COVID-19: A global problem for modern civilization.

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht. COVID-19: A global problem for modern civilization.
COVID-19: A GLOBAL PROBLEM FOR MODERN CIVILIZATION. Transactions of the International Academy of ScienceH&E. Volume 5
1World Organization for Scientific Cooperation (Germany, Munich);
2International Academy of Science H&E, Azerbaijan Section (Azerbaijan, Baku); 3«AZERZEOLIT»Scientific Production Corporation(Azerbaijan, Baku);
5International Association. Zeolite: Health and Ecology (Germany, Munich); 6“Intergeo-Tethys” International Scientific and Technical Complex, (Azerbaijan, Baku);
8Department of Microbiology and Epidemiology. of A.Aliyev Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute (Azerbaijan, Baku);
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Zeolite crystal lattice
2.3. The chemical composition of the zeolite-clinoptilolite of the Aydag deposit
2.4. Physical characteristics of the zeolite-clinoptilolite of the Aydag deposit
2.5. Aydag deposit of natural zeolite-clinoptilolite, its production and research
2.6. Implementation of scientific research, clinical and laboratory tests of the mineral complex «AZEOMED»
3.1. Introduction
3.2. The principles of regulation of beneficial minerals and trace elements in the human body
3.3. Therapists need sanogenetics with detoxification and bioregulatory functions
3.4. How does the adsorption mechanism work?
3.5. Detoxification function of zeolite-clinoptilolite
5.1. The effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of bird flu H5N1 using the mineral complex «AZEOMED»
5.2. The effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis using the mineral complex «AZEOMED»
5.3. The use of «AZEOMED» mineral complex for HIV infection-accompanied candidiasis
5.4. The cardiovascular system
5.5. Diabetes
6.1. Introduction
6.2.Research material and methods
7.1. Paliomyelitis
7.2. Adsorption properties of «AZEOMED» mineral complex in relation to the viral-bacterial flora the malignant cell population
Table 5. The percentage of sick, dead and recovered in relation to the total population of the world and China on March 29, 2020
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91. Radjabov M.A., Sadykhova F.E., Qasimov M.S., Ahmedov R.A. The adsorption of y. enterocolitica on natural zeolite. Application of natural zeolites in medicine and cosmetology – ZEOMEDCOS. SWB, Baku-London, 2010, p.73-79. 92. Ibragimova S.M. The researching results of adsorption opportunities of natural zeolites for the bacillus anthracis. Application of natural zeolites in medicine and cosmetology – ZEOMEDCOS. SWB, Baku-London, 2010, pp. 93.Eyvazova S.A., Khalilova T.Sh.. To the question of epidemiology and treatment of papovavirus infection in Azerbaijan. Application of natural zeolites in medicine and cosmetology – ZEOMEDCOS. SWB, Baku-London, 2010, p. 105-108. 94. Eyvazova S.A. Mineral sorbents in the complex treatment of human papillomavirus infection. Biomedicine, No. 4, 2011, p. 23-25. 95. Shikhaliyeva Sh. T., Khalilova T. Sh., Sadikhova F. E. Adsorptive properties of. natural zeolites concerning cell population infected by cytomegalovirus. Application of natural zeolites in medicine and cosmetology – ZEOMEDCOS. SWB, Baku-London, 2010, p. 144-148. 96. Shikhaliyeva Sh.T., Khalilova T.Sh. Application of natural zeolite "«AZEOMED»" as an adsorbent of cytomegaloviruses. Proceedings of the International Congress “Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization”. Istanbul, 19-21 September, 2011, p. 411-413. 97. Rajabov M.A., Sadykhova F.E., Khalilova T.Sh. About the problem y.enterocolitica. Proceedings of the International Congress “Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization”. Istanbul, 19-21 September, 2011, p. 413-416. 98. Rzayeva L.F., Khalilova T.Sh., Sadikhova F.E.. Correction of dysbacteriosis in application of «AZEOMED» natural zeolite. Proceedings of the International Congress “Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization”. Istanbul, 19-21 September, 2011, p. 419-421. 99. Sadikhova F. E. Studying the adsorption properties of the modified zeolites and tablets "«AZEOMED»" rather malignant a cellular population from bacteria and viruses. natural cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization. Special edition of Transaction of the International Academy of Science. H&E. ICSD/IAS, Baku-Innsbruck, 2007. p.541-542. 100. Ibragimova S.M., Khalilova T.Sh.. Anthrax and the possibility of adsorption of natural zeolite. Proceedings of the International Congress “Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization”. Istanbul, 19-21 September, 2011, p. 408-410. 101. Subbotina E. Experience of treatment with «AZEOMED» in patients on oncological pathology. Application of natural zeolites in medicine and cosmetology – ZEOMEDCOS. SWB, Baku-London, 2010, p. 109-111
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117. Application of natural zeolites in treatment of intoxication. Series: Intoxication. (Under the editorship of T.Sh.Khalilova), SWB, London-Baku, 2013, p. 42. 118. Application of natural zeolites in the treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances. Series: gastrointestinal tract. (Under the editorship of T.Sh.Khalilova), SWB, London-Baku, 2012, 24 p. 119. Application of natural zeolites in the treatment of allergosis. Series: Allergosis. (Under the editorship of T.Sh.Khalilova). SWB, London-Baku, 2013, p. 25
121. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection Dynamics and Antibody Responses among Clinically Diverse Patients, Saudi Arabia. Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 25, No. 4, April 2019
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International CouncilFor Scientific Development. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. H&E
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International Council for Scientific Development
A study by Chinese scientists /8/ based on a statistical analysis of coronavirus patients in Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital and Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan revealed very important trends and patterns of the main risk groups for Covid-19 infection. The following is table 2 given in /8/.
Studying the data in table 2 and graphs in figure 2. we understand that one of the main tasks for scientists is the development of methods and appropriate drugs that can minimize the likelihood of a decrease in immunity and the possibility of infection with coronavirus for people with a high risk of morbidity.