Northern Light: Lessons for America from Canada's Fiscal Fix

Northern Light: Lessons for America from Canada's Fiscal Fix
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Описание книги

As the US wrestles with its growing fiscal crisis, Northern Light examines what lessons Americans and their political leaders might draw from how Canada in the 1990s slew its deficit dragon, balanced the budget, fixed public pensions and social welfare and in so doing helped forge a national consensus in favour of responsible public finances that endures to this day.


Robert P. Murphy. Northern Light: Lessons for America from Canada's Fiscal Fix


executive summary. Introduction

The United States’ Unsustainable Fiscal Trajectory

Federal Spending

Federal Budget Deficits and Debt

Federal Entitlements

The Centralization of Federal Power

The Amazing Canadian Fiscal Turnaround

The 1995 Budget – Ottawa Changes Course

Ottawa Cuts Federal Government Spending and Employment

Getting Government Right – Program Review

Spending Cuts Far Outweighed Tax Hikes

After the Reforms: Let the Good Times Roll

Canada’s Lessons for America

Lessons from Canada: Getting Spending Right

Lessons from Canada: Getting the Debt Under Control

Lessons from Canada: Entitlement Reform

Lessons from Canada: Decentralization

Lessons from Canada: Managing the politics of reform



PART I - How the United States Created Its Fiscal Crisis

chapter 1. First, Admit There’s a Problem: The United States’ Unsustainable Fiscal Trajectory

Federal Spending

Source: Office of Management and Budget (OMB).1

Sources: White House, American Presidency Project

Source: CBO Historical Budget Data, tables F-3 through F-5

Federal Taxation: Level and Composition

Sources: White House, American Presidency Project

Federal Budget Deficits and Debt

Sources: OMB, CBO June 2012 Long-Term Fiscal Outlook

Source: OMB

Federal Entitlements

The Centralization of Federal Power


PART II - Canada’s Crisis in the 1990s: Parallels to the United States Today

chapter 2. Spitting Distance from the Debt Wall

A Fiscal Time Bomb in the Making

Deficits and Debt: Can’t Have One without the Other

Big Debt Means Big Interest Payments

The 1995 Budget – Ottawa Changes Course

Ottawa Gets Serious about Controlling Spending

Source: Department of Finance Canada, 1995. Notes: Numbers may not add due to rounding or the exclusion of other relatively minor line items. Data for 1994/95 were preliminary estimates. 1995/96 and 1996/97 were forecasts

Getting Government Right – Program Review

After the Reforms: Let the Good Times Roll

Retrenchment Led to Robust Economic Performance

Economic Growth

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Investment – Building for Future Prosperity

All Boats Rose on the Reform Tide

chapter 3. Fiscal Reform: Unsung Provincial Heroes

Nearing the Wall: Provinces Exacerbate the Problem

Provinces Sink Into Debt

Saskatchewan: The NDP Leads the Way in Fiscal Reform

The 1993 Saskatchewan Budget – Securing Our Future

Saskatchewan Reaps the Benefits of Reform

Alberta: Creating the Alberta Advantage

The 1993 Alberta Budget – A Plan for Change

Alberta’s Fiscal Reforms Pay Off

Ontario: Mike Harris’s Common Sense Revolution

Ontario Fiscal Overview, 1995

Ontario Budget, 1996

Results of the Common Sense Fiscal Plan

Provincial Fiscal Policy, 1993–2008

Revenues, Spending, and the Deficit

Declining Provincial Debt and Lower Interest Costs

chapter 4. Entitlement Reform and Decentralization: Additional Lessons to be Considered

Canada Pension Plan – Real Reforms with Real Success

Canadian Welfare Reform: Decentralization and Incentives Matter

Provinces Tackle Welfare Reform

Welfare Reform Conclusion

K-12 Education: Power of Decentralization and Experimentation


PART III - How the United States Can Solve Its Fiscal Crisis

chapter 5. Fiscal Fitness: What Washington Would Look Like on a Canadian Diet. Promises, Promises: Bowles-Simpson and House Budget Resolution (“Ryan Proposal”), versus the Actual Canadian Experience

Summary: Canadian Reality vs. Bowles-Simpson and Ryan Projections

Lessons from Canada: Getting Spending Right

What, and How Much, to Cut?

Sources: Canadian Fiscal Reference Tables, June 2012 CBO Long-Term Budget Outlook

Federal Government Employment

Lessons from Canada: Getting Taxes Right

Composition of Tax Burden Important Too, Not Just Size

Source: CBO June 2012 Long-Term Budget Outlook

Lessons from Canada: Getting the Debt Under Control

Asset Sales to Bridge the Short-Term Deficit Gap

Lessons from Canada: Entitlement Reform

Lessons from Canada: Decentralization

Lessons from Canada: Managing the Politics of Reform



author information

Отрывок из книги

As Canada watches America struggle with the painful state of its public finances we feel not only the concern shared by the entire world, but also a special kinship in the sense that Canada has been there and knows how hard chronic deficits and spiraling debt are to fix.

When we created the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Canada’s national public policy think tank, two and a half years ago, Canadians themselves were unaware of the remarkable story of how our country had turned the ship of state around just at the moment that it was about to founder on the shoals of fiscal profligacy. And Canada succeeded so well that it enjoyed a remarkable decade of economic growth as a result, paid down considerable debt, saw its job growth rise, and then was able to weather the recent recession better than almost any other industrialized country.


•A complete change to the federal government’s approach to agriculture, including a move away from an emphasis on income support to income stabilization.

•A massive reduction in the federal government’s involvement in the business sector, including a proposed 60 percent cut in subsidies to businesses.


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