Читать книгу Born A Hero - Paula Detmer Riggs - Страница 1




FIRSTBORN SON: Elliot Hunter
AGE: 31
STATS: 6'0"; sandy brown hair, mesmerizing green eyes, massive shoulders, deep chest, strong, sensitive hands that are accustomed to holding both a scalpel and an assault rifle
OCCUPATION: Brilliant surgeon working with Medics Without Limits
AREA OF EXPERTISE: Reconstructive surgery under difficult, sometimes primitive and often dangerous conditions
PERSONALITY: Dark and brooding
FAVORITE SPORT: White-water kayaking
MOST CHARMING CHARACTERISTIC: A husky laugh that wraps a woman’s heart in irresistible warmth
BRAVEST ACT OF COURAGE: Performing life-saving surgery on a young mother on her kitchen table while war raged on the street outside and bullets thudded into nearby walls
PREFERRED ROMANTIC SETTING: A champagne dinner for two in front of a crackling fire—clothing optional!
GREATEST PASSION: Seducing a reluctant auburn-haired, amber-eyed enchantress into rekindling a sizzling love affair
Born A Hero

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