Sisters Three

Sisters Three
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Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey. Sisters Three

Sisters Three

Table of Contents

Chapter Two

Hilary in Luck

Chapter Three

An Unexpected Guest

Chapter Four

Round the Fire

Chapter Five

A Visit to London

Chapter Six

Scarlet Slippers

Chapter Seven

An “At Home.”

Chapter Eight

A Painful Awakening

Chapter Nine

The Violin Lesson

Chapter Ten

A Dangerous Adventure

Chapter Eleven

The New Mary

Chapter Twelve

Visitors Arrive

Chapter Thirteen

A Tête-à-Tête

Chapter Fourteen

The Wishing Gate

Chapter Fifteen

Miss Carr’s Choice

Chapter Sixteen

After Three Years

Chapter Seventeen

Lettice is Obstinate

Chapter Eighteen

Lettice Decides

Chapter Nineteen

The Scattered Nest

Chapter Twenty

More Changes

Chapter Twenty One

Lettice at Home

Chapter Twenty Two

Good Bye!

Chapter Twenty Three

A Confession

Chapter Twenty Four

Before the Wedding

Chapter Twenty Five

Broken Plans

Chapter Twenty Six

The Sunny Climes

Chapter Twenty Seven

A Glad Surprise

Отрывок из книги

Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

Published by Good Press, 2019


“It’s all very well,” grumbled Norah; but she was plainly softening, and after a moment’s hesitation, she pushed back her chair and said slowly, “All right, I’ll go; but mind you are punctual with tea, for I don’t bargain to stay a moment after four o’clock.” She brushed the ends of cotton from her dress, walked across to the door, and disappeared through the doorway with a pantomimic gesture of distaste. At the other side she paused and stood facing the invalid in silent embarrassment, for his cheeks were flushed, and he looked so supremely uncomfortable that it was evident he had overheard the loud-toned conversation which had been carried on between the brother and sisters. Norah looked at him and saw a young fellow who looked much older and more formidable than he had done in his unconsciousness the night before, for his grey eyes had curious, dilating pupils, and a faint mark on the upper lip showed where the moustache of the future was to be. The stranger looked at Norah, and saw a tall, slim girl, with masses of dark hair falling down her back, heavily marked eyebrows, and a bright, sharply cut little face, which was very attractive, if it could not strictly be called pretty.

“How do you do?” said Norah desperately. “I hope you are quite—I mean, I hope your foot is better. I am glad you are able to get up.”


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