Острів Скарбів / Treasure Island

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Роберт Луїс Стівенсон. Острів Скарбів / Treasure Island
Part one. The Old Buccaneer. Частина перша. Старий пірат
1. The Old Sea-dog at the «Admiral Benbow»
1. Старий морський вовк у корчмі «Адмірал Бенбоу»
2. Black Dog Appears and Disappears
2. Чорний Пес з’являється і зникає
3. The Black Spot
3. Чорна мітка
4. The Sea-chest
4. Моряцька скриня
5. The Last of the Blind Man
5. Кінець сліпого
6. The Captain’s Papers
6. Капітанові папери
Part two. The Sea-cook. Частина друга. Корабельний кок
7. I Go to Bristol
7. Я їду до Бристоля
8. At the Sign of the Spy-glass
8. Під вивіскою «Підзорна труба»
9. Powder and Arms
9. Порох і зброя
10. The Voyage
10. Плавання
11. What I Heard in the Apple Barrel
11. Що я почув, сидячи в діжці з-під яблук
12. Council of War
12. Воєнна рада
Part three. My Shore Adventure. Частина третя. Мої пригоди на березі
13. How My Shore Adventure Began
13. Як почались мої пригоди на острові
14. The First Blow
14. Перший удар
15. The Man of the Island
15. Людина з острова
Part four. The Stockade. Частина четверта. Частокіл
16. Narrative Continued by the Doctor: How the Ship Was Abandoned
16. Розповідь продовжує лікар: як було покинуто корабель
17. Narrative Continued by the Doctor: The Jolly-boat’s Last Trip
17. Розповідь продовжує лікар. Остання подорож у шлюпці
18. Narrative Continued by the Doctor: End of the First Day’s Fighting
18. Розповідь продовжує лікар. Кінець боїв першого дня
19. Narrative Resumed by Jim Hawkins: The Garrison in the Stockade
19. Знову розповідає Джім Гокінс. Гарнізон у блокгаузі
20. Silver’s Embassy
20. Сільвер-парламентер
21. The Attack
21. Атака
Part five. My Sea Adventure. Частина п’ята. Мої пригоди на морі
22. How My Sea Adventure Began
22. Як почалися мої пригоди на морі
23. The Ebb-tide Runs
23. У хвилях відпливу
24. The Cruise of the Coracle
24. У човнику
25. I Strike the Jolly Roger
25. Я спускаю «Веселого Роджера»
26. Israel Hands
26. Ізраель Гендс
27. «Pieces of Eight»
27. «Піастри!»
Part six. Captain Silver. Частина шоста. Капітан Сільвер
28. In the Enemy’s Camp
28. У ворожому таборі
29. The Black Spot Again
29. Чорна мітка знову
30. On Parole
30. На слово честі
31. The Treasure-hunt – Flint’s Pointer
31. Полювання за скарбами. Вказівна стрілка Флінта
32. The Treasure-hunt – The Voice Among the Trees
32. Полювання на скарби. Голос серед дерев
33. The Fall of a Chieftain
33. Падіння ватажка
34. And Last
34. І останній
Отрывок из книги
Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey, and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down the whole particulars about Treasure Island, from the beginning to the end, keeping nothing back but the bearings of the island, and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted, I take up my pen in the year of grace 17… and go back to the time when my father kept the «Admiral Benbow» inn and the brown old seaman with the sabre cut first took up his lodging under our roof.
I remember him as if it were yesterday, as he came plodding to the inn door, his sea-chest following behind him in a hand-barrow – a tall, strong, heavy, nut-brown man, his tarry pigtail falling over the shoulder of his soiled blue coat, his hands ragged and scarred, with black, broken nails, and the sabre cut across one cheek, a dirty, livid white. I remember him looking round the cover and whistling to himself as he did so, and then breaking out in that old sea-song that he sang so often afterwards:
Of course I said I would go with my mother, and of course they all cried out at our foolhardiness, but even then not a man would go along with us. All they would do was to give me a loaded pistol lest we were attacked, and to promise to have horses ready saddled in case we were pursued on our return, while one lad was to ride forward to the doctor’s in search of armed assistance.
My heart was beating finely when we two set forth in the cold night upon this dangerous venture. A full moon was beginning to rise and peered redly through the upper edges of the fog, and this increased our haste, for it was plain, before we came forth again, that all would be as bright as day, and our departure exposed to the eyes of any watchers. We slipped along the hedges, noiseless and swift, nor did we see or hear anything to increase our terrors, till, to our relief, the door of the «Admiral Benbow» had closed behind us.