Holidays in Tajikistan

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The New Year celebration.
New Year is a holiday in Tajikistan, but only 1 January is a free day. Well, what I can say about this holiday. It is because it celebrates in many countries of the world, and because in the countries of the former republics of the Soviet Union. That’s why many Tajik decorate their flats or home with a New Year s tree and some another of these holiday traditional decorations. Need to say, that the main new year s tree, which sets in the capital of the Tajikistan Republic, in Dushanbe city often set on 27 of December and cleaned the new year s tree on some 10 of January, but in the past years, so from the end of the 2017 year, the setting of the main republic new year s tree happened on 9 of December, so about three weeks before the New Year’s Day. This tradition goes from the 2017 year, how I said before when the mayor of Dushanbe city became Rustam Emomali. And that’s why the symbol of the New Year stands on the main square of the Tajik capital, so on Dusti square. But there was not the same, how it was in a few years before. For example in the 2015 year, the main New Year s tree set on 30 of December and took off on 2 of January. So, the citizens of the Tajikistan Republic and its capital felt New Year s feelings only four or five days. And now, the New Year s decorations stand and decorate the capital about the month. So, from the beginning of December and until the middle of January we can observe these decorations. I need to say, that some Islamic traditions took the main parts of these holidays. You know, in the countries, which Islam is the main religion of these countries New Year celebrates on another day of the year. For example, the 1440 year on Muslim traditional time started on 12 of the September 2018 year. And these holidays calls Islamic New Year and it s celebrates in many countries of the Arabic peninsula, especially in Saudi Arabia and the United Arabic Emirates, but in Central Asia, as You know these holidays not celebrates. In Central Asia countries and in Tajikistan, 1 January – is the former Soviet tradition, and people of these countries saved this holiday. People and nations of the Central Asia region use the Gregorian calendar, how the main countries of the world. Also, we need to say, that the main New Year s tree in Tajikistan is 28 meters high, and in diameter is approximately 13 meters. The New Year s tree was decorated in the 2018 year of 14 thousand toy decorations. So, if You took this fact, as the true, Tajikistan decorated the main New Year s tree the first in Central Asia. And because, the nation of these Central Asia Republic is very proud of that fact, which gave Tajiks to think, that they were the first nation in Central Asia Region to decorates there capital. But in the past years, the main tradition of the New Year is to celebrate this holiday in the main cities streets or squares. So it also becomes, as true in the Tajik capital. So, on New Year’s Eve, on 31 December in Dushanbe, in the Dusti square is a traditional holiday concert with the Tajik singers and at the midnight there are about 5 minutes of firework. Need to write also about some and traditional fairs, which took place in Dushanbe in Rudaki prospect, and it is possible to buy some presents for the New Year and presents for the relatives or parents. There it is also possible to buy traditional Tajik food and especially traditional Tajik cakes or bread. So this is the reason, why there is a very amazing atmosphere and truly magical in the main city of Tajikistan so in the Dushanbe capital. And because of the people of all of Tajikistan with the best wishes to each other for the all next year. But because, the main attributes of the New Year are: New Year s tree, fireworks, presents and some decorations. Also need to write about one fact, which can give to us to understand, that the government of the Tajik Republic in the 2014 year want s to squeeze (remove) the New Year s Day, because this holiday, is not Islamic or does not include the Islam traditions, which in Tajikistan is often respected… But the people of this country did not agree with the government and the New Year on Gregorian calendar stayed, as the traditional official holiday in the Tajikistan Republic.
Today I will write about the most popular and most lovely holiday of the Tajiks and it is Navruz or Persian New Year, how it also calls. Well, for the first, need to say, that this holiday is also celebrated not only in Tajikistan, but also in all region of Central Asia and in another country, such as Afghanistan, Iran, and so on. Navruz means the spring beginning, and because Persian New Year starts exactly at that moment when officially starts the astronomic spring, so there are days between 20 and 22 of March. For example, in Tajikistan, Navruz celebrates three days from 20 until 22 of March. And in the 2019 year, Navruz or astronomical spring started on 20 of March, at 9:58 pm on Greenwich time, or on 21 of March, at 2:58 local time, so on Tajikistan time. Everyone waits these holidays with the best kinds and wishes, and Navruz also means the new time starting. Also because the Spring comes. It is also a traditional holiday in Iran. Well, I need to say, that in Navruz there are many traditional concerts of traditional music, everyone dance, take the part in different competitions and traditional or jokey games. But the word Navruz means “New Day” from the word Nav – “New” and Ruz – “Day”. Of cause in Navruz, the day time is the same, how the night time. Not shorter and not longer, than the night. And after that holiday the days become longer, than the nights. And every family prepares the traditional food for this holiday. Mostly, on Navruz cooks, some food which includes meat and also cooks dishes from wheat. Traditional Navruz holiday dishes from the wheat calls, as Sumanak. But the tradition says, that everyone, who eats Sumanak, can to wish himself three wishes and because there will happen next year. Of cause, as traditions calls, many Tajik women clean their traditional houses, and every family in Central Asia prepares to celebrate this holiday. Navruz also needs to go to friends, or relatives and to send presents and the traditional bread, which calls Biruh. In the 2010 year, UNESCO calls the Navruz, as the historical holiday and, as the international holiday, which includes Persian traditions. How I also said before, the most popular Navruz tradition is to do the burn fires and jump over it. People because also celebrates Navruz with the fireworks, and, how I also said – people eating, dancing, and takes part in some traditional competitions. Because in the Soviet time, this traditional Persian culture holiday not celebrated, and only, then the countries of the Central Asia Region became, as independence countries, traditional New Year started on this day, from 20 until 22 of March, when the spring starts. It is also celebrated not only in Tajikistan, but also in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and in other countries, such as Afghanistan and Iran. In the western world these days are called Vernal Equinox, so the spring beginning. As is known, the winters in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and also in Afghanistan, especially in the mountains areas are very cold and long, and this is the reason, why the people are excited to wait for the spring and traditional holidays of these time. What can say else? I have no idea, but maybe these holidays became one of Your favorite holidays. I want to say also about one fact, that Navruz is not a religious holiday, it is only a Persian traditional holiday, and it s not include any Islamic views or traditions. Because, nations, in which Navruz is celebrated are Islam Region nations, but this holiday is only a traditional holiday of the spring beginning and with Islam, it’s not stay closed. In each country, Navruz celebrates several days, in the period from 20 until 22 or 25 of March. How it often happened in Central Asia Region countries these days go with the fairs or the fairgrounds and magicians. Submissions of magician s are the most popular tradition on Persian New Year, and because in Tajikistan is also not except. Best wishes on the Navruz holiday and I think everyone starts to love this holiday, as the second lovely holiday after New Year, or maybe in the Central Asia Region it s the first most popular holiday. Everyone wishes only best wishes for these days and maybe the spring beginning will give You will get more happiness and You will start to feel more happy in these spring days!
Holy Month of Ramadan