The Effective Project Manager

The Effective Project Manager
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

This book doesn&#39;t offer a 10-step plan for a successful project management career because no plan can possibly address every project contingency. This book is a necessary guide for any coordinator of people and projects. You may be a planner, thinker, strategist, project manager, business owner, executive leader, business analyst, athletic coach, parent or simply an individual curious about ways to become more effective at work. Any way you slice it, you&#39;ll benefit from reading this book.<br><br>The Effective Project Manager explains in easy-to-understand terms what you need to do in order to become the best project manager you can be&mdash;an Effective Project Manager (EPM). The key themes of this book include time management, people management and thoughtful production of work that matters. <br><br>You need to be able to tell what work is the most important during any given hour spent on the job. You&#39;ll learn how to accomplish this task by better understanding people and organizations. You&#39;ll get people to tell you things by listening, planning and leading. You&#39;ll turn into a doer who can handle any situation thrown at you. You&#39;ll learn how to organize your thoughts and structure your planning process by using mind maps and pictures. You&#39;ll find out how to track progress easily and give your teams proven processes to use. Finally, you&#39;ll learn the common traits that all EPMs share.<br><br>The book is split into two parts. Part 1 focuses on how to manage yourself and includes tools that will help you become more effective in both your professional and personal life. Part 2 focuses on how to manage others. If you can manage yourself and manage others effectively, then you can lead almost any project.


Michael Stratton. The Effective Project Manager






Chapter 1. Plan the Big Picture Using Mind Maps

Mind Map – Project Planning

Mind Map – Strategy Planning

Mind Map – Business Functions

Mind Map – Use Case Catalog

Mind Map – Use Cases Details

Technology Tool Tip

Chapter 2. Guiding Principles for Effective Planning. Work on the Right Thing at the Right Time

Manage Your Time

Make the Right Decision at the Right Time

Use MS Project Plans Wisely

Plan Your Meetings

Know Where You Are

Simplify and Eliminate

Understand Your Organizational Landscape

Know Your Organizational Vision

Chapter 3. Intangibles

Believe in Yourself

Believe in Your Team

Have Fun and Move On

People Tool Tip

Serve Others

Understand the Concept of Fit

People Tool Tip

Identify Different Types of Problems


Chapter 4. Listen

Learn to Chit Chat

People Tool Tip

Take Notes – Listen on Paper

Productivity Tool Tip

Chapter 5. Your People

Learn to Deal with Project Sponsors

People Tool Tip – Simplify

Learn to Deal with Project Stakeholders

Manage Upward

Manage Downward

Chapter 6. Leadership: Let’s Be Effective Together!

Lead by Example

Act Like a Project Leader

Set Clear Expectations

Empower Your People

Delegate (But Not Too Much!)

Promote Accountability

Chapter 7. Communicating by Email

Be Specific

Shorten Your Emails

Don’t Broadcast Your Brilliance

Ditch the Nasty-grams

Use Language Strategically

Chapter 8. Measure

Measure Project Team Progress

Use Agile Project Charts

Use Waterfall Project Charts

Communicate Project Team Measurements

Measure Individual Progress

Measure Qualitative Data

Chapter 9. Transparency

Give Up the True Status

Share Impediments and Roadblocks

Share Resource Concerns

Share Budget Concerns

Share Risks

Share Decisions

Share the Schedule

Share Escalations

Share Priorities

People Tool Tip – Prioritization

Share Dependencies

Chapter 10. Meetings

Determine If You Should Call a Meeting

Create an Agenda

Agenda – Logistics

Agenda – Purpose

Agenda – What to Expect

Create Meeting Minutes

Minutes – Attendees

Minutes – Decisions

Minutes – Action Items

Minutes – Additional Details

Afterword: Closing

About the Author

Отрывок из книги

Dedicated to my father. I wish you were here.

Thank you to the smart, talented colleagues I’ve had the great fortune to work with over the past 15 years. It’s through these interactions that I have shaped my professional worldview. I want to express gratitude to my peers, managers, executives and project teams for all the knowledge they have imparted to me. If this book provides just one single tip, tool, phrase or special insight that will remain in my readers’ professional knowledge toolkit for the foreseeable future, I will have accomplished my mission of giving back to the project management community.


Create strategy or scope mind maps for topics that need to be fleshed out for executives and stakeholders. Instead of trying to determine if you left something out by going from section to section in a MS Word document, create a mind map first, then type the information into the document. Then if your organization requires official Word documentation as part of your project methodology, it’s much easier to write that documentation when you have the content at your fingertips in a mind map.

The following sample mind map can be used for organizing business functions (available at


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