ЕГЭ-2019. Сборник готовых эссе по английскому языку. Practice makes perfect

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О. С. Калинина. ЕГЭ-2019. Сборник готовых эссе по английскому языку. Practice makes perfect
Boys and girls should study separately at different schools
A man that does not know the history of his/her country is like a leaf that is not aware of being a part of a tree
Having a computer at home will allow children to have better education
Billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects annually. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth
The best things in life are free
Teenagers should be allowed to read whatever books they like
Life in the countryside is not for young people
The Internet is the biggest evil of our time
Good books are only those books that everyone likes and understands
The potential of music includes healing people
Risk-takers are more successful in life
In future robots will replace pets as people’s companions
Collecting is one of the most boring hobbies
Ecotourism is useful for the environmental protection
Background music should be used while students are writing their tests at school
Videogames should be used in class
Humour is the best way to solve conflicts
Summer is the best time for vacations
Social networks are a great way to fight loneliness
It is impossible to anticipate the developments of the society
Practical skills are more important than theory
One foreign language is not enough in the contemporary world
In the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be online with home delivery
Good clothes open all doors
Labour migration should be banned to avoid terrorism
Society needs changes in a low system to prevent revolts and riots
The growth of cities is harmful for the environment
Arguments among siblings always lead to a cycle of hatred and violence
The production and sale of genetically-modified food should be banned
Filmgoers should rely on reviews when choosing a film to watch
Our world should be impossible without poetry (1)
Our world would be impossible without poetry. (2)
Graffiti is an art form that should be respected and admired
Women should be forced to change their name when they get married
Our grandparents say that their way of life used to be much more secure
There is nothing we can do to save the environment
Consumers should read books than watch their film versions
People should do sport rather than watch a sporting event on TV
Hard work can compensate the lack of talent in the process of becoming successful
Organized travel is not as interesting as independent travel
A teacher should always be strict
In the digital age museums are still important
Music is something that distracts people from daily routine
Russian is easier to learn than English
High school students should study only the subjects they choose
School classmates make the best friends
The most important thing in life is family
The most important thing in life is health
Extreme sports help to build character
If there is a computer at home children will waste much of their time on videogames and social networking
Introduction of strict rules at schools will motivate pupils to learn more
Joining criminal groups is provoked by social instability
Misunderstanding with peers often results in psychological stress and unpredictable consequences
A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it
Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear
A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter
It is always best to wear a business suit when you have an interview for a job
The clothes people wear influence their behaviour
A person should never make decisions alone
The modern man could not survive in the jungle
It is difficult to understand jokes from other countries
It is better to go shopping with friends
Young people in your country are happier today than 50 years ago
If people did not drop litter everywhere, the streets and countryside would be cleaner
Some forms of popular music are influential in shaping teenagers’ opinions
Technical progress is always harmful for the environment
Internet is the greatest time waster
Friendship is the greatest gift of life
Отрывок из книги
Успешная сдача Единого Государственного Экзамена – ключ к поступлению в высшее учебное заведение Вашей мечты. Именно поэтому, чтобы воплотить свои заветные мечтания в реальность, Вам необходимо упорно и целенаправленно к нему готовиться. Очевидно, что подходить к процессу подготовки нужно ответственно, с полной отдачей, а также осознанием того, что от Вас требует структура экзамена и какими навыками и знаниями необходимо обладать, чтобы успешно справиться с ним.
Задание №40 является заданием высокого уровня сложности и требует хорошо развитых как предметных, так и метапредметных умений и навыков. Несомненно, экзаменуемый должен не только иметь богатый словарный запас и знать правила грамматики, но и обладать широким кругозором, чтобы приводить различные точки зрения на определённую проблему, а также аргументировать их.
В связи с тем, что во время учебного года я писала эти эссе «для себя», чтобы потренироваться и «набить руку», а не для того чтобы напечатать книгу, все они были внимательно и тщательно проверены и исправлены моим преподавателем Кутьиной Ольгой Геннадьевной, которой я очень благодарна.
При внимательном и осознанном чтении Вы узнаете простые, легко запоминающиеся клише, выучите новую лексику и новые грамматические связки. Более того, этот сборник поможет Вам расширить Ваш кругозор и взглянуть на некоторые социальные, экономические, политические и духовные проблемы под совершенно другим углом. Ваше сознание станет более гибким, что поможет Вам лучше и понятнее формулировать и излагать свои мысли, идеи при написании подобных работ.