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Throughout the years many who have enquired about the book “Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth” have approached me. In every instance I have corrected them informing them that this set of Bible notes is called simply “Dividing the Word of Truth” omitting the adverb, “Rightly.”

My sincere prayer is that these notes do “rightly” divide God’s Word. However, I realize that I am far from being infallible. Undoubtedly there are human errors included here among the glorious eternal truths of the Scriptures. I cannot certify that these studies are absolutely correct in every detail. However, I do certify that before God I have been sincerely honest. I have striven for perfection in stating the divine truths of God’s Word. My humble prayer is that this set of notes could honestly be called “Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth.”

Most of these notes were compiled and formulated in Jamaica as I taught in Bible College there during our first term as missionaries. Afterwards these notes were taught in Bible Doctrine classes at Conquerors Bible College. In 1963 these notes were circulated bound in a loose-leaf folder. Since then “Dividing the Word of Truth” has had many printings, been translated in several foreign languages and circulated around the world. It has been used as a textbook in many Bible Colleges, and numerous Pastors have taught these notes in their local assemblies. It was for this purpose that these studies were compiled and made available to others.

I commend this book of elementary studies on doctrine to all who may read and study. May the Holy Spirit anoint these truths to the minds and hearts of the readers, and may God use these studies to lead each student into a deeper understanding of revealed truth.

Ralph Vincent Reynolds

December 26, 1986


Sixty years of Pastoral Ministry, Missionary Service, Bible School Instruction and Administration, Camp Meeting and Conference Bible Teaching and Board Member service, both at home and abroad, has certainly given deserving credence to the author of this fine instructional book. There are few who have established themselves in the fellowship of the United Pentecostal Church International, as an exceller in so many areas of ministry. Neither is the author a novice in the field of writing, having authored a number of other fine books.

The tens of thousands who have been privileged to hear his oral ministry will agree that in Ralph V. Reynolds we have a teacher of men, one who has undoubtedly effected and influenced the minds and hearts of so many. Ralph V. Reynolds has the skill in writing to present material, which enables the reader to grasp clearly the meaning intended. Seldom does one read material so simply written which at the same time contains so much weight of profound knowledge and wisdom.

Students of all walks of life and from all nations will find within the confines of this book great truths that are strongly founded upon Scripture and that will leave a lasting impression on the intellect. Ralph V. Reynolds is sincere in spirit, qualified in knowledge, and solid in doctrine.

The author has painstakingly arranged his material with great care choosing with clarity what is of intellectual and spiritual value, and has left us with an undeniable treasury wherewith our minds may both be strengthened.

Raymond A. Sirstad

This book, “Dividing the Word of Truth,” is full of many fundamental truths. It is a book that has application to every Christian who is interested in the Word of God. Who is there that has no need of knowledge in Christian Doctrine? Nobody! For this cause “Dividing the Word of Truth” should be in the home of every Christian. Furthermore, it should not only be in every home but it should also be diligently and prayerfully studied. If it is, then the student will become deeply rooted in the most important book ever, the Bible. You will definitely be blessed as you go through this study.

I feel deeply honored to be able to publish this and other books written by (my grandfather) Ralph V. Reynolds. It can be honestly said that his preaching, teaching and writing are exemplified in his living. He has received many flowers through his life and many good things have been said about him, but above all that has been said and done, Ralph V. Reynolds is a Christian.

Daniel R. Sirstad

You may purchase other books by Ralph V Reynolds by going to www.alphabiblepublications.com.

Dividing the Word of Truth

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