Читать книгу Правовые аспекты экономической устойчивости автотранспортной организации - О. Ю. Матанцева - Страница 1


O.Y. Matantseva

Legal aspects of economic stability of the motor transportation organization: monograph / O.Y Matantseva. – M.: Yustitsinform, 2016. – 248 p.

In the monograph the basic concepts connected with definition of economic sustainability of transportation organizations are stated, features of definining indicators that characterize this stability are considered. On the basis of the analysis of the laws and regulations in force the systems of formation of the income and profit of the organization providing economically steady activity are formulated. The structure of expenses and structure of articles of cost of transportation with the indication of the directions allowing their reduction are considered. In the monograph much attention is paid to bases of the control system of financial and economic stability of the motor transportation organization. Considered are the system of pricing on transportation and the control system of the size of profit and other expenses allowing to provide economically steady activity. The ways providing increase of profit on the basis of the existing laws and regulations are offered and also some additions to them are offered. The monograph is written on the basis of the analysis and synthesis of domestic publications (including author) with use of the materials published on the Internet.

The monograph is intended for graduate students, undergraduates, students, in the direction of preparation “Management”, “Finance and the credit” of teachers, scientists, and persons interested in examining the directions of increase of financially economic stability of motor transportation organizations.

Keywords: motor transport, financial stability, economically steady activity, standardly legal acts, expenses, income, profit, profitability level, tariffs.

© Matantseva O.Y., 2016

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Правовые аспекты экономической устойчивости автотранспортной организации

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