Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 3 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 3 (2022)

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Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения». Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 3 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 3 (2022)
От редакции
From the Editor
Гость номера / Special Guest
Импакт всегда стоит во главе угла социального предпринимательства. Интервью с Наталией Зверевой
Social Impact Is Always the Cornerstone of Social Entrepreneurship. Interview with Natalia Zvereva
Экспертные мнения / Expert Opinions
Откуда и как растут социальные предприниматели? Опыт инкубатора импакт-стартапов фонда «Навстречу переменам»
Where Do Social Entrepreneurs Come From and How Do They Grow? Experience of the Reach for Change Foundation's Incubator for Impact Startups
Нам это (не) нужно? Оценка воздействия социальных предприятий в России
Do We (Not) Need It? Assessing the Impact of Social Enterprises in Russia
Деньги есть, но нужна бизнес-модель: как социальному предпринимателю найти импакт-инвестора
We Have the Money, but We Need a Business Model: How a Social Entrepreneur Can Find an Impact Investor
Экспертные статьи / Expert Publications
Кейс выпуска. Оценка социального возврата на инвестиции (SROI) на примере проекта «Начни свое дело»
Assessment of the Social Return on Investment (SROI), Case: Start Your Own Business Project
Из точки А в точку Б проверенным маршрутом: теория изменений как инструмент планирования и оценки импакта
From A to B by a Proven Route: Theory of Change as a Tool for Impact Planning and Evaluation
Исследования / Research Studies
«Одинокий волк» или эффективный бизнесмен? Сравнительный анализ образов социального предпринимателя в России, Казахстане и Беларуси
A “Lone Wolf” or an Effective Businessman? Comparative Analysis of the Social Entrepreneur’s Image in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus
Устойчивость в неустойчивом: как социальные предприятия выживают и адаптируются в VUCA-мире
Stability in the Unstable: How Social Enterprises Survive and Adapt in the VUCA World
Новая жизнь издательского проекта «Каталог «Социальное предпринимательство России»
Образовательная компания «ЭГО». Интеллектуальный новаторский продукт компании – социальный авторский проект «Здоровое ЭГО»
QRepublik – умные медицинские идентификаторы. Система для сохранения здоровья и долголетия
Starfish family pools. Семейный акваклуб у дома
BabyApp. Мобильное приложение для родителей детей от 0 до 2 лет
New Life of the Publishing Project “Catalog “Social Entrepreneurship of Russia”
EGO Educational Company. The Company’s Intellectual Innovation Product Is the Healthy EGO Original Social Project
QRepublik: Smart Medical Identifiers. A System for Health and Longevity
Starfish family pools. A Family Aqua Club Next Door
BabyApp. A Mobile App for Parents With Children Aged 0–2
Отрывок из книги
This fall issue of the Positive Changes Journal is dedicated to those who cannot give up even in the hardest of times, because lives of many vulnerable people depend on their work. Until recently, social entrepreneurs were not recognized by the Russian legislation at all. Today, the term applies only to small and medium-sized businesses and specifically excludes non-profit organizations. On the other hand, impact investors pay little attention to the organization’s legal form, focusing instead on the social impact capacity of a social entrepreneurship project. Who supports social entrepreneurship in Russia and worldwide, what tools they use and how, what methods can be used to assess social and entrepreneurial projects, what strategies are used by such projects in a challenging time of change – this is the central topic of this issue of our Journal. After all, the Confucius saying continues as follows: “But if you happen to live in a time of change, God grant you the benefit of new limitless opportunities.”
Наталия Зверева
In one of your interviews, you said that when providing financial support to social entrepreneurs, the Foundation pays special attention to such an indicator as the degree of social impact. How do you measure it?
Here I would like to mention that the Foundation has many different programs of financial support, and each program includes an individual approach to developing the criteria for evaluating projects. But, of course, social impact is always at the top of the list. If we talk about return on investment in existing projects, we need the evidence base of the declared social effects of the project, for example, laboratory-confirmed environmental friendliness of the products, scientific evidence of the usefulness of the applied methods of preschool development, the presence of reliable positive feedback on the work of the project, etc. We further analyze a number of the largest projects using the SROI (Social Return on Investment) methodology. If we talk about supporting projects at the startup stage, we rely on the predicted values of the effects, comparing them with the available results base from other projects in the same field.