Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible
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Robert W. Krajenke. Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Bible



Author’s Preface to the Single Volume Edition


A Way of Looking at the Scripture—and Seeing Ourselves in It

From Genesis to The Revelation—an Overview

From the Birth of Soul to the Death of Moses

In God’s Mind a Spiritual Creation

“And Darkness was upon the Face of the Deep”

“And Dry Land Appeared”

The Divine Image

The Pre-Adamic World

The Six Days of Creation

The Coming of Adam


A Soul Group

The Fall of Man

A Pattern for All

The First Adam and the Last Adam

Cain and Abel: Hostile Brothers

Earliest Developments—The Animal Nature and the Ego

The Vocations of Man

They Were There

The Descendants of Cain

Adam Reincarnated: Enoch

Pyramid Builders

The Deluge: Division and Dissent



In the Ark

The Family of Japeth

Japeth’s Prayer

The Beginning of the Rainbow and End of the Thought-Forms

The Foundation of a New Age

The Tower of Babel

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob


The Offices of High Priest

Father Abraham


A Forced Issue

Isaac and Ishmael

Abraham and Edgar Cayce

Abraham and the Power of Prayer

Abraham and Isaac: The Sacrifice

The Sons of Isaac

Jacob’s First-Born

Joseph and Benjamin: Sons of Jacob and Rachel

A Friend of Jacob’s

The Only Daughter

Jacob’s Ladder

The Promise to Jacob

Joseph: Forerunner of the Christ

The Death of Joseph


Joshua: An Aide to Moses

The Birth of Moses

Moses Slays an Egyptian

The Burning Bush

A Discussion

Pharaoh’s Hard Heart

The Plagues

Freedom!—“The Metaphysical Pattern”

The Red Sea



Joshua’s Love

Jethro’s Contribution

The Encampment at Sinai

The Ten Commandments

The Tabernacle

Symbology of Two

Symbology of Ten

The Mercy Seat

Aaron’s Breastplate

Urim and Thummin

Strange Fire

Who Were the Enemies?

An Opportunity to Enter

Korah’s Rebellion

The Stumbling Block at Meribah

Another Detour

An Intimation


Balaam Succumbs

Another Example

War on Midian

The Death of Moses

The Body of Moses

The Bones of Moses

From Joshua to the Golden Age of Solomon

Joshua, the New Leader

Joshua and the Holy War

Joshua and a God of Love

Joshua and the Heathens

Joshua and Reincarnation

Joshua and the Genetic Code

We Are the Promised Land

The Entry into Canaan

The Parting of the Jordan

Twelve Stones


Circumcision of the Nation

The Cessation of Manna


Achan’s Trespass

Treaties with the Pagans: Joshua Deceived

Other Covenants

Division of the Land

Caleb and His Family: The Present

Caleb’s Daughter

Caleb’s Family: The Past

Source Material for Scripture

The Book of Judges

Deborah and Barak

The Song of Deborah



Jephthah’s Vow


The Book of Ruth



Man Crowned King

Israel Chooses

Like all the other nations (1 Samuel 8:20)

The Birth of a Prophet

Psychic Motherhood and Soul Attraction

Hannah and Samuel

An Example

A Time of Stress

The Shadow of Jealousy

Mother of the Prophet—Hannah Reincarnated

Two Spiritual Guides—Elkanah and Samuel

The Story of Saul

“Head and Shoulders Above the Rest”

The Leader They Deserved

Saul’s Past Lives

The Sin of Saul

Saul’s Decline—The First Mistake

Saul’s Rash Vow

The King’s Son

The Third Mistake

“Music Hath Its Charms”

The Giant Killer

Two Souls Knit

A Disdain for Intrigue

In Pursuit of David

Saul and the Witch of Endor—Spirit Communication

King David. Abner

“A Man After God’s Heart”

The Pattern of a Life

The King

The Death of Uzzah

Bathsheba and the Sorrows of David

David’s House

The King’s Daughter

The King’s Son-in-Law

Absalom’s Rebellion

Footnotes to an Era

The King’s Seal

A Brother to Solomon

The Golden Age of Solomon

The Kingdom Within

Portrait of a King

Another Dream

Pages of Wisdom

Solomon Goes Astray

The Courts of Solomon: They Were There. Asaph—The king’s seer in the matters of God (Chronicles 25:5)

Solomon’s Sailor

The Wise One

Two Apshas

The Dreamer

From Solomon’s Glories to the Birth of Jesus

Foreword: World Affairs and the Bible

Introduction: The Coming Is from Within

Solomon’s Sins


Coronation and Rebellion

To Your Tents, O Israel!

Jeroboam, King of Israel

Jeroboam’s Fall

Jeroboam and the Man of God (1 Kings 13)

The Prophet

The Kingdom of Judah

The Story Begins

The Downward Kings—Rehoboam and Abijah

The Upward Kings—Asa and Jehoshaphat

Good King Jehoshaphat

Ahab, Jezebel, and Jehoshaphat

Last Words on Ahab

Jehoshaphat Rebuked

One Besetting Sin

Elijah and Elisha. Ahab, Jezebel, and Elijah

Edgar Cayce on Elijah

A Woman’s Wrath

Another Karmic Lesson (1 Kings 2)

The Still Small Voice

The School of the Prophets

Edgar Cayce on Elisha


Misuse of Power

Bad News for Judah. Jehoram, Ahaziah, and Athaliah

Satan Bound, Satan Loosened

Jehu: the Corruption of a Call

A Reign of Terror

The Great Tribulation—Cycles and Patterns and Prophecy Fulfilled

A Lesson on Power

Joash—the Halfway King (2 Kings 11, 12; 2 Chronicles 22:11; 23; 24)

New Light. Uzziah

Jotham and the Prophetic Voice


Good King Hezekiah

“They Were There”

Hezekiah, Figs and Babylon

Hezekiah and the Babylonian Preview

The Growing Darkness—Manassah and Amon

The Last Great Light—Josiah

The Countdown Begins—the Last Kings

The Lost Tribes and the New World

The American Colony

The English Colony


On the Altars of the World

Judah in Babylon

The Highest Service

An Account of Slavery


Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar

The Fiery Furnace

Nebuchadnezzar’s Madness and the Tree of Life

Captives and their Masters

Liberation. Belschazzar and the Fall of Babylon

Dreams and the Fall of Babylon

The Court of Cyrus

Babylon Symbolizes Self

The Resurrection

Return from Bondage

Problems with the Readings

A Religion Based on the Dictates of Conscience

Adam Reincarnated: Jeshua—Leader of the First Return

The Last Life

The First Return

Altars and the Home

The Great Conflict

The Work Stops

Other Conflicts

The Second Return. Esther and Vashti


Queen Esther

Haman Reincarnated

Esther in Power

But What of Vashti?

Ezra and the Second Return

Ezra in Jerusalem


Lost Records Found

Footnote to the Lost Records

Ezekiel in Jerusalem

Ezekiel’s Vision: Ancient Astronauts and a Flashback to Atlantis

Breaking Down from Without

The Resisters

Breaking from Within

The Third Return

Nehemiah Reincarnated

Wives, Friends, and Lovers

The Persian Guard

The King’s Records

New Policies

A Change in Status

Before the Water Gate

At the Water Gate—They Were There

The Eternal Light

Back to the Beginning

Epilogue. The Perfect Body

The Perfect Mind

From the Garden to the City

A New Heaven, a New Earth

The Relevance and Significance of. Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Bible Today

Appendix: Edgar Cayce’s Bible Class. Notes and Lectures. Looking at Three and Seeing One

Bible Class Notes, Phase One—Thought Forms and the Adamic Body

Bible Class Notes, Phase Two—Mind, Faith and Will

Two Sides of Moses

Weakness and Sincerity, Sinner and Repenter

The Inner and Outer as One—An Aspect of Mind in Development of Faith

The Building of the Tabernacle

Bible Class Notes, Phase Three—Patience, Soul and Spirit

Patience as an Attribute of the Soul

Cayce’s Talks and Letters—Man’s Relationship to God





Отрывок из книги

Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Bible

Edgar Cayce, the twentieth century’s most astoundingly accurate prophet, had the psychic gift of being able to put himself into a state of self-induced trance. In this state, Cayce, a man of little formal education and not scholarly by temperament, predicted such future events as the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the development of the laser beam. He was also capable of diagnosing illnesses that were beyond the knowledge of contemporary physicians—often for people thousands of miles away.


Although the “dark side” of Creation has been dwelt upon in the preceding, it is necessary in order to establish an essential part of the Cayce philosophy—the conditions which made necessary the coming of Adam and the later raising up of the nation Israel.

From the Beginning, souls were involved with materiality at all different levels, from the highest to the lowest, from the lightest to the darkest. Cayce is unique in his interpretation of the Six Days of Creation as the evolving consciousness of those Sons of God who were projecting into materiality and experiencing it through the Light.


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