Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole : Extraordinary Journeys into the...
In this gripping and illuminating book, Dr Allan Ropper reveals the extraordinary stories behind some of the life-altering afflictions that he and his staff are confronted with at the Neurology Unit of Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital. Like Alice in Wonderland, Dr Ropper inhabits a place where absurdities abound: a sportsman who starts spouting gibberish; an undergraduate who suddenly becomes psychotic; a mother who has to decide whether a life locked inside her own head is worth living. КупитьРеклама. ООО «Новый Книжный Центр», ИНН: 7710422909, erid: LatgBWGRZ.
Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole : Extraordinary Journeys into the...
In this gripping and illuminating book, Dr Allan Ropper reveals the extraordinary stories behind some of the life-altering afflictions that he and his staff are confronted with at the Neurology Unit of Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital. Like Alice in Wonderland, Dr Ropper inhabits a place where absurdities abound: a sportsman who starts spouting gibberish; an undergraduate who suddenly becomes psychotic; a mother who has to decide whether a life locked inside her own head is worth living. КупитьРеклама. ООО «Новый Книжный Центр», ИНН: 7710422909, erid: LatgBWwPR.
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Reaching down the rabbit hole.
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