The Business of Creativity

The Business of Creativity
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Описание книги

Would you like to earn a living following your creative passion and doing what you love every day? This book will show you how.
In The Business of Creativity, Michael Jacobsen draws on his rich experience of owning and operating global entertainment businesses to provide the practical guidance that creative start-ups need to get going.
His two key mantras are that each business needs a vision, mission and values, and that the route to success is to observe those who have been successful in your sector and to model their approach. As well as explaining exactly how to do this, he covers the business essentials that all creative entrepreneurs need to consider.
The creative sector is worth £36bn a year to the British economy; it is big business and the opportunity is there for entrepreneurs in creative industries to start up and build successful businesses. But bridging the gap between creativity and commerce can be difficult – some see a conflict between artistic integrity and a profit motive, and how exactly do you take your spare room creative enterprise to the next level?
In this book Jacobsen looks at:
– what foundations to put in place to get your business started – how to set up and grow your business – sources of funding and tips for organising business finances – what angels and other investors will look for – where to find support – the psychology of business success.
There are also numerous case studies from successful creative businesses of all sizes and wisdom from high-profile businesspeople operating in the creative sector.
This straight-talking business guide is packed with actionable advice and essential tips to give you everything you need to start and grow your creative business.


Michael Jacobsen Hviid. The Business of Creativity

Publishing details

About the author

With thanks to


Introduction. A passion for business

Creative business

A move into mentoring

When business and creativity collide

CHAPTER 1: Curtain Up, Getting Started In Business. The Ingredients for Success

Checklist of ingredients for success

A Sound Footing for Your Business

1. Have courage in your vision

2. Assess the need

3. Coach, mentor or friend

CHAPTER 2: How To Set Up Your Business

Vision, Mission and Values

Vision statement

Vision statements of famous brands. Avon


Brighton and Hove City Council – Music and Arts




Toys R Us

Kraft Foods

Mission statement

Example mission statements. Starbucks

Saatchi & Saatchi






Classy Tickets


Jamie Oliver

James Dyson

Values statement

Values statements of large companies. Microsoft





Dirty Dancing theatrical production



General admin and tax (the boring stuff)


Income taxes

National Insurance

Business insurance

Accounts payable and receivables

Credit with suppliers


Market research

Business name

Financial plan

Start-up costs


Sales targets

Strategic research

Quick research tools. PEST


Choosing a Business Structure

Sole trader


Social enterprise

Private limited company

Business Systems

1. Franchise

How a franchise works

Focus on creative sector franchises


Gloria Jean’s Coffees

The master franchise arrangement

2. Licence agreement

3. Joint venture

Focus on Live Nation Entertainment

4. Merger

Focus on Live Nation

Buying a Business

Focus on the Capitol Theatre, Sydney

Buying process from a start up perspective. Finding



The business plan

Timetable for acquisition

Starting a Creative Sector Business at Home

How works

Jamie At Home

The Pampered Chef


Forming Bands

CHAPTER 3: How To Grow Your Business. The biggest mistakes when starting a business

1. Undercapitalisation

2. Believing others will automatically fall in love with the business

3. Bad advice

4. Trying the same strategy and expecting a different result

5. Business with partners

6. Thinking you are bigger than the market

7. Growth that is too rapid

8. Being controlling

9. Not paying on time

10. Having a selective focus

How to Write a Business Plan

Critical items in a business plan. Products and services

Competitive advantages

Operational plan for legal matters (IP and other legal considerations)

Management and organisation

Macro-economic analysis

Competitive analysis


Fundraising. For bankers and lenders

For angels


Other information to include

Digital media companies

Proof of Concept



1. Product

2. Price

3. Place

Options for routes to market

4. Promotion

USP: unique selling point

Focus on The Bakery


Branding tips

Competitive advantage

Innovation strategy for digital media

Focus on a show business marketing Tsar

Focus on Spotify

Social media






Google Analytics

The core of marketing

Legal tips

Key legal considerations for new business ventures

1. Protecting ideas

2. Risk management

3. A marriage of equals?

4. Put it in writing

5. The “A” Team

6. On good terms

7. Marketing and advertising

8. Premises

9. Avoid personal guarantees

10. Keep your customers satisfied

11. Handle data with care

Focus on SingOn — a foreign start up

CHAPTER 4: Finance And Funding

Financial Ratios

Working capital ratio

Quick ratio

Price-to-earnings ratio

Debt-to-equity ratio

Return on equity

Gross profit margin

Financial Statements

1. Balance sheet

2. Cash flow statement

3. Profit and loss statement or income statement

Understanding financial statements

Day-to-Day Finance

1. Keep an eye on expenses

2. Understand accounts receivable

3. Know the sources and applications of your funds

4. No one knows your business like you

5. Keep your long-term plan in mind

Sources of Funding

Family and friends


Focus on an arch angel

Venture capital

Focus on Octopus

Focus on Ingenious

Focus on Passion Capital

Private equity

Focus on Oakley Capital

Other Funding Channels for the Creative Sector

Start-Up Loans

School for Creative Startups Angel Society

Focus on SEQ Futures

Focus on PROfounders Capital by Oakley Capital

How to Pitch for and Raise Money

Pitching hints

Why a pitch may fail

Why a pitch may succeed

How to Take On an Investor and Manage Them

Tips for managing the investor relationship. 1. Foster the relationship

2. Maintain trust

3. Report regularly

4. Keep them passionate

5. Have a clear chain of command

6. Have regular board meetings

7. Don’t waste their time

8. Have a shareholder agreement

What to include in a shareholder’s agreement

CHAPTER 5: where to find support

UK Trade & Investment (UKTI)

National Association of College and University Entrepreneurs (NACUE)

British Library Business & IP Centre

Creative Scotland

Create Wales

School for Creative Startups

Enterprise Nation

StartUp Britain

British Council’s Young Creative Entrepreneur (YCE) Programme

Fashion Angel

Tech City



TechStars London

Accelerator Academy

Wayra Academy

CHAPTER 6: psychological mastery

Tips for Psychological Mastery. 1. Stay positive and passionate

Negativity of family and friends

2. Time management

3. Ongoing education

4. Understand yourself

5. Model others

6. Energy and health

Human Performance Institute

7. Clear thinking

8. Be flexible

9. Go the other way

10. Health at your desk

Fitness and Psychology

Focus on creative sector entrepreneur Paul Manley

Focus on Amanda McGregor

CHAPTER 7: What To Do Next

Combining it with Your Job

Get the right day job

How do I find time and energy?

Undertake research

Talk to your boss



Legal and moral considerations

Check on contractual matters

Keep an eye out

Doing it from Your Spare Room

1. Create an oasis

2. Self-discipline and boundaries

3. Spend your time carefully

4. Look the part

5. Good IT arrangements

6. Home office tax

7. Home office insurance

Looking after employees in the workplace

8. Be comfortable

Making the Break – Going It Alone

How will I know the time is right?

What Do I Do and How Do I Do It?

A fee-for-service videographer

A product-based game or app designer

Advertising and media

Arts and crafts

Fashion design

Music and performing arts

Publishing and e-publishing

Some Inspiration

DASH magazine

The concept


Nomoi. What is the reason the company exists?


The brand vision

What the brand stands for

Unique selling point (USP)

CHAPTER 8: Famous British Success Stories

Simon Cowell – TV producer

Sir James Dyson – industrial designer

Harvey Goldsmith C.B.E. – music promoter

Sir Philip Green – retailer

Nigella Lawson – homemaker, chef, author and TV personality

Stella McCartney – fashion designer

Sir Cameron Mackintosh – theatre producer

Tamara Mellon O.B.E. – accessories designer

Kate Moss – model

Elizabeth Murdoch – TV production company

Jamie Oliver M.B.E. – chef and TV personality

J.K. Rowling O.B.E. – author

Charles Saatchi – advertising

Michael Acton Smith – game creator

Sir Paul Smith – fashion designer

Lord Webber – composer

CHAPTER 9: Words Of Wisdom

Next Steps

Concluding Thoughts. How to become a professional business person without losing your creative streak

Business books from Harriman House

Business Reimagined: Why work isn't working and what you can do about it

From Vision to Exit: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Building and Selling a Business

How To Become A Business Angel: Practical advice for aspiring investors in unquoted companies

Refreshingly Simple Finance for Small Business: A straight-talking guide to finance and accounting

Selling Your Technology Company for Maximum Value: A comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs

Spin-Outs: Creating Businesses from University Intellectual Property

Отрывок из книги

Michael Jacobsen is an Australian-born serial entrepreneur, now based in Europe. He holds a Bachelor of Business degree from UTS in Sydney and a financial diploma from the Australian Securities Institute. He is active in UK and European business and is also an angel investor and business mentor to start ups, growth businesses and businesses in the creative sector, predominantly in the UK and Europe. He sits on the board of the world-renowned Australian Centre for Event Management, a division of the business faculty at the University of Technology Sydney.

Michael co-founded/owned and was founding co-producer of Dirty Dancing –The Classic story on Stage, which held its world premiere in Australia in 2004 and has since played in Holland, Canada, the USA, Germany and London’s West End. It set box office records in Germany, Canada and London and is one of the most successful live entertainment products ever staged in terms of ticket sales and revenue.


Even the British government recognises this and is placing the creative sector as a commercial sector firmly on its agenda. The EU is similarly placing importance on it, releasing policy papers and injecting funds into the European Creative Community.

Given these facts and the position I have come from, firstly in traditional business and later amalgamating my financial and business expertise with my creative passion, I work actively to bring these two camps together and to help creative entrepreneurs realise their passion. When this happens the creative person can afford to do what they love every day for the rest of their lives. What better way is there to live than that?


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