The Issues and Challenges of Reducing Non-Revenue Water

The Issues and Challenges of Reducing Non-Revenue Water
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Improving the efficiency of water utilities and reducing water losses are becoming top priorities in Asia, with its often-limited water resources and rapidly increasing urban population. This publication provides an up-to-date introduction to the subject matter, highlights the complexity of managing non-revenue water (NRW), offers guidance on NRW assessment, and recommends appropriate performance indicators. It is, to a large extent, based on the work of the Water Loss Specialist Group of the International Water Association in the last decade, and is amply complemented by the authors' practical experiences in Asia and in other countries around the world.


Rudolf Frauendorfer. The Issues and Challenges of Reducing Non-Revenue Water


Tables, Figures, and Boxes





Non-Revenue Water: Definition, Terminology, and Approach

Non-Revenue Water Estimates for Asia

Non-Revenue Water Impact on Water Utility Efficiency

Non-Revenue Water Impact on Customers

Non-Revenue Water and the Urban Poor

The Importance of Establishing a Water Balance

What You Should Know about Physical Losses

What You Should Know about Leakage Reduction

What You Should Know about Commercial Losses

The Need for Appropriate Performance Indicators

Addressing Community Behavior

Outsourcing of Non-Revenue Water Management Activities

The Future

Annex 1: Water Balance Definitions

Annex 2: List of Key Publications

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The Issues and Challenges of Reducing Non-Revenue Water

Rudolf Frauendorfer


Expanding water networks without addressing water losses will only lead to a cycle of waste and inefficiency

For many cities, reducing NRW should be the first option to pursue when addressing low service coverage levels and increased demand for piped water supply. Expanding water networks without addressing water losses will only lead to a cycle of waste and inefficiency. Also, a high rate of NRW is closely related to poor energy efficiency, since water transported in networks is “loaded” with energy through the distribution and treatment processes. Thus, energy is lost along with the water. Therefore, reducing NRW is important to overall efficiency and financial sustainability, since it provides additional revenues and reduces costs.


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