Radical Grace

Radical Grace
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

This volume brings together for the first time the writings of Charles Wesley on the theme of justice for the poor and marginalized, drawing upon his sermons, manuscript journal, poetry, and a few letters. Most of his poems/hymns that address poverty and justice were left unpublished at his death. The author studies the theology of these texts for the first time in relation to relevant themes in his sermons, manuscript journal, and letters, and evaluates it in the light of its application and implementation in the eighteenth century and its viability for the twenty-first-century church and Christian. Charles's views of how Christians may «use divine grace divine» in seeking justice for the poor are indeed radical, for they advocate behavior that is often quite contrary to what is generally accepted as Christian practice. This volume makes clear that the radical grace he espouses is consistent with Holy Scripture and should indeed be practiced by Christians today.
The liturgies and musical settings of some of the hymn texts that address the poor and marginalized at the end of the volume provide a pragmatic means for the worshipping community to integrate the principles of radical grace into their theology and praxis.


S T Kimbrough. Radical Grace

Radical Grace

Foreword: Poetry and the Poor




I. The Sermons

II. The Manuscript Journal

III. Poetry

IV. The Church’s Response to Radical Grace

V. Worship Resources for a Theology of Radical Grace1



Index of Personal Names

Index of Scripture References

Subject Index

Отрывок из книги

Justice for the Poor and Marginalized

Charles Wesley’s Views for


Charles says something very interesting about almsgiving, namely, there is a sense of priority that should dominate one’s charity. One should not think of doing something for someone else per se; rather, all acts of charity should be done as unto God. He states it this way:

Indeed whenever you do an alms, you should do it unto the Lord and not unto man. You should see and revere your Saviour in every poor man you ease, and be as ready to relieve him as you would to relieve Christ himself.


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