Information at War

Information at War
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Описание книги

A war’s outcome is determined by more than bullets and bombs. In our digital age, the proliferation of new media venues has magnified the importance of information – whether its content is true or purposely false – in battling an enemy and defending the public. In this book, Philip Seib, one of the world’s leading experts on media and war, offers a probing analysis of the role of information in warfare from the Second World War to the present day and beyond. He focuses on some of the thorniest issues on the contemporary agenda: When untruthful and inflammatory information poisons a nation’s political processes and weakens its social fabric, what kind of response is appropriate? How can media literacy help citizens defend themselves against information warfare? Should militaries place greater emphasis on crippling their adversaries with information rather than kinetic force? Well-written and wide-ranging, Information at War suggests answers to key questions with which governments, journalists, and the public must grapple during the years ahead. Information at war affects us all, and this book shows us how.


Philip Seib. Information at War

Table of Contents



Information at War. Journalism, Disinformation, and Modern Warfare

Copyright Page


Preface and Acknowledgments



1 Living-Room Wars

Murrow in London

The Early Stages of the Vietnam War: John F. Kennedy and “Managing Information

Lyndon Johnson’s War, Television’s War



2 Competing for Information Control

Falklands War 1982

Gulf War 1990–1991

Information Channels as Wartime Diplomatic Tools

Embedded War

The 2011 Arab Uprisings



3 War Information Expands

“Never Again”

Information Challenges in Bosnia


Journalism of Attachment

Information from War-Zone Occupants

Crowd-Sourced Information

Women’s Stories and Women’s Storytelling

Fleeing War: Refugees and Information

What Has Changed?


4 Social Media Go to War

Merging Old and New: Photography at War

Terrorists’ Information Warfare

On the Battlefield: Hamas versus Israel

Public Diplomacy Goes to War


5 Russia and New Dimensions of Information at War

“Draw America into the War!”

The Kremlin’s Cold War Information Tools and US Response

Restructuring Russia’s Information Arsenal

Information as 21st-Century War

The Internet Research Agency

“Active Measures” and the 2016 US Presidential Election

The US Cyber Command Attack

Targets. Ukraine

The Baltic States






6 From Media Manipulation to Media Literacy

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates versus Qatar

Information and Prolonging Conflict: Afghanistan

Caring about War

IoT and AI

Fighting Back against Disinformation

Understanding the audience and how it gets information

Media literacy

The news media’s role

Pandemics and other medical matters


7 Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going

The Churn

Social Media Culture and Information at War

Next Steps for Information in the Battle Space


Why China matters

China’s “Three Warfares”

Information at War


Selected Bibliography



Отрывок из книги

Philip Seib

Carl von Clausewitz, On War


Gatekeepers have always been present in one form or another to govern information flows. In some cases, such as in China, these are government censors who rigidly oversee content before it can reach the public. In countries where information freedom is respected, newspaper editors, television producers, and other media professionals make decisions about newsworthiness based on criteria ranging from basic moral values to commercial interests such as keeping advertisers happy.

These gatekeepers were particularly influential when the media universe was more finite. Fifty years ago in the United States, consumers of television news had only three national channels to choose from, and newspapers served only limited geographic areas. Today, in much of the world, there is no such thing as local, or even national, news in terms of limitations on distribution to an audience. Even many small community newspapers rely on their websites to deliver their product, and so people anywhere in the world with internet access may read about town council doings and school lunch menus. On a grander scale, online news and satellite television are largely unconstrained by national borders. Citizens of most nations can read, listen, or watch how news media in other countries cover their own and others’ homelands. Governments that don’t want this coverage to reach their populations must struggle mightily to choke off incoming material that they find uncongenial.


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