The book is dedicated to the emerging socialist, revolutionary new art after the collapse of the USSR. The slogan of such art: "We take inspiration from the rich and give it to the poor." Oleg Leonov addresses important issues of private ownership of art under communism, the attitude of censorship and punitive authorities to piracy and copyright infringement. The question of socialist motives in bourgeois works is also considered. "Artists before only painted the world, our job is to change it." Oleg Leonov Содержит нецензурную брань.
Oleg Kleonov. Steal Like artist Communist
Oleg Kleonov
Nature for the artist
Is there nothing original?
Bourgeois genealogy of ideas
Choose your teachers
Study the idea tree
Not "do what", but "How do»
Let it be just a game at first
Learn by repeating
Steal like Communist
10 rules of revolutionary creativity
1. Steal like Communist
2. You are what you do
3. Write a book that you want to read
4. Automate automation
5. At least a little-know everything
6. Formula for winning: normally do – normally will be
7. Geography is not necessary
8. Work brothers (the world is big factory)
9. Image as a bullet, the song is like a grenade
10. Art is selection
Отрывок из книги
Young Russian Communist artist and writer. The author of many articles on VNB (UTS – A universe of true stories) and memes about bears who make vodka in the Gulag.
Gives lectures on creativity at Pixel, Gulag, and RED-ED events.
Some may find this idea insufficiently revolutionary, but it gives me hope. After all, by learning from the lessons of the past, we can move more confidently into the future.
The religious obscurantist and Trotskyist Andre Gide observed, " everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one heard it, you can say anything again."