Code Nation

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Michael J. Halvorson. Code Nation
ACM Books
Code Nation
1How Important is Programming?
1.1Programming Programmingculture Culture
1.2Programminglearning languageLearning a Language
1.3Programmingnew ways of thinkingNew Ways of Thinking
1.4Programmingequity and accessEquity and accessEquity and Access
1.5Programmingpersonal connectionsPersonal connectionsPersonal Connections
1.6Programmingmanifestos of movementManifestos of the Movement
1.7Programmingnew history of personal computingA New History of Personal computingPersonal Computing
2Four Computing Mythologies Computing mythologies
2.1North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Conference on Software Engineering Computing mythologiesNATO Conference on Software Engineering
2.2The Complexity of software Complexity of Software Computing mythologiescomplexity of software
2.3Computing mythologiessystems for customersSystems are Systemfor customers for Customers
2.4Counterculture movementThe Counterculture Movement Computing mythologiescounterculture movement
2.5IntertwingularityEverything is Deeply Intertwingled Computing mythologiesintertwingularity
2.6The Computing mythologiesbirth of computer science Birth of Computer Science Computer science
2.7Computing mythologiescomputers for people Computers for the People
2.8Computing mythologiespersonal computing Personal computing Personal Computing
3FORTRAN, Logo, and the Tower of Babel
3.1Solving Problems with Computers
3.2The Tower of Babel Tower of Babel
3.3High-level languagesHigh-level Languages
3.4Learning FORTRAN
3.5Daniel McCracken’s primersDaniel McCracken’s Primers
3.6Logodesign by Seymour PapertSeymour Papert and Logo
3.7Logodesign by Cynthia SolomonSolomon, CynthiaCynthia Solomon
3.8Logo as a Model for Code Nation
3.9LogoHow successful was Logo?
4Advocating Computer Literacy
4.1Robert Albrecht and the Popularization of movement, Robert Albrecht and Popularization of the Movement Computer literacyRobert Albrecht and popularization of movement
4.2I Speak BASIC programming language BASIC Computer literacyBASIC
4.3The B. F. Skinner approach B. F. Skinner Approach Computer literacyB. F. Skinner approach
4.4Hold Me Closer Tiny BASIC Tiny BASIC Computer literacyTiny BASIC
4.5Luehrmann, ArthurComputer literacyArthur Luehrmann and computer literacy debateArthur Luehrmann and the Computer Literacy Debate
4.6A Blow to the Movement Computer literacyblow to movement
4.7Computer literacyApple Computer’s Education AgendaApple Computer’s Apple ComputerEducation Agenda Education Agenda
4.8Computer literacyapplications over languagesApplications over Languages
5Four Million BASIC programmers BASIC Programmers
5.1Introducing Ahl, David H. David Ahl
5.2A BASIC programmersproliferation of BASICs Proliferation of BASICs
5.4Adventure gamesAdventure Games BASIC programmersadventure games
5.5BASIC programmersstructured programmingStructured programmingStructured Programming
5.6Microsoft Press and Learn BASIC Now
5.7Microsoft Game ShopBASIC programmersMicrosoft Game ShopMicrosoft Game Shop
5.8Visual Basic for Windows
5.9Innovative programming primersBASIC programmersinnovative programming primersProgramming primersinnovativeInnovative Programming Primers
6Power Users, Tinkerers, and Gurus
6.1Computing terminologyComputing Terminology
6.2Personal computers (PCs)tinkering withTinkering with Personal Computers
6.3Batch filesVan Wolverton andWolverton, VanVan Wolverton and Batch Files
6.4The DOS for Dummies PhenomenonDOS guru
6.5The Personal computers (PCs)economic impact Economic Impact of Personal Computers
6.6Cary Lu Introduces the Macintosh
6.7The Waite Group’s Macintosh Primers Waite Group’s Macintosh Primers
6.8Maturing Mac PlatformThe Maturing Mac Platform
7Hackers and Cyberpunks Cyberpunks
7.1Landreth, Billand 1980s Hacker CultureHackersBill Landreth and 1980s Hacker CultureBill Landreth and 1980s Hacker Culture
7.2Milhon, JudeJude Milhon: Cyberpunksfrom civil rights activist toFrom Civil Rights Activist to Cyberpunk
7.3Mondo 2000 and Cyberpunk HandbookThe Cyberpunk Handbook
7.4Cypherpunks Cypherpunks and Cryptography Cryptography
8Computer Magazines and Historical Research
8.1Computer magazinesmagazines and popular culture of computingMagazines and a Popular Culture of Computing Computing culture
8.2Letters from the Programming Community Computer magazinesletters from programming community
8.3New PC Users Computer magazinesnew PC users
8.4Power usersPower Users Computer magazinespower users
8.5Advanced Hobbyists
8.6Computer magazinesprofessional programmersProfessionalprogrammersProfessional Programmers
8.7Computer magazinesnew approaches to historical researchNew Approaches to Historical Research
9Developing for MS-DOS: Authors and Entrepreneurs
9.1MS-DOSnew platforms for commercial softwareNew Platforms for Commercial Software
9.2MS-DOSinside IBM PC with Peter NortonIBM PCswith Peter NortonNorton, PeterIBM PC withInside the IBM PC with Norton, Peter Peter Norton
9.3MS-DOSBorland’s Turbo PascalBorland’s Turbo Pascal language Turbo Pascal
9.4MS-DOSRay Duncan’s advanced MS-DOSRay Duncan’s Advanced MS-DOSAdvanced MS-DOS
9.5MS-DOSEncyclopediaThe MS-DOS Encyclopedia
9.6MS-DOSSample CodeMS-DOS Sample Code
9.7MS-DOStechnology diffusionTechnology Diffusion
10C Programming Nation: From Tiny C to Microsoft Windows
10.1The C Language
10.2Personal computers (PCs)learning C onLearning C on Personal Computers
10.3Academic and Professional Resources
10.4Programming primersCC Programming for the PeopleCfor people
10.5Charles Petzold’s Programming Windows Petzold, CharlesProgramming WindowsProgramming Windows
10.6On Complexity
11“Evangelism is sales done right”: PCs and Commercializationcommercial programming culture Commercial Programming Culture
11.1EvangelismMacintosh WayThe Macintosh Way
11.2EvangelismWest Coast Computer FaireThe West Coast Computer Faire West Coast Computer Faire
11.3COMDEXEvangelismCOMDEX and trade show movementCOMDEX and the Trade Show Movement
11.4Evangelismtrouble with self-taught programmersThe Trouble with Self-taught Programmers
11.5Evangelismsoftware engineering for peopleSoftware Engineering for the People
11.6EvangelismProfessional and Enterprise Development SystemsProfessional Development SystemsProfessional and Enterprise Development Systems Enterprise Development Systems
Afterword: Programming in the Internet Age
Computing Mythologies
The Commercial Internet
Hour of Code
Campaigns for Computer Literacy
Author’s Biography. Michael J. Halvorson
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Editor in Chief
Sanjiva Prasad, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi
Haitham Hassanieh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Continuing Arms Race: Code-Reuse Attacks and Defenses