Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance

Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance
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Pertinent to modern industry, administration, finance and society, the most pressing issue for firms today is how to reapproach the way we think and work in business. With topics ranging from improving productivity and coaxing economic growth after periods of market inactivity, Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance offers pragmatic solutions for dealing with the critical levels of disorder and chaos that have developed throughout the modern age. This book examines how to design complex products and systems, the benefits of collective intelligence and self-organization, and the best methods for handling risks in problematic environments. It also analyzes crises and how to manage them. This book is of benefit to companies and public bodies with regards to saving assets, reviving fortunes and laying the groundwork for robust, sustainable societal dividends. Examples, case studies, practical hints and guidelines illustrate the topics, particularly in finance.


Pierre Massotte. Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Illustrations



Complex Decision-Making in Economy and Finance

Introduction: New Beginnings. I.1. A present-day situation

I.2. A basic awareness: the governance of a system

I.3. What lies ahead of us?

I.3.1. Factors that cause complexity

I.3.2. What is missing or penalizing us today

I.4. Guidelines and ways forward. I.4.1. Strategic risk management

I.4.2. The role of intelligence

I.4.3. The role of public institutions

I.4.4. Structure of the book

1. Engineering Complexity within Present-Day Industrial Systems. 1.1. Introduction

1.1.1. Reference definitions

1.1.2. What are the problems to be solved?

1.1.3. What is the “engineering” approach developed here?

1.2. Basic properties of complex industrial systems

1.2.1. Structure and organization of system functions Importance of interactions in social behavior Interconnections

1.3. The complexity of systems

1.3.1. The basic principles of complexification

1.3.2. The complexification process

1.3.3. The smoothing property of chaotic characteristics

1.4. Analysis of some industrial dynamic systems. 1.4.1. Introduction

1.4.2. Interactions in industrial workshops

1.4.3. Product flow in a flexible production system

1.4.4. Message flows in complex information systems. Distributed information processing Emergence of collaborative work

1.5. Applications of new concepts in industrial systems. 1.5.1. New features and functionalities to consider

1.5.2. Design of complex industrial systems management tools

1.5.3. The contribution of chaos and self-organization

1.5.4. Consequences

2. Designing Complex Products and Services. 2.1. Complex systems engineering: the basics. 2.1.1. Relationship between organization and product: basic principles

2.1.2. Reminder of the operating rules of an organization Zero delay Zero cost Zero crack criterion Zero friction criterion

2.1.3. The challenges of such organizations Dynamic stability and transversal culture Dynamic stability and quality Dynamic stability and time

2.1.4. Concepts of sociability and emergence of order

2.1.5. The genesis and evolution of complex systems

2.1.6. How and where do structures emerge?

2.2. The implementation conditions for self-organization

2.2.1. Emergence of self-organized patterns

2.2.2. Best stability conditions: homeostasis

2.3. Advantages and benefits of a complexity approach

3. Engineering and Complexity Theory: A Field Design Approach

3.1. Design approach for a complex system

3.1.1. Methodological elements for the design of a complex system

3.1.2. Example: how can we propose a “customized product”?

3.2. Applications and solutions

3.2.1. Case 1: current approaches based on “design on demand”

3.2.2. Case 2: “design by assembly according to demand” approach Classifications Technical changes Consequence: decoupling and process division

3.2.3. Case 3: product reconfiguration and on-demand adaptation Circuit redundancy Mass customization of computers The design of reconfigurable computers

3.2.4. Case 4: product auto-configuration and adaptation for use. Prerequisites

3.2.5. Case 5: designing self-propagating computers

3.3. Application: organization and management in companies

3.4. Main conclusions related to the first three chapters

4. Organizational Constraints and Complexity Theory: Modeling with Agents

4.1. A preamble to modeling

4.2. Introducing collective intelligence

4.3. Studying the agent concept

4.3.1. Some definitions of an agent

4.3.2. The different categories and models of agents available Cognitive agents Reactive agents Summary and comments Hybrid agents

4.4. Applications using agents

4.4.1. Modeling the behavior of a living organism

4.4.2. Modeling of an industrial management and control system

4.5. Conclusion: information related to the use and usage of modeling

4.5.1. Free Trade considerations

4.5.2. Harmonization of situations and objectives

4.5.3. Emergence of the ecology and “patriotism”

4.5.4. Comments and expectations on modeling expectations

5. Complexity and the Theory of Organizations: Implementation of Collective Intelligence

5.1. Introducing the notion of collective intelligence

5.2. Definition of a multi-agent system. 5.2.1. Introduction

5.2.2. What’s in a multi-agent system?

5.2.3. MAS areas of application

5.2.4. Negotiation protocols between agents Auction-based protocols

What are the compared benefits?

Consequences Mediation-based protocols Protocol based on arguments and dialogue games Protocol based on strategy determination

Case-based reasoning

Adaptive learning/evolutionary approach

Game theory

5.3. Behavioral and interaction strategies between agents

5.3.1. Applying the above principles

5.3.2. Application example: workshop reconfiguration

5.3.3. Influence of the individual characteristics of agents on the decision process Study of individual and affective behaviors in a population

1 – Honesty and trickery

2 – Management of the emotions, stress, and sleep

3 – Individualism (selfishness) and altruism, empathy, and withdrawing Study of the impacts and structuring effects in communities of agents

5.4. Concluding comments

6. Complexity and the Theory of Organizations: The Notion of Collective Patterns

6.1. The emergence of collective patterns

6.1.1. Conditions and method of emergence of patterns Which steps in the pattern emergence process? The sought purposes Protection against risks Competitive aggressiveness Recruitment and growth phenomena Occupation of new territories and market shares Optimization of innovative and reproductive capacities Survival in a competitive and hostile environment Stabilization of a population Environmental control

6.2. System complexity factors and their measurement

6.3. Conclusion: towards the notion of “complex adaptive systems” (CAS)

Examples of typical CAS applications

1 – The QUETA project1

2 – The PABADIS project2

3 – Virtual production system modeling

4 – The Internet of Things and collaborative warehousing

5 – Deshmukh work

7. Complexity and Theory of Organizations: Structure and Architecture of an Enterprise

7.1. Notions of structure in organizations. 7.1.1. The “enabling” environment for Information and Decision Systems

7.1.2. The structural environment

7.1.3. The company and the global context

7.2. Structure of distributed complex systems. 7.2.1. Introduction

7.2.2. The centralized structure

Advantages and disadvantages

7.2.3. The non-centralized structure; the hierarchical structure

Characteristics of hierarchical models

An evolution: the “modified” hierarchical models

Advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical models

7.2.4. The heterarchical non-centralized structure

7.2.5. The n-cube structure

7.3. Conclusion

8. Complexity and the Theory of Organizations: Applications

8.1. Applications: trends and models. 8.1.1. Application of the principles to steering systems Flexible and reconfigurable workshops

Advantages and disadvantages Hybrid steering structures

Advantages and disadvantages Discussion

8.2. Application and implementation of concepts in the “Fractal Factory” 8.2.1. The case of the Fractal Factory – organization

8.2.2. Consequences for production management


9. Complexity and the Theory of Organizations: Complex Systems Reengineering

9.1. The reengineering of complex systems

9.1.1. Introduction

9.1.2. The approach and the initial conditions

9.1.3. The RECOS reengineering methodology

9.2. Comments on the technologies used. 9.2.1. Modeling techniques and tools

At the initiation of the study stage

At the exploration stage

For modeling and simulations

9.2.2. Role and contribution of IT in BPR

9.3. Theory of constraints and complexity management

Box 9.1.Implementation of some rules from the theory of constraints

9.4. Measurement of the complexity of a new organization

9.5. Concluding remark

10. Evaluating and Measuring Complexity: The CINSYS Methodology

10.1. A brief overview of the CINSYS system

10.2. What can be found in a CINSYS model?

10.3. Functional analysis of the method: interpretation by the CINSYS symbolic and structural diagram

10.3.1. The vertical axis is the axis of the “structure”

10.3.2. The horizontal axis is the axis of “explanations”

10.3.3. The ascending bisector axis

10.3.4. The “descriptive inversion” axis

10.4. Illustration of the method

10.4.1. Evaluating project proposals

10.4.2. The RAGTIME proposal

10.4.3. The BOLERO proposal

10.5. What are the advantages of using the method?

10.6. “The network metaphor” as the general application context of the method

10.7. Perspectives beyond the CINSYS method

10.7.1. A generic methodology for dealing with complex problems

10.7.2. Analysis of how, or design of new systems

10.7.3. Systems development: organization

10.8. Conclusion

11. Underlying Mechanisms in Finance. 11.1. Introduction to finance theory and its evolution

11.2. What are the best candidates for the so-called econophysics?

11.3. Action plans in financial regulation and bank regulation: are they ok?

11.4. Back to physics and matter: their contribution

11.5. From matter up to living beings: how can big events be generated?



Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons


Cosmic dust

11.6. The evolution of an economic system – the problem of CRISIS

11.6.1. Pre-industrial crises

11.6.2. Industrial crises

11.7. Role of complexity and diversity in Nature


Sensitivity to Initial Conditions (SIC)

Global control

Management: evolution of practices and the environmental assumptions

11.8. Application: how should we proceed when faced with crises and financial crashes/crises?

11.8.1. Definition of a crisis and frequencies of occurrence

11.8.2. Future possible crisis

11.9. Crisis as the end of an evolution

11.10. Collapse theory and modeling – a theory of the “end”

11.10.1. Modeling the collapse

11.10.2. Application


11.11. Design of financial products: the example of world interconnections

11.12. Conclusion

12. Physics and Social Networks: Domain Similarities. 12.1. Introducing a similarity of domains

12.1.1. Problems of complexity and connectivity

12.2. On the principle of emergence

12.3. Finance, economics and physics: the quantification of emergence. 12.3.1. Emergence and complexity

12.3.2. Complexity as a quality – self-organization and emergence

12.3.3. Emergence and thermodynamics: a general view

12.3.4. A few applications

First example: the ideal gas. Box 12.1.Extract from Standish’s “On complexity and emergence” paper [STA 01]

Second example: the Game of Life

12.4. About Gödel theorems

12.5. Conclusion

13. Managing Behavioral Risks: Uncertainty and Catastrophes

13.1. Introduction

13.1.1. Uncertainty is not disorder

13.1.2. The different realities

13.1.3. World time

Box 13.1.Translated excerpt from Le défi énergétique. Publisher’s presentation on the cost of raw materials and the associated risks of shortages [LAR 06]

Box 13.2.An example of a warning on the energy crisis and the associated discussions

13.2. Implications for intellectual approaches

13.3. The uncertainties

13.3.1. Social acceptability

13.3.2. From ordinary risk…

13.3.3. …To major risk

13.3.4. Risk management

14. On Managing Risk in the Energy Domain: Conventional Problems Encountered

14.1. From a new oil crisis (peak oil) and the resulting energy crisis

14.1.1. At present, what do we mean by energy crisis?

14.1.2. Energy crisis: impacts on prices and the economy

14.1.3. Biofuels: how can we prepare for and manage the shortage?

14.1.4. What about raw materials and resulting products?

14.2. The future: limit of price increases? Implications of the shortage

14.3. Modeling the problem correctly

14.4. Crisis or heuristic tactics? Large-scale oil shock?

14.5. A few conclusive remarks

15. On Managing Risk in the Financial Domain

15.1. Taking about disasters – from risks to catastrophes in finance

15.2. An interesting approach: financial analysis of losses

15.3. When the drama occurs

15.4. How to conduct a risk consequence analysis process?

Box 15.1.Analysis of the consequences of risks by their impact in 10 points

15.5. Conservatory measures: risk and diversification

15.6. An additional risk: the decline and inversion rate at the stock exchange

15.7. Concluding with additional risks of the shared economy

16. Why Current Tools Are Inadequate

16.1. On the shortcomings of current tools: risk and probability

16.2. A thematic illustration

Box 16.1.Analogy case 1: stellar interdependence in astrophysics: stellar collisions

Box 16.2.Analogy case 2: stellar interdependence in astrophysics: galactic collisions

16.3. What regularities?

16.4. Characteristics of rational expectations in economics

16.5. Risk characteristics in the industry

16.6. A philosophical summary: chance and necessity

16.7. The environment’s new challenge

17. How to Manage Crises?

17.1. The fundamental principles of crisis management

17.2. Early warning risk signals and the basics of risk management

17.2.1. Several families of crises

17.2.2. Mechanisms and crisis preparation

17.2.3. Detecting early warning signals and containing damage

17.3. Five fundamental elements that describe a company

17.4. About stakeholders

18. Managing Crises in Finance and Other Domains

18.1. Reorienting company aims

18.1.1. The growing importance of the shareholder

18.1.2. The specialization of companies in the new economy

18.1.3. The advantages and consequences of this evolution

18.1.4. Cultivating diversity

18.2. Interactions: towards a crisis model?

18.2.1. Effects of the crisis of confidence

18.2.2. Banks’ subprime exposure

18.2.3. Subprime effects within banks and the stock exchange

18.2.4. Subprime effects, at the level of individuals

18.2.5. Subprime effects, at bank level

18.2.6. Effects of changes in securities

19. Technological, Monetary and Financial Crashes. 19.1. Yet another view to complexity

19.1.1. Global complexity of economy

19.2. The reference financial systems are continuously changing. 19.2.1. The US Dollar and Chinese Yuan

19.2.2. Lifetime of a currency. Importance of gold?

19.2.3. Distribution of GDP around the world

19.2.4. In terms of economical and overtime evolution

19.3. Conclusive discussion

19.3.1. Problem of gold and rare earth materials

19.3.2. Summary and main conclusions

19.3.3. T-bonds versus Eurobonds and Chinese bonds, etc

19.3.4. Application and comments

Conclusion: Different Types of Crises. C.1. The crises mesh

C.1.1. Crisis of currency

C.1.2. Crisis of civilization

C.1.3. Crisis of innovation and technologies

C.2. Changing economic and industrial cultures

List of Abbreviations


Index. A, B, C

D, E, F

G, H, I

K, L, M

N, O, P

R, S, T

U, V, W, Z


Отрывок из книги

Pierre Massotte


On the functional and logistical level, an industrial system has a network structure, as found in ecosystems or biology, with medium-sized non-hierarchical aggregations. At the information system level, this system contains positive and negative feedback loops: this is the case when several activity centers (workshops) are interconnected to form a complete plant. Such a system, with its interaction and feedback loops, is presented in Figure 1.1.


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