Train Up That Child

Train Up That Child
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Train Up That Child is a book designed to encourage parents and those involved with the development of the children of this day. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs that exist. We all need help and encouragement as we sow into the lives of children. This book will inspire you to truly consider what you plant into the minds and hearts of children, therefore, it should be read, discussed, but most importantly&mdash; applied! <br><br>If you are serious about the process of training up children, you can help to develop a generation of individuals who respect themselves, as well as others. Train Up That Child calls us to go back to the basics! It will inspire action, change, and deliberate effort. In order to produce young people with vision and a clear understanding of their purpose in life, you have to see this not just as a job, but a mission. If they are strong and sharp, then our society will reflect the same characteristics. We can be known as the generation that took the task of parenting and developing our youth seriously and indeed&mdash;changed a generation. Will you do your part?


Roscoe F Perry. Train Up That Child



Chapter 1. What Shapes My Beliefs?

Chapter 2. What Lessons Are You Teaching?

Chapter 3. Philosophy

Chapter 4. Old School Tactics

Chapter 5. Dr. Spock Spooked Us

Chapter 6. That Child Can Be Reformed

Chapter 7. Your Best Investment

Chapter 8. You Can Do It

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I want to take this time to thank God for this vision and for Him allowing me to see it come to fruition. Also, I would like to thank two friends who did the first editing for me, Mrs. Karen Mckinney Holley and Mrs. Patricia Conley; they saw my work when it was in really raw and rough shape. Thanks for the continued love and support from my beloved church family, First Mt. Carmel in Appling, GA. I have learned so much from these great people. Also, special thanks to my family which I was trained in from birth. Also, a special thank you to my love, my dear wife Ann as well as my daughter Christiana. They have both been a constant love and support for me. I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life.

I truly hope that those who read this book will be helped and inspired to develop strong and positive families, for the training of children is one of the foundational tasks of developing a society that pleases God.


In my experience, I have come across children who were called “good” and those who were called “bad.” What is important to understand is that in both cases, these children had an adult who contributed to either label. The fact is, a “good” child is not an accident, but neither is a “bad” child. I realize that those titles are relative. I know that a “good” or “bad” child is not someone specific. I also know that no parent likes to see his or her lovely child labeled as “bad.” However, if your three-year-old child does nothing you ask or if you are afraid of the child to whom you gave birth, what other label can be applied?

To be honest, lack of discipline is one of the main problems. I see parents not correcting inappropriate behavior and activity when it happens, so the child thinks that the behavior is all right. The child continues the behavior because no one wants to say, “Houston, we have a problem.” What happens in many cases is that when the problem is overlooked, the behavior gets worse. At this point, the child is getting older and harder to mold. The next thing you know, the same person who would not say, “Houston, we have a problem” will say, “I can’t do anything with this child.” The parent is afraid of his or her own child. Far too many times, I have witnessed these behaviors, and I feel the situation seems to be getting worse. Some say the problem may be that parents are getting younger. I am not sure if that is the reason, because some young parents do quite well training their little ones. Then there are older parents who have children that are out of control; therefore you cannot just say the problem is for young parents only. “Good” children, those who are obedient and respectful, have come from young parents as well as older parents; so age, in most cases, does not matter.


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