going to the right places (virtual or not!), saying the right things, and meeting the right people―essential skills for a financial advisor or sales producer that's serious about making more and better connections! The result? More prospects, more referrals, and more business. Author Michael Goldberg is a networking specialist, speaker, trainer, author (and boxer!) focused on helping financial advisors, brokers, agents, reps, wholesalers, and other sales producers grow their business or practice through networking. In this must read if you're a financial advisor book, you will learn how to: Confidently meet and greet new people in business settings Further define your Target Market to establish more and better connections Deliver a knockout elevator speech (not a script!) Generate more prospects and referrals from current client base Establish important relationships generating more business opportunities Bottom line, networking is the most effective way to attract more prospects, more referrals, and more business to your corner. Remember—keep the left up!


Michael Goldberg. Knockout Networking for Financial Advisors and Other Sales Producers

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations





Networking, Like Boxing, Is about the Connection

Jumping Rope, the Heavy Bag, and Roadwork

Networking Is Your Knockout Punch!

Bottom Line!

Part 1 Opening Rounds

CHAPTER 1 Networking Is the Key to a Successful Career: (Especially in Financial Services)

Why Financial Advisors Should Network

Top Producers Should Network Too

Serious, but Not Committed (SBNC)

Serious, but Committed (SBC)

The Difference Between New Producers and Top Producers

Why Financial Advisors Don't Network

Don't See the Value

Not Encouraged by Their Firms

Don't Know How to Network

Personal Fears

Not Connected to a Goal

It's Too Time Consuming

Too Busy

Being an Introvert

Not Sure Where to Go

Not Sure What to Say

Not Sure Who to Meet

CHAPTER 2 What Is Networking?: Having a Networking Mindset

Six Reasons for Networking

Growing Your Business

Landing a Job

Social Reasons


Paying It Forward

Solving a Very Specific Problem

Why Understanding the Six Reasons for Networking Is Important

Being Clear in Your Communication

Realizing That Others Have an Agenda Too

Other Benefits

What Is Networking Anyway?

A Networking Mindset

Two Types of Networking

CHAPTER 3 Why You Won't Connect with Everyone: The One‐Thirder Dynamic

One‐Thirder Dynamic

Making a Connection

Other Communities

Social Media

Two‐Thirder Dynamic

Focus on the One‐Thirders!

Zero‐Thirder Dynamic

Mirror Image

Sometimes You Can Reduce the Fraction

Part 2 The Rules of Networking™

Here are the Rules of Networking

CHAPTER 4 No Selling Ever: Keep Bobbing and Weaving

The Cost of Selling at a Networking Event

You'll Be Perceived as Pushy

You Put People in a Position to Say No

You Prevent Yourself from Establishing Trust

You Won't Be Approachable

You Won't Be Introduced to Quality People

You Won't Be Invited to Quality Events

You Will Always Be in a Position of Selling

You Won't Be Successful

It's Simply No Fun!

Trade Shows: An Exception to the Rule

CHAPTER 5 Everyone Is Not a Prospect: Don't Waste Your Punches

What Is a Prospect Anyway?

A Prospect Is a Prospect Is a Prospect

True Prospects

Probable Prospects

Why Understanding the Difference Between True and Probable Prospects Is Important

True Prospect or Not? That Is the Question!

True and Probable Referral Sources

Natural Market

Prospecting Is Important!

CHAPTER 6 Focus on a Target Market: Hit Those Focus Mitts

How I Discovered My Target Market

Do You Have the Right Formula?

Other Benefits to Discovering and Developing a Target Market

What Isn't a Target Market

Reducing the Fraction and the Lowest Common Denominator

How to Discover, Establish, and Develop Your Target Market

Your Background

Your Interest and Passion

Where You Already Have a Foot in the Door

Your Activities and Hobbies

Discover Who Needs What You Do (That You Like!)

Look for an Untapped Marketplace

Demographic You Can Relate To

Where You Have a Mentor

Personal Situation

Clone Your Favorite Clients

How Many Target Markets Can You Have?

Why Advisors Resist Having a Target Market

Remember, Stay Focused!

CHAPTER 7 Create (and Use!) Your Elevator Speech: The PEEC StatementTM


Insight for Job Searchers



Call to Action

Don't Be Too Direct

The Rules of the PEEC Statement

Rule #1: You Have to Be Asked

Rule #2: Your Message Must Be Short, Sweet, and to the Point

Rule #3: You Have to Be Specific

Rule #4: It's All About the AIR Time™

Rule #5: Your PEEC Statement Should Be Consistent

Rule #6: You Must Use It with Prospects, Clients, Advocates, and COI

Rule #7: It's a We Thing, Not a Me Thing

Rule #8: ONE Per Customer

Rule #9: This Is Not a Sales Pitch

Rule #10: Find Your Own Voice

Sample PEEC Statements

CHAPTER 8 Business Cards Breed Business: And Other Rules of NetworkingTM

Have Your Business Cards and Other Tools of the Trade

Tangible Tools

Intangible Tools

It Is Never About You

Always Be Positive, Professional, and Respectful

Look the Part

Know about Contacts, Leads, and Referrals




Count Your Chickens and Eggs

Eat and Drink Strategically

Initiate Conversations by Introducing Yourself and Asking Questions

Have a Goal and a Plan

Listen More, Talk Less

Keep Your Eyes Focused on Your Conversation

Introduce Others with Passion

Implement a Time Limit

Intend to Follow Up

Terminate Conversations Politely

It's a We Thing, Not a Me Thing

Get to Know: The Know, Like, and Trust Factor

Have Fun!

Part 3 Where to Go, What to Say, and Who to Meet

CHAPTER 9 Where to Go?: Chambers, Associations, and Other High‐Potential Events

Not All Events Are Created Equal

Hard Contact Meetings

Soft Contact Meetings

Chambers of Commerce

Cocktail Parties

Alumni Organizations

Conferences and Conventions

Trade Shows

Community Service Groups

Women's Organizations

Professional Association Meetings

Speed Networking Organizations


Online Networking

You Can't Just Show Up

CHAPTER 10 What to Say?: How to Start a Conversation, Ask Good Questions, and Connect

What Prevents Us from Listening?

Four‐Step Process for Active Listening




Asking Questions

Initiate Conversations by Introducing Yourself and Asking Questions

Other Possible Questions to Ask

Conversational Questions

Proprietary Questions

Lead with a Story

CHAPTER 11 Who Will You Meet?: The Faces of Networking

The Faces of Networking

Negative Nelly

Hard‐Sell Harry

Self‐Centered Sally

Ravenous Rick

Blackjack Betty

Silent Sam

Social Susie

Networking Nick

Final Thoughts on the Faces

People Seldom Change

Part 4 Special Topics

CHAPTER 12 How to Handle Awkward Situations: Forgetting Names and Other Weird Moments

How Do I Introduce Myself?

Scale of Fate: 1 to 10

How Do I Introduce Others in a Conversation Without Being Rude?

How Do I Introduce Others and Walk Away?

What Should I Do If I Forget Someone's Name?

How Do I Ask Someone for a Business Card?

How Do I Take Notes on Someone's Business Card?

How Do I Know When to End a Conversation?

It's a Two‐Thirder Dynamic

You're Being Sold To

There's Nothing More to Talk About

You Can Introduce Them to Someone Better

You Must Speak to Someone Else Right Then

What If I've Done Something Embarrassing or Stupid?

CHAPTER 13 Knockout LinkedIn Strategies: Boom!

Step 1: Define Your LinkedIn Marketing Goals

Step 2: Pick Your Target Market on LinkedIn

Step 3: Create the Right Messaging for Social Media

Step 4: Tell Your Story to Engage People

Step 5: Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Five Stars

Step 6: Set Up the Right Networking Dashboards to Track LinkedIn Success

Step 7: Post Something of Value Each Day on LinkedIn

Step 8: Engage with Your First‐ and Second‐Degree LinkedIn Network

Step 9: Reach Out Via Direct Message to Your LinkedIn Connections

The Bottom Line

CHAPTER 14 Generating More Referrals: Why Don't You Get More?

Reasons You're Not Getting Referrals

You're Afraid to Ask

You Don't Know or Communicate Who Your Best Prospects Are

You Don't Have a Mechanism in Place to Ask for Referrals

You Don't Give Enough Quality Referrals Yourself

You're “Selling” Your Referral Sources Rather than Networking with Them

You Don't Network Enough

You Don't Spend Enough Time Planning for Your Business Meetings

You Don't Take the Time to Thank Referral Sources Properly

You Don't Pay It Forward

Knockout Ways to Generate More Referrals

Be Referable

Use Your PEEC Statement

Follow Up on All Referrals Immediately

Keep Your Referral Sources in the Loop

Spend More Time in All the Right Places

Personal Gifts

Have a High Sense of Ethics

Give Awesome Referrals without Expecting Anything in Return

Stay in Touch with Referral Sources

Volunteer Your Time to Worthy Organizations

Collaborate with Your “A” Team on a Regular Basis

Think about We Referrals

Make Sure It Goes Both Ways; If Not, Handle It

CHAPTER 15 One‐on‐One Networking Meetings: How to PUNCH Up Your Time Over Coffee

Best Practices



Be On Time

Your PUNCH Card




Call to Action

How to Move Forward

Important Points to Keep in Mind

Prepare Your Own PUNCH Card

Playing Hard to Get

Being Crystal Clear About Your Intentions

Don't Make Your Coffee Meeting Feel Like an Interview

One‐on‐One Meeting PUNCH Card

Part 5 Developing and Implementing Your Networking System

CHAPTER 16 The Four Phases of Networking: Preparation, Presentation, Follow‐up, Maintenance


Know Your PEEC Statement

Review the Rules of Networking

Learn About the Event

It's All in the Cards

Know Who You Want to Meet and Why


The Registration Table

Going Cold

Introducing Yourself to Groups

Smaller Groups

Standing by the Coffee


Maintenance (OOSIOOM)


Prospect List

Client List

Advocate List

CHAPTER 17 What Now? 90‐Day Goals: Putting Your “Daily Fight Plan” into Action!


Goals Must Have Passion

Goals Must Be “SMART”

Goals Must Be Lofty

Goals Must Be about Process

Goals Must Be Accountable

Goals Must Be Written

Goals Must Be Visible

Objectives or Tasks

Here's his goal:

Business and Networking Examples


Daily Fight Plan (DFP)

90‐Day Goals


Daily Action Steps

Daily Fight PlanTM. 90‐Day Goals


Daily Action Steps

Final Round


About the Author



Отрывок из книги



In fact, I believe you can achieve almost anything by networking. As long as you're clear on what your goal is, you can almost always figure out where you should be going, what you should be saying, and with whom.

Here's the reality. Most people in sales take networking for granted. They don't realize what a powerful business tool it can be when done correctly. Networking is not about asking for business or pitching your product or service. It's about building, establishing, and maintaining positive (and fun!) relationships.


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