Купить книгу «Clarissa IV» (Ричардсон Сэмюэл) в Интернет-магазине My-shop.ru. Низкая цена, доставка курьером и почтой, самовывоз.
Samuel Richardson (1689—1761) was an English writer, best known for his epistolary novels. He also worked as an established publisher who printed almost 500 different books and magazines. Regarded by many as a masterpiece, the novel "Clarissa; or, the History of a Young Lady" tells the story of a young woman named Clarissa Harlowe, whose way to happiness is constantly endangered by her own family.
Реклама. ООО "Магазин книг", ИНН: 9725076959, erid: 4CQwVszL76wuPqttfFA.