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Once she’d caught her breath, Lauren shifted on the hard ground and looked around. How had she fallen off the side of this hill but the hooded figure hadn’t? There was little more than a foot across between the trees and the sudden downward plunge. Had he or she simply turned suddenly, thus avoiding the drop?

The sunlight shifted and she saw something glisten. Lauren leaned toward it until she was close enough to reach out a hand and confirm what her eyes refused to believe. A thin wire was strung between the two tree trunks. She hadn’t tripped, her foot had caught on this wire and sent her sprawling headfirst over the embankment.

Lauren sat back, reeling. It was a beautiful day, the sky a shade of blue so bright that it hurt the eyes. It seemed impossible that something so hideous could happen on such a beautiful day, but she knew better. It wasn’t an accident that she’d plunged over the hillside and the hooded figure hadn’t.

She’d been lured here…

The Next Killing

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