The Greatness Guide: One of the World's Top Success Coaches Shares His Secrets to Get to Your Best

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Робин Шарма. The Greatness Guide: One of the World's Top Success Coaches Shares His Secrets to Get to Your Best
1. I’m No Guru
I’ve had good seasons and some. deeply painful ones. I’ve made some. spectacularly good choices and some outrageously bad mistakes. I’m very human—a work in progress
2. Harvey Keitel and Windows of Opportunity
Each day, life will send you little windows of. opportunity. Your destiny will ultimately be defined by how you respond to these windows of opportunity
3. Nothing Fails like Success
The more successful you and your organization become, the more humble and devoted to your customers you need to be
4. Be a Rock Star at Work
And you don’t need to have the biggest title to do the best job
5. Your Days Define Your Life
As you live your days, so you craft your life
6. Drink Coffee with Gandhi
Reading a book by someone you respect allows some of their brilliance to rub off on you
7. Get Some Skin in the Game
The real risk lies in riskless living
8. Be into Breezes
Some of life’s best pleasures are its simplest ones. Enrich your life with more of them and your heart will be happy
9. Make Time to Think
Peter Drucker, the management expert said. it so well: “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”
10. Leadership Begins on the Extra Mile
Ordinary people don’t spend. much time on the extra mile. But who ever said you were ordinary?
11. Mick Jagger and Reference Points
Positive reference points will pull you. into a new way of seeing things and introduce you to a new set of possibilities. Doors you never even knew existed will begin to open
12. Business Is Relationships
It’s easy to forget that people do business with people they like
13. Life Lessons from SpongeBob SquarePants
Too many among us are afraid to be ourselves. So we give up our dreams to follow the crowd
14. How to Be a Happier Human
15. Work Hard, Get Lucky
Not one of the über-successful people I’ve worked with as a leadership coach got there without outworking everyone around them
16. Know Your Genius
Focus plus daily improvement plus time equals genius. Understand that formula deeply and your life will never be the same
17. Listen Twice as Much as You Speak
Listening intently to someone is one of the best ways I know of to honor that person and forge a deep human connection
18. Your Customers Buy with Their Hearts
Human beings move when their emotions are moved
19. Learn to Say No
Every time you say yes to something that is unimportant, you say no to something that is important
20. Burn Your Boats
Challenge serves beautifully to introduce you to your best—and most brilliant—self
21. Grow Leaders Fast
The ultimate competitive advantage of your enterprise comes down to a single imperative—your ability to grow and develop leaders faster than your competition
22. Your Four-Minute Mile
23. Push the Envelope
Remember, every great leader (or visionary or brave thinker) was initially laughed at. Now they are revered
24. On Obituaries and the Meaning of Life
I’ve yet to read an obituary that says, “he died peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his lawyer, his stockbroker and his accountant.”
25. Leadership Isn’t a Popularity Contest
Being a leader isn’t about being liked. It’s about doing what’s right
26. What Do You Evangelize?
You are here to find that cause, that main aim, that vital destiny that will move you at the most visceral level and get you up at the crack of dawn with fire in your belly
27. Under the Kimono: My Best Practices
This very day can be the first day of your new life. It’s all your choice
28. Culture Is King
One of your most sustainable competitive advantages will be developing what I call a Culture of Leadership
29. Your Schedule Doesn’t Lie
Your schedule is the best barometer for what you truly value and believe to be important
30. Shine as a Parent
Try not to teach your fears to your kids. Introduce your children to what’s possible
31. Be a Merchant of Wow
In this “experience economy” we now live in, the customers must be taken on a journey from start to finish that makes them go “WOW.”
32. Getting What You Want While Loving What You Have
This world was built by people who felt some discontent with the way things were and knew they could do better
33. Think like a CEO
Take personal responsibility for the success of your business. Show up like an entrepreneur. Grow sales. Cut costs. Get good stuff done
34. Act like an Athlete
Top athletes know that practice is how you get to greatness
35. Be Wildly Enthusiastic
36. Success Isn’t Sexy
It’s amazing how far you will get by just staying with something long enough. Most people give up too early. Their fears are bigger than their faith
37. On Cuddle Parties and the Sad State of the World
The paradox of our wired world. is that as we become more connected electronically, we become less connected emotionally
38. The Value of Good
Gordon Gekko got it wrong: Greed isn’t good. Good is good
39. Grace under Pressure
What distinguishes people with an. extraordinary character from the rest of us is how they respond when life sends one of its inevitable curves
40. To Be More Productive, Relax and Have More Fun
I get my best ideas—the thoughts. that have really elevated my business. and revolutionized my life—when I’m relaxed and having fun
41. The Two Magic Words
42. The Value of Dying Daily
Waking up each morning and asking. yourself, “How would I show up today if this day. was my last?” is not some cheesy motivational exercise. It’s a profound way to bring some urgency and commitment into your days
43. Client-Focused vs. Out to Lunch
Business is about loving the people who do business with you and giving them more value than they have any right to expect
44. Lead Without Title
“Real leadership is not about prestige, power or status. It is about responsibility.”
45. Do Your Part
Blaming others is excusing yourself. Telling yourself that you—as an army of one—cannot have an impact is giving away your power
46. Do You Play?
Adults are nothing more. than deteriorated children
47. Avoid the “Four F’s Syndrome”
No one wants to fail. So most of us don’t even try
48. Problems Reveal Genius
The only people with no problems are dead
49. Love Your Irritations
The people or circumstances that take. you out of your power have extraordinary value: They reveal your limiting beliefs, fears and false assumptions
50. Speak like a Superstar
51. Learning or Decaying
52. Simple Tactics for Superb Relationships
One of the deepest needs of a human being is the need to belong
53. Rock Stars as Poets
Musicians are artists, no different from. painters or poets. They document our culture, cause us to think, provoke us (sometimes) and introduce us to new ideas. And the good ones are philosophers
54. The Innovator’s Mantra
There’s no safety in being the same person today that you were yesterday. That’s just an illusion that ends up breaking your heart
55. Pleasure vs. Happiness
Pleasure comes from something on the outside. Happiness comes from within
56. The $600 Sandwich
The best organizations I’ve worked with sweat the small stuff
57. Good Business Is Good for Business
People want to work for. a good company—one that is not only well-run but that does its part to build a better world
58. Build Success Structures
We all need systems installed into our days to ensure consistency of results, order and superb outcomes
59. The Person Who Experiences Most Wins
I want the experience of an old man while I’m still young. And I think I’ve figured out a way to get it: Collapse the timeline
60. Brand like Diddy
61. Get Big into Blessings
I just read about a little girl who was born without a face. Just two eyes and a mouth. And we worry about traffic being heavy on the way into work
62. Be Wise, Early Rise
So join the 5 O’clock Club. Win the Battle of the Bed. Put mind over mattress. Get up early
63. Who Made Success a Dirty Word?
While you chase success, I urge you to stay devoted to elevating the lives you touch and leaving your world better than you found it
64. Get Great at Life
At the end, the billionaire gets buried next to the street sweeper. We all end up as dust. So let’s have some fun
65. The Steve Jobs Question
What would I do if this. was the last night of my life?
66. What’s Missing from Your Coolness?
67. No Ask, No Get
It never hurts to ask
68. Sell Your Desk
The best performers in business don’t hide behind their desks. They know that business is all about connecting to people
69. Get Fit to Lead
70. Extreme Leadership and Kids’ Clothing
Always be getting and doing better. Never settle for mediocrity
71. The Seven Forms of Wealth
There are actually seven elements that you want. to raise to world-class levels before you call yourself rich
72. Apply the U2 Standard
Greatness arrives for those who are never satisfied with what is, no matter how nice it looks
73. Learn More to Earn More
Investing in learning and getting your skill to world class is the smartest investment you’ll ever make
74. See Through the Eyes of Understanding
Few human beings wake up in the morning and ask themselves: “What can I do today to mess up someone else’s day or undermine my credibility or ruin our business?”
75. The Heart of Your House
Do you have a “business model” for your life? Do you have a strategic plan for your dreams?
76. Become an Inspirational Human Being
77. Make a Dent in the Universe
Isn’t having an impact in the world— by helping your clients and positively influencing others—what business is ultimately about?
78. Not All Leaders Are the Same
Everyone is a leader. But not everyone is the same
79. Six Reasons to Set Goals
Setting your goals is a bold play for your best life. Setting your goals is an act of heroism because you are reaching for the potential that has been invested in you
80. Remember the Boomerang Effect
Give out what you most want to come back
81. Make People Feel Good
“Do good and leave behind a virtue that the storm. of time can never destroy.”
82. Commit to First Class
Rewarding yourself with good things sends a. message to the deepest—and highest—part of you. One that says “I’m worth it—and I deserve it.”
83. Do a Clean Sweep
Delete what needs to be eliminated. from your life-you will feel lighter, happier. and your mind will experience more peace
84. Follow the Million Dollar Baby Rule
The thing about martyrs is that most of them get burned at the stake
85. The Earth Is Small
Life is short, and the world is small—but it’s really, really wide
86. Guests Are God
In your life, and in your organization, do you treat your “guests like Gods”?
87. The Beauty of Time
The big idea on time is that once it’s lost, it can never be regained
88. On Mountains and Mastering Change
You can’t get to the top of Everest by jumping up the mountain. You get to the mountaintop by taking incremental steps. Step by step you get to the goal
89. What Happened to “Please”?
90. Bon Jovi and the Power of Focus
The person who tries to do everything accomplishes nothing
91. Do a “101 Things to Do Before I Die” List
92. Spend Time with Your Kids
If you had 30 minutes left to live, you’d be reaching for your phone to tell those closest to you how much you love them
93. Get Goofy at Work
Life’s just too short to be miserable
94. Revere Great Design
“Businesspeople don’t need. to understand designers better. They. need to be designers.”
95. On Evian Water and You as a Big-Time Dreamer
Business needs more daring. Business needs more people willing to take risks and play out on the skinny branches
96. Be like Garth
“I came into this world with nothing, and all I’m going to leave with is my conscience.”
97. Don’t Give Up
98. Get Big on Self-Care
Organizational leadership begins. with personal leadership. You can’t be great at work until you feel great
99. Guess Who Inspires Me?
I promise to keep writing and speaking, if you’ll keep reading
100. How to Live Forever
To live on in the minds and hearts of the generations who will follow you is to cheat death
101. Lay Claim to Greatness
It’s never too late to become the person you have always dreamed of being
If you enjoyed The Greatness Guide, check out these other great Robin Sharma titles
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About the Publisher
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Author of No. 1 Internation Bestseller
51. Learning or Decaying
52. Simple Tactics for Superb Relationships