I Love You, Goodbye

I Love You, Goodbye
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Harrison Michaels is the president of a large internation bank. Success and power came quickly to Harrison and he thrives on both. Married to the perfect wife, Harrison seems to have it all. Harrison&#39;s only concern is an investigation by the F.B.I. for alleged illegal money transfers of millions of dollars of corporate funds held by the bank. Even this does not bother Harrison much as he consider the F.B.I. only a mild irritant. Nor is Harrion bothered by the fact the corporate funds are owned by the mob. Harrison is in control and no one can touch him.<br><br>Harrison&#39;s live takes a dramatic turn during a &quot;business&quot; trip to the Cayman Islands when he is notified that his wife has died. Her death, first appearing to be an accident, turns out to be murder. Harrison&#39;s problems increase when his secretary, Elizabeth Blaine, is arrested and placed on trial for the murder. Harrison, while suffering the loss of his wife, now faces a District Attorney who is determined to prove Harrison was involved with his wife&#39;s murder, an F.B.I. agent trying to make &quot;grade&quot; on Harrison&#39;s arrest, and the syndicate impatiently wanting return of their money before Harrison&#39;s world crumbles.<br><br>&quot;I Love You, Goodbye&quot; is an exciting story with a multitude of twists. Its nonstop action will keep you riveted to every page as you witness Harrison Michaels&#39; live unravel seemingly out of control. &#39;I Love You, Goodbye&quot; has love, deceit, greed, betrayal and an ending you will not forget!


Prentiss Sr. Grant. I Love You, Goodbye

Chapter 1: Meeting the District Attorney

Chapter 2: Memories of Better Times

Chapter 3: Elizabeth’s Arrest

Chapter 4: Back to Business

Chapter 5: Elizabeth Hires Charles Griffith

Chapter 6: Initial Day in Court

Chapter 7: Harrison on the Islands

Chapter 8: Suspicion in the DA’s Office

Chapter 9: Mary’s Funeral

Chapter 10: Elizabeth’s New Life

Chapter 11: Natalie Meets with D.A

Chapter 12: Harrison’s Secret Meeting

Chapter 13: Battle Plans

Chapter 14: Family Reunion

Chapter 15: Surprise, Surprise

Chapter 16: Opening Volleys

Chapter 17: Corporate Meeting with the Mob

Chapter 18: Elizabeth’s Illness

Chapter 19: Headlines!

Chapter 20: Alibi?

Chapter 21: Missing Files

Chapter 22: Car Repair

Chapter 23: News of the Attack

Chapter 24: Chaos at the Hospital

Chapter 25: Posturing

Chapter 26: Anthony’s Dilemma

Chapter 27: Natalie’s Escape

Chapter 28: The Meeting

Chapter 29: Harrison Confesses

Chapter 30: The Fallout

Chapter 31: Elizabeth Tells Her Story

Chapter 32: Corporate Leadership

Chapter 33: Making Their Points

Chapter 34: Elizabeth’s Secret Revealed

Chapter 35: Anthony’s Audit

Chapter 36: Harrison is Watched!

Chapter 37: Homecoming

Chapter 38: The Verdict

Chapter 39: Whats’s Next?

Chapter 40: Phase Two

Chapter 41: Telephone Calls

Chapter 42: Streetdance

Chapter 43: A Change of Heart

Chapter 44: Harrison’s Plan Unveiled

Chapter 45: Life Goes On

Отрывок из книги

As the plane circled the airport preparing to land, Harrison Michaels could not believe the news. “Your wife has been killed in an automobile accident”. The words echoed in his head over and over. No other details were available and the lack of knowledge made the trip back from the Cayman Islands only longer. Harrison could not remember the meal served or the movie shown on the trip. He did not even recall the flight attendant who overtly flirted with him during the flight. She had spotted Harrison the minute he boarded the plane. Dressed casually in Khakis and a button down shirt, Harrison looked expensive. His clothes were professionally pressed as always and he wore shoes that cost more than his plane ticket home. Sitting almost alone in first class Harrison was privy to all the attention she could give. Normally Harrison would have enjoyed the special services his good looks garnered but today was different. Today he was oblivious to the outside world. It did not take long until the flight attendant realized that her advances were directed toward a man who was buried deep within his own sad world.

Nor did he notice the passenger seated two aisles behind him who carefully watched his every move. Normally Harrison would have quickly recognized a face he had seen before even just in passing, especially a person who was obviously out of his element. When he boarded, the flight attendant checked his ticket twice to verify the man was supposed to be in first class. But Harrison did not see him, further evidence he was not himself. One does not become president of an international banking concern without attention to detail, especially to people. Harrison was exceptional in his work primarily because he always was keenly aware of his surroundings. But this trip was different. Even from the start something felt out of place.


O’Hares was almost empty when Harrison and Mary left. Their conversation continued on the walk to Mary’s dorm. It was clear the two were hitting it off and the more they revealed about themselves the more the other was drawn closer. At one point Harrison found himself so comfortable that he nearly revealed more about himself than he wanted Mary to know at this time. Quickly he caught himself and gained control of the situation again. When Harrison walked Mary to the front door of her dorm, they stood there momentarily before he asked if they could go out again. When she agreed he gently kissed her cheek and walked to the bottom of the steps. Harrison stood and waited until Mary entered the door then he turned and strolled away.

Their courtship lasted through college. Harrison worked out at the gym on a somewhat regular basis and O’Hares became a special place for the couple. Mary benefited from Harrison’s influence and came out of her shell somewhat. She grew to the point of being comfortable in public settings, especially when she was pursuing a cause. Harrison had pushed her to begin her charity work and she succeeded in raising enough money from the alumni to hire a full time teacher for the campus day-care. Mary beamed with pride when the staff hung a plaque with her name on the wall inside the facility.


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