Five human children, a meerkat from outer space and an alien octopus– <br/ > Against evil tyrants, a thieving elf, Egyptian werewolves and the most powerful corporation in the galaxy. <br/ ><br/ >What’s a girl to do?
Sarah Nicole Nadler. Space Patrol!
The Grumpy Captain
Pirate Ship
Mrs. Phelps
The Earthling
The Patrolman
Lissa Aboard
Captain Lissa Phelps
Octavian Stubergott III
The Meeting
The Vote
What Mr. Piff Did
To Sail the Stars
Jeropul Bazaar
Blueberry Solution
Kiera of Coria
Cle-zea ab Dul
3rd Patrolship
Doing What Matters
Justice for Will
Space Station 42
Filbert Jones
Universe Co
Filbert's Last Day
Star Stuff
Keeping up with the Jones
Never Before In Earth History..
Отрывок из книги
Lissa Phelps awoke with the sun coming in through a crack between her curtains. It splayed across her white sheets in a glow of warmth and welcoming, but she wrinkled her nose and tried to sink back into blank oblivion. Just as the present deleted from her mind and she felt a dream touching the corners of her consciousness, Stephanie’s alarm went off.
With a wailing complaint at this injustice, Lissa sat up in bed and looked imploringly at her dorm mate’s unmoving figure across the room.
“Hold it,” Piff said. Lissa winced. Had he seen her?