Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)

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Richard Francis Burton. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (Vol.1-3)
Table of Content
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah (In 3 Vol.)
Preface to the Memorial Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Part I— Al-Misr
To Alexandria
I Leave Alexandria
The Nile Steamboat — The “Little Asthmatic.”
Life in the Wakalah
The Ramazan
The Mosque
Preparations to Quit Cairo
From Cairo to Suez
The Pilgrim Ship
To Yambu’
The Halt at Yambu’
From Yambu’ to Bir Abbas
From Bir Abbas to Al-Madinah
Part II— Al-Madinah
Through the Suburb of Al-Madinah to Hamid’s House
A Visit to the Prophet’s Tomb
An Essay Towards the History of the Prophet’s Mosque
A Ride to the Mosque of Kuba
The Visitation of Hamzah’s Tomb
The People of Al-Madinah
A Visit to the Saints’ Cemetery
The Damascus Caravan
From Al-Madinah to Al-Suwayrkiyah
The Badawin of Al-Hijaz
From Al-Suwayrkiyah to Meccah
Part III— Meccah
The First Visit to the House of Allah
The Ceremonies of the Yaum Al-Tarwiyah, or the First Day
The Ceremonies of the Yaum Arafat, or the Second Day
The Ceremonies of the Yaum Nahr, or the Third Day
The Three Days of Drying Flesh
Life at Meccah, and Umrah, or the Little Pilgrimage
Places of Pious Visitation at Meccah
To Jeddah
I. Of Hajj, or Pilgrimage
II. The Bayt Ullah
III.1172 Specimen of a Murshid’s Diploma, in the Kadiri Order of the Mystic Craft Al-Tasawwuf
IV. The Navigation and Voyages of Ludovicus Vertomannus, Gentleman of Rome. A.d. 1503
V. The Pilgrimage of Joseph Pitts to Meccah and Al-Madinah. — A.d. 1680
VI. Giovanni Finati
VII. Notes on My Journey by A. Sprenger
VIII. The Meccah Pilgrimage
Biography and Further Readings
Life of Sir Richard Burton by Thomas Wright
Chapter I
1. Torquay and Elstree
2. Tours and Elstree
3. Death of Richard Baker, 16th September 1824
4. At School, Richmond, 1829
5. The Continent Again
Chapter II
6. Trinity College, October 1840
7. Expelled, April 1842
Chapter III
8. To Bombay, 18th June 1842
9. Baroda. The Bubu
10. KarachI. Love of Disguise
11. A Dangerous Mission, 1845
12. The Persian Beauty
13. A Simian Dictionary
14. Duality
Chapter IV
15. Goa and Camoens
16. “Would You a Sufi Be?”
17. Letter to Sarah Burton, 14th NoV. 1848
18. Allahdad
Chapter V
19. A Motto From Ariosto
20. Isabel Arundell & “My Dear Louisa.” 1851
21. Forster FitzGerald Arbuthnot 1853
Chapter VI
22. The Man Wants to Wander
23. Haji Wali, 1853
24. The Pilgrim Ship, 6th July 1853
25. Medina
26. Mecca
27. Burton’s Delight in Shocking
28. El Islam
Chapter VII
29. At Aden. The Arabian Nights. Oct. 1854
30. From Zeila to Harar, 27th November 1854 to 2nd January 1855
31. At Harar
32. From Harar to Berbera. 13th Jan. 1855-5th Feb. 1855
33. The Fight at Berbera, 22nd April, 1855
Chapter VIII
34. The Crimea
35. Engaged to Isabel Arundell, August 1856
Chapter IX
36. To Fuga. January to March 1857
37. Zanzibar to Tanganyika, 26th June 1857 to 26th May 1858
38. The Return Journey, 26th May 1858 to 13th February 1859
Chapter X
39. We Rushed Into Each Other’s Arms. 22nd May, 1860
40. Brigham Young. April 1860 to November 1860
41. Marriage. 22nd January 1861
42. At Lord Houghton’s
Chapter XI
43. African Gold
44. Anecdotes
45. Fans and Gorillas
46. The Anthropological Society, 6th Jan. 1863
Chapter XII
47. Whydah and Its Deity. 29th November 1863
48. The Amazons
49. “The Customs.”
50. Death of Speke, 15th September 1864
Chapter XIII
51. To Santos
52. Aubertin. Death of Steinhauser, 27th July 1866
53. The Facetious Cannibals
54. Down the Sao Francisco
55. In Paraguay. August 15th to September 15th 1868. April 4th to April 18th 1869
Chapter XIV
October 1869-16th August 1871 “Emperor and Empress of Damascus.”
56. Archbishop Manning and the Odd Fish
57. 3rd Consulate, Damascus
58. Jane Digby El Mezrab
59. To Tadmor
60. Palmer and Drake. 11th July 1870
61. Khamoor
62. The Shazlis
63. The RecaLL. 16th August 1871
Chapter XV
64. With Sir H. Stisted at Norwood. August 1871
65. Reduced to £15
66. An Orgie at Lady Alford’s. 2nd November 1871
67. The Tichborne Trial
68. Khamoor at the Theatre
Chapter XVI
69. In Edinburgh Again, 4th June 1872
70. Wardour Castle, 5th July 1872
71. St. George and Frederick Burton
72. At the Athenaeum
73. Jane Digby Again
74. His Book on Zanzibar
Chapter XVII
75. Burton at Trieste, 24th October 1872
76. At the Vienna Exhibition, 1873
77. A Visit From Drake, June 1873
78. Khamoor Returns to Syria, 4th December 1874
Chapter XVIII
79. Visit to England, 12th May 1875
80. Tonic Bitters
81. A Trip to India, December 1875, 18th June 1876
82. Arbuthnot Again. Rehatsek
83. In Sind
84. Golconda
Chapter XIX
85. Ariosto
86. Death of Rashid Pasha, 24th June 1876
87. Colonel Gordon 1877
88. Jane Digby the Second
89. The Old Baronetcy. 18th January 1877
Chapter XX
90. “The New Joseph.” 31st March 1877-21st April 1877. 19th October 1877-20th April 1878
91. More Advice to “Lazybones.” 8th May 1877
92. Haji Wali Again
93. Graffiti
94. Letter to Sir Henry Gordon, 4th July 1878
95. Death of Maria Stisted, 12th November 1878
96. Burton’s “Six Senses.”
97. Still Thinking of Midian. April-December 1879
Chapter XXI
98. The Lusiads
99. At Ober Ammergau, August 1880
100. Mrs. Burton’s Advice to Novelists. 4th September 1880
101. The Kasidah, 1880
102. Lisa
Chapter XXII
103. With Cameron at Venice, August 1881
104. John Payne, November 1881
105. To the Gold Coast, 25th November 1881-20th May 1882
Chapter XXIII
106. Mrs. Grundy Begins to Roar. May 1882
107. The Search for Palmer, October 1882
Chapter XXIV
108. Anecdotes of Burton
109. Burton and Mrs. Disraeli
110. “I Am an Old English Catholic.”
111. Burton Begins His Translation, April 1884
112. The Battle Over the Nights
113. Completion of Mr. Payne’s Translation
Chapter XXV
114. The Azure Apollo
115. The Kama Sutra
Chapter XXVI
The Ananga Ranga or Lila Shastra
116. The Ananga Ranga.403
117. The Beharistan, 1887
118. The Gulistan, 1888
119. The Nigaristan
120. Letters to Payne, 19th January 1884
121. At Sauerbrunn, 12th August 1884
122. Burton’s Circulars, September 1884
123. The Book of the Sword
124. The Lyrics of Camoens, 1884
125. More Letters to Payne, 1st October 1884
126. Death of Gordon, January 1885
127. W. F. Kirby, 25th March 1885
Chapter XXVII
128. Slaving at the Athenaeum, May 1885
129. A Visit to Mr. Arbuthnot’s
130. Dr. Steingass
131. Anecdotes
132. The Pentameron. Burton and Gladstone
133. A Brief Glance Through the Nights
Chapter XXVIII
135. Abu Al-Hasan
136. The Summing Up
Chapter XXIX
138. The Terminal Essay
139. Final Summing Up
140. Mr. Swinburne on Burton
Chapter XXX
141. In Morocco, 21st November 1885
142. K.c.m.g., 5th February 1886
143. Burton at 65
144. More Anecdotes
Chapter XXXI
146. Burton as a Writer
Chapter XXXII
147. The Population Question
148. New Projects
149. Mr. A. G. Ellis and Professor Blumhardt. 5th June 1886-5th April 1887
150. Dr. Leslie and Dr. Baker: Anecdotes. April 1887
151. Three Months at Abbazia. 1st DeC. 1887-5th March 1888
Chapter XXXIII
152. Meeting With Mr. Swinburne and Others, 18th July 1888-15th October 1888
153. H. W. Ashbee
154. A Bacon Causerie
155. The Gypsy, August 1888
156. The Supplemental Nights. 1st December 1886-1st August 1888
157. Comparison
Chapter XXXIV
158. Nafzawi
159. Origin of the Scented Garden
160. Contents of the Scented Garden
161. Sir Richard Burton’s Translation
Chapter XXXV
162. Switzerland 15th October 1888
163. Mr. Letchford, August and September 1889
164. To Dr. Tuckey
165. To Mr. Kirby 15th May 1889
166. Tunis and Algiers, November 1889 to March 1890
167. Visit of Arbuthnot, Last Letter to Mr. Payne, May 1890
Chapter XXXVI
168. The Priapeia
169. Catullus and the Last Trip, July — September 1890
170. At Maloja, July 1890
171. The Golden Ass
Chapter XXXVII
172. Death. 20th October 1890
173. The Fate of the Scented Garden
174. Discrepancies in Lady Burton’s Story
175. The Fate of the Catullus
176. Lisa Departs, November 1890
Chapter XXXIX
177. Lady Burton in England
178. The Funeral at Mortlake, 15th June 1891
179. The Scented Garden Storm, June 1891
Chapter XL
180. A Letter to Miss Stisted
181. The Writing of the Life August 1892-March 1893
182. The Library Edition of the Nights 1894
Chapter XLI
183. Lady Burton at Eastbourne
184. Death of Lady Burton, 22nd Mar. 1896
185. Miss Stisted’s “True Life.”
186. Mr. Wilkins’s Work, 1897
187. Burton’s Friends
Verses on the Death of Richard Burton703
Appendix I. Bibliography of Richard Burton
Appendix II. List of Works Included in the “Memorial Edition” of Burton’s Works
Appendix III. List of Biographies of Sir Richard Burton and Lady Burton
Appendix IV. Extracts Relating to Burton
Appendix V. Bibliography of Foster FitzGerald Arbuthnot
Appendix VI. Bibliography of F. Steingass
Appendix VII. Bibliography of John Payne711
Appendix VIII. Notes on Rehatsek’s Translation of the Beharistan
Appendix IX. Notes on the Nigaristan and Other Unpublished Translations by Rehatsek, Presented to the Royal Asiatic Society by F. F. Arbuthnot
1. The Nigaristan (Picture Gallery), by Mu’in-Uddin JawinI. Faithfully Translated From the Persian by E. Rehatsek. 1888
2. Translations From the Persian, by the Late E. Rehatsek
3. Translations From the Persian and Arabic, by the Late E. Rehatsek
4. Biography of Our Lord Muhammed, Apostle of Allah (Benediction of Allah and Peace Be on Him)
Appendix X. W. F. Kirby
Appendix XI. Genealogical Table
Romance of Isabel Lady Burton: The Story of Her Life (Vol.1&2)
Book I. Waiting
Chapter I. Birth and Lineage
Chapter II2. My Childhood and Youth
Chapter III. My First Season
Chapter IV. Boulogne: I Meet My Destiny
Chapter V. Four Years of Hope Deferred
Chapter VI. Richard Loves Me
Chapter VII. My Continental Tour: Italy
Chapter VIII. My Continental Tour: Switzerland
Chapter IX. They Meet Again
Chapter X 13. At Last
Book II. Wedded
Chapter I. Fernando Po
Chapter Ii 19. Madeira
Chapter III. Teneriffe
Chapter IV. A Trip to Portugal
Chapter V. Brazil
Chapter VI. Our Expedition Into the Interior
Chapter VII. Morro Velho and Its Environs
Chapter VIII. My Lonely Ride to Rio
Chapter IX. Home Again
Chapter X 25. My Journey to Damascus
Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile by J. H. Speke
Editor's Note
Atmospheric Agents
The Wanguana or Freed Men
Journal of the Discovery of The Source of the Nile
Chapter I. London to Zanzibar, 1859
Chapter II. Uzaramo
Chapter III. Usagara
Chapter IV. Ugogo, and the Wilderness of Mgunda Mkhali
Chapter V. Unyamuezi
Chapter VI. Uzinza
Chapter VII. Usui
Chapter VIII. Karague
Chapter IX. History of the Wahuma
Chapter X. Karague and Uganda
Chapter XI. Palace, Uganda
Chapter XII. Palace, Uganda—Continued
Chapter XIII. Palace, Uganda—Continued
Chapter XIV. Palace, Uganda—Continued
Chapter XV. March Down the Northern Slopes of Africa
Chapter XVI. Bahr El Abiad
Chapter XVII. Unyoro
Chapter XVIII. Unyoro—Continued
Chapter XIX. The March to Madi
Chapter XX. Madi
What Led to the Discovery of the Nile by J. H. Speke
Journal of Adventures in Somali Land
Chapter I. Introduction to the Journal
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Journal of a Cruise on the Tanganyika Lake
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Arabian Society in the Middle Ages
Chapter I. Religion
Chapter II. Demonology
Chapter III. Saints
Chapter IV. Magic
Chapter V. Cosmography
Chapter VI. Literature
Chapter VII. Feasting and Merrymaking
Chapter VIII. Childhood and Education
Chapter IX. Women
Chapter X. Slavery
Chapter XI. Ceremonies of Death
Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia
Part I
Chapter I. Early Impressions
Chapter II. Kerman
Chapter III. Persian Industries
Chapter IV. The Climate of Persia
Chapter V. Holidays in Persia
Chapter VI. Social Life in Persia
Chapter VII. The Women of Persia
Chapter VIII. More About Persian Women
Chapter IX. Some Points in the Moslem Faith
Chapter X. Other Religious Sects
Chapter XI. Desert Delights
Chapter XII. Persian Medical Missions2
Chapter XIII. Pioneer Medical Mission Work in Kerman3
Chapter XIV. Medical Mission Work in Yezd4
Part II
Chapter I. The City of Nineveh
Chapter II. The People of Mosul
Chapter III. The River Tigris
Chapter IV. The Children of Mosul
Chapter V. The Moslem Women of Mosul
Chapter VI. Moslem Family Life
Chapter VII. Customs of Mosul
Chapter VIII. Dreams and Visions
Chapter IX. Manners and Superstitions in Mosul
Chapter X. The Yezidees
Chapter XI. Travelling in the Desert
Chapter XII. The Pleasures of Desert Travelling
Chapter XIII. Pioneer Medical Mission Work in Mosul (Nineveh)6
Отрывок из книги
Richard Francis Burton
An Intriguing Glance into the Heart of Holiest Places of Islam
VIII. The Meccah Pilgrimage
Biography and Further Readings