The Greatest Christmas Carols & Poems

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Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг. The Greatest Christmas Carols & Poems
The Greatest Christmas Carols & Poems
Table of Contents
Silent Night
The Three Kings (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
Christmas Bells (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
Christmas At Sea (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Angels from the Realms of Glory (James Montgomery)
Christmas in the Olden Time (Sir Walter Scott)
Marmion: A Christmas Poem (Sir Walter Scott)
Old Santa Claus (Clement Clarke Moore)
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Minstrels (William Wordsworth)
Ring Out, Wild Bells (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
Christmas In India (Rudyard Kipling)
Hymn On The Morning Of Christ's Nativity (John Milton)
A Christmas Carol (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
The Oxen (Thomas Hardy)
A Christmas Ghost Story (Thomas Hardy)
The Savior Must Have Been A Docile Gentleman (Emily Dickinson)
'Twas just this time, last year, I died (Emily Dickinson)
The Magi (William Butler Yeats)
The Mahogany Tree (William Makepeace Thackeray)
A Bell (Clinton Scollard)
Christmas Carol (Sara Teasdale)
The Mystic’s Christmas (John Greenleaf Whittier)
Christmas Cheer (Thomas Tusser)
Noel: Christmas Eve 1913 (Robert Seymour Bridges)
The Holly and the Ivy
Adam lay ybounden
Christmas Day (Charles Kingsley)
Christmas Fancies (Ella Wheeler Wilcox)
Twas jolly, jolly Wat (C. W. Stubbs)
A Tale Of Christmas Eve (William Topaz McGonagall)
Jest 'Fore Christmas (Eugene Field)
A Christmas Folksong (Paul Laurence Dunbar)
As with Gladness Men of Old (William Chatterton Dix)
Nativity a Christmas (John Donne)
Boar's Head Carol
Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (Charles Wesley)
Coventry Carol
Here We Come A-wassailing
A Defective Santa Claus (James Whitcomb Riley)
King Winter
Christmas Gifts and Other Poems (Carolyn Wells)
Christmas Gifts
A Christmas Thought
The Week Before Christmas
A Safe and Sane Christmas
A Recollection
Overheard in a Department Store
A Christmas Petition
An Unorthodox Christmas
Some Christmas Bromidioms
Christmas Eve
Etiquette for Christmas
My Choice
An Imminent Disaster
Out of All Proportion
A Needed Institution
Ballade of Human Nature
Wanted: A Looker
A Ballade of Christmas Burdens
On Christmas Eve
In Absence
A Sterling Nuisance
The Bachelor's Christmas Spoils
Her Christmas Shopping
At the Bargain Counter
The Christmas Nightmare
A True Advertisement
Circumstances Alter Cases
Ballade of Christmas of Long Ago
A Fine Old Man
When Santa Claus and Cupid Met
The Auto-Christmas
A Ballade of the Mistletoe Bough
Christmas on Mt. Olympus
Christmas Rubaiyat
A Ballade of Christmas
A Sad Fate
Poor Richard Junior's Philosophy
The Mermaid
An Explanation
The Night After Christmas (Anonymous)
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Phillips Brooks)
The Shepherds (William Drummond)
A Christmas Carol (James Russell Lowell)
A Christmas Hymn (Alfred Domett)
Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning (Reginald Heber)
God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen (Dinah Maria Mulock)
The Christmas Silence (Margaret Deland)
A Christmas Lullaby (John Addington Symonds)
Hymn for the Nativity (Edward Thring)
Masters in This Hall (Anonymous)
The Adoration of the Wise Men (Cecil Frances Alexander)
The Shepherds in Judea (Mary Austin)
Christmas Carol (James S. Park)
Neighbors of the Christ Night (Nora A. Smith)
Cradle Hymn (Isaac Watts)
An Ode on the Birth of Our Saviour (Robert Herrick)
Christmas Song (Edmund Hamilton Sears)
A Hymn on the Nativity of My Saviour (Ben Jonson)
The Shepherd's Song (Edmund Bolton)
"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" (Margaret Deland)
The Angels (William Drummond)
New Prince, New Pomp (Robert Southwell)
Wassailer's Song (Robert Southwell)
Sly Santa Claus (Mrs. C.S. Stone)
The Waits (Margaret Deland)
God Bless Us Every One (James Whitcomb Riley)
Bells Across the Snow (Frances Ridley Havergal)
Minstrels and Maids (William Morris)
Song of the Holly (William Shakespeare)
Under the Holly-bough (Charles Mackay)
December (Harriet F. Blodgett)
The Christmas Holly (Eliza Cook)
So, Now Is Come Our Joyfulst Feast (George Wither)
The Christmas Carol (William Wordsworth)
A Christmas Carmen (John G. Whittier)
Sery (Richard Watson Gilder)
A Christmas Song (Tudor Jenks)
The End of the Play (William Makepeace Thackeray)
Christ's Nativity (Henry Vaughan)
Mark Well My Heavy, Doleful Tale (Anonymous)
The Glorious Song of Old (Edmund H. Sears)
A Christmas Carol for Children (Martin Luther)
A Christmas Carol (Christian Burke)
A Ballade of Old Loves (Carolyn Wells)
Ballade of Christmas Ghosts (Andrew Lang)
Hang Up the Baby's Stocking (Emily Huntington Miller)
A Christmas Prayer (Cyril Winterbotham)
Christmas Eve (Robert Browning)
A Christmas Song (Phillips Brooks)
The Willow Man (Juliana Horatia Ewing)
The Peaceful Night (John Milton)
A Christmas Hymn (R.W. Gilder)
Отрывок из книги
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Robert Louis Stevenson, James Montgomery, Sir Walter Scott, Clement Clarke Moore, William Wordsworth, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, John Milton, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas Hardy, Emily Dickinson, William Butler Yeats, William Makepeace Thackeray, Clinton Scollard, Sara Teasdale, John Greenleaf Whittier, Thomas Tusser, Robert Seymour Bridges, Charles Kingsley, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, C. W. Stubbs, William Topaz McGonagall, Eugene Field, Paul Laurence Dunbar, William Chatterton Dix, John Donne, Charles Wesley, James Whitcomb Riley, Carolyn Wells, Phillips Brooks, William Drummond, James Russell Lowell, Alfred Domett, Reginald Heber, Dinah Maria Mulock, Margaret Deland, John Addington Symonds, Edward Thring, Cecil Frances Alexander, Mary Austin, James S. Park, Nora A. Smith, Isaac Watts, Robert Herrick, Edmund Hamilton Sears, Ben Jonson, Edmund Bolton, William Drummond, Robert Southwell, C.S. Stone, Frances Ridley Havergal, William Morris, William Shakespeare, Charles Mackay, Harriet F. Blodgett, Eliza Cook, George Wither, John G. Whittier, Richard Watson Gilder, Tudor Jenks, Henry Vaughan, Edmund H. Sears, Martin Luther, Christian Burke, Andrew Lang, Emily Huntington Miller, Cyril Winterbotham, Robert Browning, Phillips Brooks, Juliana Horatia Ewing, R. W. Gilder
150+ Holiday Songs, Poetry & Rhymes
Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning (Reginald Heber)
God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen (Dinah Maria Mulock)