The Mural

The Mural
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Hidden in the desolate woods on the Central California coast, lost to time and memory, is a WPA mural unlike any other created during the 1930s. This one was not simply fashioned from charcoal and paint; it was crafted out of undying evil–the evil of an ancient demonic army called Legion. When structural inspector Jack Hayden stumbles upon the mural in a ruined civic building, he tries to convince himself that it might add to the crumbling structure’s value. But that note of hopefulness is quickly replaced by terror as the mural spreads its cruel, nightmarish horror over Hayden and everyone in his life. Soon he's leading his own attack force made up of those who have managed to fend off the evil of the mural in their souls, but now must do so in physical terms…or die trying. The fictional debut of a new master of horror fiction!


Michael Mallory. The Mural

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The town had sprung up out of the ground like a bush.


After making as thorough an inspection as was possible under the circumstances, Jack switched his recording back on and said: “Interior of city hall in an extreme state of distress, but cannot see anything that indicates structural instability. With enough people dedicated to the effort, and enough cleanser, this building probably could be rehabilitated for use again.” But Jesus, he thought, I’d hate to be responsible for cleaning this place up.

Clicking off the recorder, Jack set the flashlight down on a heap of plaster chips and pulled out his camera, checking it against the light bema to make certain it was set for flash. Pointing it at one side wall, he clicked the button and waited until the flash went off, then checked the screen to see if anything had been captured. It had: the picture showed the stained, moldy paneling quite clearly. He took a few more shots from different angles and then turned to the other wall the floor and the ceiling. Last to be shot was the back wall, which oddly appeared to be made of poured concrete. Training the camera on it he clicked the button and peered through the viewfinder as the flash went off.


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